hashicorp / terraform

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
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Provider Removed Attributes Causing "data could not be decoded from the state: unsupported attribute" Error #25752

Closed bflad closed 4 years ago

bflad commented 4 years ago

Terraform Version


Although its also being reported with v0.12.29.

Terraform Configuration Files


terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "2.70.0"

  required_version = "0.13.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-2"

module "test" {
  source = "./testmodule"

output "region" {
  value = module.test.region_name


data "aws_region" "current" {}

output "region_name" {
  value = data.aws_region.current.name

Debug Output

Please ask if you need it.

Expected Behavior

Since there are no references to any removed attributes, no errors after upgrading the provider.

Actual Behavior

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

  on testmodule/main.tf line 1:
   1: data "aws_region" "current" {}

Instance module.test.data.aws_region.current data could not be decoded from
the state: unsupported attribute "current".

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform apply
  3. Change version = "2.70.0" to version = "3.0.0"
  4. terraform init
  5. terraform apply


jbardin commented 4 years ago

Thanks @bflad,

I located the problem with data sources in 0.13, but I'm not certain where the failure reported for managed resources would come from. I assume the failure with a managed resources would be the similar for 0.13 and 0.12, but I haven't been able to replicate with either version yet.

jbardin commented 4 years ago

It looks like some of the reports aren't valid, as they may be actually referencing attributes that were removed in 3.0.0, e.g. https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/14431#issuecomment-667560612

I think the incoming PR should cover the cases seen here, but can re-evaluate if there is a reproduction with a managed resource too.

phyber commented 4 years ago

I'm not certain where the failure reported for managed resources would come from.

This probably doesn't help, but I get this failure with managed resources, specifically aws_iam_access_key, and aws_route53_zone. I use both of these resources with a for_each loop to create multiple instances of them with varying parameters.

The aws_iam_access_key resource complains about the ses_smtp_password attribute, while the aws_route53_zone resource complains about the vpc_id attribute. I have never used these parameters on these resources. I don't use SES at all and the Route53 zones exist in an account that doesn't make use of VPCs (it's exclusively for use by Route53).

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

  on modules/backups/iam_user.tf line 27:
  27: resource aws_iam_access_key access {

Instance module.backups.aws_iam_access_key.access["user-example-org"] data
could not be decoded from the state: unsupported attribute

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

  on modules/zones/zone.tf line 1:
   1: resource aws_route53_zone zone {

Instance module.zones.aws_route53_zone.zone["example.org"] data could not be
decoded from the state: unsupported attribute "vpc_id".

In the case of both resources, there are also output that depends on them, however, I do not reference either of the attributes that are causing trouble. Each of these output do perform a for loop to access other attributes on the resources.

# For example
output name_servers {
  description = "name_servers of the created zones"
  value       = {
    for zone in aws_route53_zone.zone:
    zone.name => zone.name_servers

Terraform 0.12.29 with AWS provider 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 does not exhibit this behaviour, Terraform 0.13.0 (release and RC) with AWS provider 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 does. At this time, it looks like this completely blocks upgrading to Terraform 0.13.0 for users in this situation.

Edit: I've just noticed that this also breaks terraform state show.

$ terraform state show 'module.zones.aws_route53_zone.zone["example.org"]'
unsupported attribute "vpc_id"
# module.zones.aws_route53_zone.zone["example.org"]:
resource "aws_route53_zone" "zone" {

There is no more output shown after the {.

chathsuom commented 4 years ago

Same happens.

terraform state show data.aws_availability_zones.azs
unsupported attribute "blacklisted_names"
# data.aws_availability_zones.azs:
data "aws_availability_zones" "azs" {
khaledavarteq commented 4 years ago
terraform state show data.aws_availability_zones.azs
unsupported attribute "blacklisted_names"
# data.aws_availability_zones.azs:
data "aws_availability_zones" "azs" {

I, too, had an issue after upgrading to v0.13.0 with a data source for aws/aws_availability_zones. I solved it by removing references to the data source, then executing terraform plan and finally re-adding the reference to the data source. After that, I had no more issues using terraform plan or terraform show.

rymancl commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing this with data source aws/aws_iam_role on Terraform v0.13.0 and AWS provider v3.1.0.

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

  on .terraform/modules/my-module/main.tf line 158:
 158: data "aws_iam_role" "my-role" {

module.my-module.data.aws_iam_role.my-role data
could not be decoded from the state: unsupported attribute

That attribute is not referenced. my-module/main.tf line 158:

data "aws_iam_role" "my-role" {
  name = var.my-role-name

This is in a common module repository so removing reference to the data source and adding it back isn't an option.

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

The issue is with the state, not with the .tf files. I encountered a bunch of such messages today while working on a relatively big project and the working solution was to manually remove all deprecated or removed attributes from the state file. Once they all were gone, terraform plan worked normally again.

