hashicorp / terraform

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
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for_each attribute for creating multiple resources based on a map #17179

Closed mirogta closed 5 years ago

mirogta commented 6 years ago


We are missing a better support for loops which would be based on keys, not on indexes.

Below is an example of the problem we currently have and would like Terraform to address:

As you can guess, if we e.g. remove the first item from the hash, Terraform would not see that as a removal of the first resource (index 0), but rather removal of the last resource (index 2) and a related unexpected change of all the other resources (old index 1 becomes new index 0, old index 2 becomes new index 1).

Unfortunately this can also cause Azure provider to fail, because it may get into a conflict where an actual resource (old index 1) still exists in Azure, but Terraform now tries to modify the actual resource (old index 0) to have the same properties, but that is not possible (e.g. NSG priority and port have to be unique).

I've shown an example with 3 rules, but in reality we can have 50 rules and the tf file is 5x longer and more difficult to manage with individual resources compared to using a hash.

We would like to use hashes in Terraform in such a way that a position of an element inside a hash doesn't matter. That's why many other languages provide two ways of looping - by index (e.g. for i=0; i<list.length;i++) and by key (foreach key in list).

I'm sure that smart guys like you can figure out how to make this work in Terraform.


DavidGamba commented 5 years ago

Mitchel had a twitter thread from someone that asked about it (https://twitter.com/_pczora/status/1145658448274759680). He mentioned a WIP PR: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/21922 No ETA though. The design of the feature was described here: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-terraform-0-12-preview-for-and-for-each I am waiting for it myself. Hope this information helps.

bentterp commented 5 years ago

Recent activity in the PR, so I'm hopeful. This is very much something that would make our work easier and our implementations much more robust. Fingers crossed!

ViggyNash commented 5 years ago

I wish there was some documentation to indicate to users that count should not be used dynamically. I've had to refactor a a chunk of my code and throw out another project that would have relied on that after discovering the count issue.

lorengordon commented 5 years ago

@ViggyNash As with so many docs, the explanation is there, it just needs to be read carefully and probably doesn't make a lot of sense until it bites you. :/

The count meta-argument accepts expressions in its value, similar to the resource-type-specific arguments for a resource. However, Terraform must interpret the count argument before any actions are taken from remote resources, and so (unlike the resource-type-specifc arguments) the count expressions may not refer to any resource attributes that are not known until after a configuration is applied, such as a unique id generated by the remote API when an object is created.

Note that the separate resource instances created by count are still identified by their index, and not by the string values in the given list. This means that if an element is removed from the middle of the list, all of the indexed instances after it will see their subnet_id values change, which will cause more remote object changes than were probably intended. The practice of generating multiple instances from lists should be used sparingly, and with due care given to what will happen if the list is changed later.


tmccombs commented 5 years ago

Is there anything I could do to help get this feature added or the PR merged?

pselle commented 5 years ago

@tmccombs Thank you for the kind offer!

We are indeed prioritizing this for a near release of Terraform, at which point I'd say the best way to help is to use it and help us find bugs that will inevitably show up in the first pass of the feature (you could do this now, by building the active PR; it would help me best if anything you find you comment on the PR itself).

bentterp commented 5 years ago

for_each fails for me when using a local variable map more details in the PR

ghost commented 5 years ago

I have a question regarding "count" vs "for". I am experiencing all the issues discussed here, too. But my design was planned to have something like

module "zookeepers" {
  source      = "../modules/virtual-machine"
  vm_count    = var.zk_count
  datadisks = [
      id   = 0
      type = "Standard_LRS"
      size = "128"
      id   = 1
      type = "Standard_LRS"
      size = "128"

wich means I would need to maintain a two-dimensional array of count and length(var.datadisks). PLaying with DIV and MOD tricks doesn't work since disks would get reshuffled on count change. Any chance to get this done with the new approach?

simonbirtles commented 5 years ago

Using TF 0.12.4 this is how I am dealing with disks with a vsphere_virtual_machine with dynamic disks without relying on indexing with count.

The vsphere_virtual_machine machine resource has the following disk configuration:

  # Data disks #'s 1-...
  # disk.tag and disk.value available on each loop
  dynamic "disk" {
    for_each = [for data_disk in var.disks : {
      disk_unit_number = data_disk.unit_number
      disk_label       = format("disk%d", data_disk.unit_number)
      disk_size        = data_disk.size
      if data_disk.unit_number != 0

    content {
      unit_number      = disk.value.disk_unit_number
      label            = disk.value.disk_label
      size             = disk.value.disk_size
      eagerly_scrub    = false
      thin_provisioned = true
      keep_on_remove   = false

The variables come from a file specific to the virtual machine similar to what you have above:

"module": [
      "vm_id...": {
      "source": "......",
      "disks": [
                "unit_number": 0,
                "size": "60"
                "unit_number": 1,
                "size": "120"
                "unit_number": 2,
                "size": "100"
                "unit_number": 3,
                "size": "100"
                "unit_number": 4,
                "size": "100"

Note: I exclude disk 0 as its part of our image but we have the disk in the server spec file for completness, hence the skipping on disk 0 in the dynamic loop.

ghost commented 5 years ago

thanks @simonbirtles I get the idea. Would you create the vm's based on that script, too? I just wonder how to convet the machine list entries intro resource commands...

simonbirtles commented 5 years ago

Hi @desixma ,

If I understand correctly I will briefly describe our workflow....

