hashicorp / terraform

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
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terraform state split #17675

Open FernandoMiguel opened 6 years ago

FernandoMiguel commented 6 years ago

I would like to start discussion on adding a new terraform state command that would allow users to split statefiles into new smaller statefiles

the idea is that when a statefile grows too big, TF could manage to split those resources , moving some resources to a new statefile (and maybe update the corresponding backend ? )

Is this something terraform core could do in the future?

apparentlymart commented 6 years ago

Hi @FernandoMiguel! Thanks for starting this discussion.

This definitely seems like a good feature. The challenge, as I'm sure you can imagine, is in figuring out what is the right workflow/UX for it, since operations like this don't fit into some of the usual assumptions that the CLI commands make:

I think there is a plausible design to be found here, but we'll need to spend some time designing and prototyping to figure out what makes sense. Since our focus is elsewhere at the time of writing (on the configuration language) I'm going to label this to remind us to look at it in more detail in the future.

In the mean time it's possible to achieve some refactoring use-cases using the terraform state mv plumbing command. Its interface is somewhat clumsy due to the above constraints, but you can use it to move a single resource or an entire module into a new file:

$ terraform state mv -state-out=new.tfstate module.example module.example

The main limitation here is that this is a one-shot command that can only operate on one addressable object at a time, and so it's not well-suited to complex, multi-step refactoring tasks.

FernandoMiguel commented 6 years ago

thanks for taking this into consideration. let's hope the future brings this to a finished implementation

jcogilvie commented 2 years ago

Since this is 4 years old: are there any new, similar issues still under consideration? I would very much like to see a way to split state or move objects between remote state files.

arturtamborski commented 2 years ago

Since this command isn't implemented, but the needs are still there, here's a short description of how I did it recently in a somewhat automated way using existing terraform commands (tested on terraform ver: 1.2.6).


High level overview of the steps:

  1. Pull state to local file and reconfigure backend to use the local file
  2. Determine a list of resources to migrate by it's full path (module.name.aws_something.this etc) and save it to some file
  3. Create a new directory, move tf files with resources you want to migrate there and initialize it with empty local state file.
  4. Run a loop over each resource: cat $resources.txt | while read -r resource; do terraform state mv -state-out=new.tfstate "$resource" "$resource"; done. Do not use parallel or xargs - you will break JSON structure, this has to be done one-by-one. Take your time.
  5. Move the new state file to new directory with tf files describing the resources in state files.
  6. plan to see if all no difference is found (-> split is ok) or if some resources are missing/would be created (-> not everything was moved correctly).
  7. change backend to s3 (or other preferred) and reconfigure backend to upload the state
  8. done :)
LyleHenkeman commented 1 year ago

This would be so handy to have as a feature!

daroga0002 commented 1 year ago

Currently terraform split file looks as on https://support.hashicorp.com/hc/en-us/articles/7955227415059-How-to-Split-State-Files

but I see huge business case which can be very important.

We use a terraform to create primary and disaster recovery environment by defining second provider to other AWS region. It would be nice to have possibility to automatically split a state based on provider. This will be very crucial in case if one region of AWS will go down we still want to have management on secondary region

tareksamni commented 1 year ago

You could also use terraform-state-split cli which helps a lot with the process in big scale projects.


Demo: https://asciinema.org/a/qqF2E5Uz2ybwzhJdMpuufzblu


brew tap shebang-labs/tap
brew install terraform-state-split
marco-m-pix4d commented 7 months ago

Another tool capable of splitting one Terraform root module in two (split after and split before) is https://github.com/pix4D/terravalet (by me).