SJM-J2 commented 4 years ago

We also ran into this yesterday. The combination of 0.13 + 3.0.0/3.1.0 aws provider gives us this (one of many we ran into)

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

on ../../tf_modules/api_gateway_resource/api_gateway_resource.tf line 51:
51: resource "aws_api_gateway_method" "this_method" {

Instance module.api_resource_history.aws_api_gateway_method.this_method["ANY"]
data could not be decoded from the state: unsupported attribute

We have not now, nor ever, used the 'request_parameters_in_json' attribute. We also testing deploying anew stack, upgrading version, and then running a "terraform plan" against that new stack and get the same error.

I understand deprecated/removed attributes, but we can't remove ones we never used.

Additionally, we have also seen the same behavior @phyber noted with regard to 'terraform show' (Ran into it trying to troubleshoot)

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

We also ran into this yesterday. The combination of 0.13 + 3.0.0/3.1.0 aws provider gives us this (one of many we ran into)

Error: Invalid resource instance data in state

on ../../tf_modules/api_gateway_resource/api_gateway_resource.tf line 51:
51: resource "aws_api_gateway_method" "this_method" {

Instance module.api_resource_history.aws_api_gateway_method.this_method["ANY"]
data could not be decoded from the state: unsupported attribute

We have not now, nor ever, used the 'request_parameters_in_json' attribute. We also testing deploying anew stack, upgrading version, and then running a "terraform plan" against that new stack and get the same error.

I understand deprecated/removed attributes, but we can't remove ones we never used.

Additionally, we have also seen the same behavior @phyber noted with regard to 'terraform show' (Ran into it trying to troubleshoot)

You can, since they are in the state file ...

mimozell commented 4 years ago

You shouldn't need to edit the state manually though...

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

You shouldn't need to edit the state manually though...

I don't like the manual editing as well, but it is the only thing that worked. Also, if the state is in the versioned bucket, one can always roll back ...

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

Of course, ideally, terraform itself should just be able to remove the deprecated or removed attributes, since they don't provide any meaning anymore, instead of throwing errors.

SJM-J2 commented 4 years ago

Editing state manually isn't a "solution". Not only is that overwhelmingly a "hack", but I would have to do that across potentially hundreds or even thousands of stacks.

And rolling back to a previous version doesn't solve the problem, since the issue is caused by Terraform inserting null values for unused params in the state file. Now that those params have been deprecated/removed, it is complaining about them being in the state. Problem is Terraform is the one that put them there on its own.

There needs to be some way created to gracefully handle these unknown values, maybe an override/ignore flag, so that we can upgrade and continue to carry currently resources forward.

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

I am not saying that the manual editing of the state file as the way it should be done in future, just a quick fix or hack if you want to be able to continue. Of course, it is not great if you have 1000 of stacks, but then one could create a program or a script to do so. Or to wait for Terraform itself to fix this.

Luwdo commented 4 years ago

Yeah, ok so the only real solution other then rolling back is to do something like this:

terraform state pull >> state.json

then edit that json to remove the now removed attributes from being managed.

You will have to manually increment the "serial": [number], at the top of that json file so terraform knows you are incrementing the state.

Luckily there is a some validation on the terraform state push command so when you do a:

terraform state push state.json

It shouldn't let you break your remote state.

If your state is massive it can be very tedious, I would recommend if you are running any regex find/replace to save a copy and do a diff to verify the changes, also then you have a copy of the original state to fall back to.

Luckily our terraform repos make heavy use of terraform_remote_state to break our state into small manageable pieces, which is read only. So far it has not been an issue using terraform_remote_state with a .13 binary from a .12 managed state backend. So we can make fixes incrementally.

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, ok so the only real solution other then rolling back is to do something like this:

terraform state pull >> state.json

then edit that json to remove the now removed attributes from being managed.

You will have to manually increment the "serial": [number], at the top of that json file so terraform knows you are incrementing the state.

Luckily there is a some validation on the terraform state push command so when you do a:

terraform state push state.json

It shouldn't let you break your remote state.

If you state is massive it can be very tedious, I would recommend if you are running any regex find/replace to save a copy and do a diff to verify the changes, also then you have a copy of the original state to fall back to.

Luckily our terraform repos make heavy use of terraform_remote_state to break our state into small manageable pieces, which is read only and so far has not been an issue to read remote state using a .13 binary to get remote state from a .12 managed state. So we can make fixes incrementally.

That is quite similar to what I've done. We will see how many more downvotes the suggestions of editing the state will get from the purists here ...

Luwdo commented 4 years ago

I agree this should probably be handled more programaticly via an option within the 0.13upgrade command or maybe some other more safe state manipulation/fix cli commands that would allow attribute fixing.

But at the end of the day, if you are upgrading or began upgrading and going back is more of an unknown then going forward then you gotta be pragmatic about the tools you have. Manual state manipulation on a large scale is defiantly bad practice under normal operational conditions, but this is a bug.

konstl000 commented 4 years ago

I agree this should probably be handled more programaticly via an option within the 0.13upgrade command or maybe some other more safe state manipulation/fix cli commands that would allow attribute fixing.