We have a workflow which starts with a file per resource (i.e. vm) which is our own DDL spec which contains all details required for a virtual machine (vm specific, configuration and software), each file is converted using a j2 template into a terraform config file per resource/vm which contains the module config with variables as I showed in the second snippet. These files (per vm) and a basic main/var/output.tf files for the full terraform configuration.

The files above import a generic module for a vmware virtual machine, the first snippet is part of a generic vmware vm resource which is imported by each terraform config file (file per vm).

From what I see, I think your approach is fine, you would need to have seperate modules for zookeeper1, zookeeper2, ... of course and add in the 2nd snippet I provided into your module ../modules/virtual-machine with some adjustment of var names etc.

TF does not yet support dynamic resources so I create a module per vm and import the generic module which is the usual approach I would say. Once the feature being discussed here is available we "hopefully" can move away from different modules.

Hope that helps.

ghost commented 5 years ago

ah I see. Thanks for the clarification

cyrus-mc commented 4 years ago

How do you access all resources when using for_each.

For example I have the following:

# create required policies
resource "aws_iam_policy" "main" {
  for_each = var.policies

  name = each.key
  path = lookup(each.value, "path", "/")

  policy = templatefile("${var.policies_dir}/${lookup(each.value, "template", each.key)}.tmpl",
                        lookup(each.value, "vars", {}))

Prior to this I just used count on a list and then could perform the following:

  /* create a map with key = policy name and value being the policy arn */
  policy_name_arn_mapping = zipmap(aws_iam_policy.main.*.name, aws_iam_policy.main.*.arn)

With for_each I get

Error: Unsupported attribute

  on ../variables.tf line 11, in locals:
  11:   policy_name_arn_mapping = zipmap(aws_iam_policy.main[*].name, aws_iam_policy.main[*].arn)

This object does not have an attribute named "name".

Error: Unsupported attribute

  on ../variables.tf line 11, in locals:
  11:   policy_name_arn_mapping = zipmap(aws_iam_policy.main[*].name, aws_iam_policy.main[*].arn)

This object does not have an attribute named "arn".
tmccombs commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, HCL's splat syntax only supports lists (perhaprs that should be changed in the upstream hcl project?).

You can still access all of them by using the values function to convert the values to a list. for example:

/* create a map with key = policy name and value being the policy arn */
  policy_name_arn_mapping = zipmap(values(aws_iam_policy.main)[*].name, values(aws_iam_policy.main)[*].arn)

Although in this case it might be better just to use a for_each comrehension such as:

{for name, policy in aws_iam_policy.main: name => policy.arn}
timota commented 4 years ago

How dynamically we can create such map , so it can be passed to for_each within resource block

  disk_by_inst = {
    first-1 = {
      type = "gp2"
      size = 10
    first-2 = {
      type = "io2"
      size = 20
    second-1 = {
      type = "ght"
      size = 30
    second-2 = {
      type = "gp2"
      size = 40

input params:

variable "instances_id" {
  default = ["first", "second", "third"]

variable "disks" {
  type        = list(map(string))
  default     = []


disks = [
    size = 50
    iops = 100
    size = 10

i tried different methods, but no luck. the closest is

  sum = {
    for s in var.instances_id :
    "${s}-vol-${local.counter + 1}" => { for k, v in var.disks : k => v }

which gives this output

out = {
  "first-vol-1" = {
    "0" = {
      "size" = "50"
    "1" = {
      "iops" = "100"
      "size" = "10"
  "second-vol-1" = {
    "0" = {
      "size" = "50"
    "1" = {
      "iops" = "100"
      "size" = "10"
  "third-vol-1" = {
    "0" = {
      "size" = "50"
    "1" = {
      "iops" = "100"
      "size" = "10"
OJFord commented 4 years ago

@timota It's not very clear to me what your desired output is, but if it's that:

"<nth>-vol-<i>" = {
  "0" = {...}
  "1" = {...}

should instead have only the 0 or 1 block corresponding to i - 1, then you need to change:

{ for k, v in var.disks : k => v }



(but that local.counter's not going to change in the loop, so you're only going to get *-vol-1.)

timota commented 4 years ago

ahg sorry.

my goal is to get this map

    <inst-01a-vol-01> = {...}
    <inst-01a-vol-02> = {...}
    <inst-02a-vol-01> = {...}
    <inst-02a-vol-02> = {...}

so i can use keys (inst-xxx-vol-xxx) in for_each for resource to create named resources

OJFord commented 4 years ago

@timota I think you want something like:

  for instdisk in setproduct(var.instance_ids, var.disks)
  : "inst-${index(var.instance_ids, instdisk[0])}-vol-${index(var.disks, instdisk[1])}"
  => instdisk[1]

(but note I haven't tested it!)

This is quite a good of where an 'enumerate' function would be helpful (#21940).

timota commented 4 years ago

cool, thanks. will test and let you know

timota commented 4 years ago

it works like a charm

Many thanks.

Hatsou commented 4 years ago

Hi guys im currently try to create dynamically data disk for some virtual machines. The creation of data disk. For exemple : I want to create 2 VM with 3 data disks so the expected result for the name of data disks is : DD01-VM-1 DD02-VM-1 DD03-VM-1 DD01-VM-2 DD02-VM-2 DD03-VM-2 I use the following code :

Creation of data disks

resource "azurerm_managed_disk" "MyDataDiskVm" {
  count                = "${var.nb_data_disk * var.nb_vms}"
  name = "${format("DD%02d", (count.index % var.nb_data_disk) +1)}-VM-${var.vm_name_suffix}${format("%d", floor((count.index / var.nb_data_disk) +1))}"
  location             = "${var.location}"
  resource_group_name  = "${var.resource_group_name}"
  storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
  disk_size_gb         = "${var.data_disk_size_gb}"
  create_option        = "Empty"
  depends_on = ["azurerm_virtual_machine.MyVms"]

Attach the created data disk to virtual machine

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment" "MyDataDiskVmAttach" {
  count              = "${var.nb_data_disk * var.nb_vms}"
  managed_disk_id    = "${azurerm_managed_disk.MyDataDiskVm.*.id[count.index]}"
  virtual_machine_id = "${azurerm_virtual_machine.MyVms.*.id[ceil((count.index +1) * 1.0 / var.nb_data_disk) -1]}"
  lun                = "${count.index % var.nb_data_disk}"
  caching            = "ReadWrite"
  create_option      = "Attach"
  depends_on         = ["azurerm_managed_disk.MyDataDiskVm"]

Everything works fine, datadisks are created with the right name is correctly attached to vm but once i restart an "apply" Terraform wants to change the id of the datadisks and therefore destroy and recreate it..

-/+ azurerm_managed_disk.MyDataDiskVm[0] (new resource required)

Im using Terraform v0.11.11.

Do you know where the error may come from or is it possible to dynamically create data disks with an "for each" with the azurerm provider ?

Thx for your feedback

neelam-007 commented 4 years ago

Hi Guys,

I need to dynamically generate an entire resource block based on a map. So, in one file, I need something like the following, repeated for each.value:

variable "my_map" {
  type = "map"
  default = {
    key1 = "key1val",
    key2 = "key2val"
# do the following for each entry in my_map
resource "vault_policy" "${each.key}-admin" {
  path "ab/cd/ef/${each.value}" {
    capabilities = ["list"]
  path "gh/ij/kl/${each.value}" {
    capabilities = ["list", read"]

How can I achieve this for_each? So far what I've tried is not working. Note that I've successfully generated one single resource block with a bunch of path definitions based on a map, but I don't exactly know what the syntax should look like for generating repeated resource blocks.

Thanks for feedback/help.

pselle commented 4 years ago

Hi friends! While I appreciate seeing folks help each other, please use the community forums to ask questions, and help future people who are asking similar questions. Thank you!

sanzen193 commented 4 years ago

Hi All,

I am using a for_each to assign a new network to each VM that I create

data "vsphere_network" "network1" { count = var.VMcount name = "${var.network_name1}-${format("%02d", count.index + var.start_index)}" datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id }

data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "template" { name = var.disk_template datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id }




resource "vsphere_folder" "chefinfra" { datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id path = var.vmfolder type = var.vsphere_folder_type }

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "tfvm" { for_each = {for net in data.vsphere_network.network1:net.id => net}

datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_resource_pool.pool.id

count = var.VMcount

name = "${var.vmname}${format("%02d", each.name + var.start_index)}" annotation = var.tfvm_annotation folder = vsphere_folder.chefinfra.path hv_mode = var.hv_mode nested_hv_enabled = var.nested_hv_enabled num_cpus = var.cpu num_cores_per_socket = var.cpu cpu_hot_add_enabled = true cpu_hot_remove_enabled = true memory = var.memory memory_hot_add_enabled = true guest_id = var.guest_id scsi_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.scsi_type wait_for_guest_net_timeout = var.guest_net_timeout

unfortunately since I am using v0.12.6, I cannot use the count.index to dynamically name my VMs - since I have the for_each. What is the alternative to create VM names dynamically while in a for_each? The VM names need to increment by 1. Thanks in advance