But at the end of the day, if you are upgrading or began upgrading and going back is more of an unknown then going forward then you gotta be pragmatic about the tools you have. Manual state manipulation on a large scale is defiantly bad practice under normal operational conditions, but this is a bug.

Exactly my thoughts too

SJM-J2 commented 4 years ago

I agree this should probably be handled more programaticly via an option within the 0.13upgrade command or maybe some other more safe state manipulation/fix cli commands that would allow attribute fixing. But at the end of the day, if you are upgrading or began upgrading and going back is more of an unknown then going forward then you gotta be pragmatic about the tools you have. Manual state manipulation on a large scale is defiantly bad practice under normal operational conditions, but this is a bug.

Exactly my thoughts too

I second this.

I understand there are a few ways to Houdini my way around the issue, and I genuinely appreciate the suggestions.

However, that said, I'm in a regulated industry with audited pipelines and workflows...editing the state in production is a non-starter for us. We ran into this error in dev pipelines that automatically test with latest tools. For now, we were able to rollback and pin versions. But we need a better go-forward plan than what is currently available. As it stands, I would most certainly consider this a bug, and a total blocker to upgrading.

garbagemule commented 4 years ago

@Luwdo Thank you for providing a concrete guide to updating the state files manually. It helped me fix my issues, and I can now get on with my work. Not everyone has the same affinity with these tools - or the time to acquire it - and having some actual, concrete, helpful guidance to go by is sometimes enough to help non-power users pop open the hood for the first time. A little hand-holding is often a lot more constructive than blanket "just fix it" statements, so thanks again :)

brucedvgw commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think this should be closed. I have the same issue with 0.13.0 with the latest aws provider attributes not updating terraform state.

An example: the aws_region resource has an attribute (pre 3.2.0) "current", however the latest version does not have this value.

This results in the below error:

data "aws_region" "current" {}

Instance data.aws_region.current data could not be decoded
from the state: unsupported attribute "current".

Updating state manually to work around this should not be a solution.

eduardopuente commented 4 years ago

Those having issues and do not want to modify the state manually, follow the next steps to rollback:

notnmeyer commented 4 years ago

@brucedvgw this was closed by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/25779 because was a fix was merged to master—but its not in a release yet. subscribe to releases and watch the changelog to confirm when the bug fix lands in a release,


brucedvgw commented 4 years ago

Thanks @notnmeyer, I will keep an eye out for the release. In the meantime I have some fixing up to do. 🤞👍

julian-alarcon commented 4 years ago

BTW @eduardopuente , you have a typo, and a missing sudo in your command, it should be: sudo cp -R /usr/local/Cellar/terraform@0.12/0.12.29 /usr/local/Cellar/terraform/

0mnius commented 4 years ago

Those having issues and do not want to modify the state manually, follow the next steps to rollback:

  • Downgrade to terraform 0.12.29 *If using brew: brew install terraform@0.12 cp -R /usr/local/Cellar/terraform@0.12/0.12.29 /usr/local/Cellar/terraform/ brew switch terraform 0.12.29
  • Check that your versions.tf file uses version 0.12. Example: terraform { required_version = ">= 0.12" }
  • Run terraform init -reconfigure

Just wanted to recommend the tfswitch/ tgswitch (for terragrunt users) tools, it does all the legwork for you

mukta-puri commented 4 years ago

this solved the issue for me: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/25819#issuecomment-672939811

akindo commented 4 years ago

this solved the issue for me: #25819 (comment)

Amazing, for me too! 🎉 Had been trying to fix that pesky Using previously-installed -/aws v3.2.0 output message. The replace-provider option did both that and fix the "data could not be decoded from the state" error.

gentksb commented 4 years ago

this solved the issue for me: #25819 (comment)

it doesn't work for me...anyone else? it returned No matching resources found..

mohsinhijazee commented 4 years ago

This is also happening with the for cache_behavior and active_trusted_signers attributes for the aws_cloudfront_distribution resource types. It seems like a lot many attributes have been removed while state isn't upgraded via terraform 0.13upgrade (which only rewrites the source code at the moment) or should be subcommand of terraform state such as terraform state upgrade v0.13 etc.

mohsinhijazee commented 4 years ago

this solved the issue for me: #25819 (comment)

it doesn't work for me...anyone else? it returned No matching resources found..

May be try #25819 (comment)

AlienHoboken commented 4 years ago

If anyone still has this issue while waiting for the fix to be released I wrote a quick script to automate the state modification process. It pulls the state file, removes all usage of a specified attribute, and after you review will commit it back to your state.


The script depends on jq and should be run from your terraform workspace.

terraform_remove_attrs.sh remove [attribute_name] Pulls the state, removes all usage of the attribute, increments serial and then generates a diff for review. Example:

❯ ~/terraform_remove_attrs.sh remove request_parameters_in_json
Please review diff and run "terraform_remove_attrs.sh commit" to continue

<   "serial": 14,
>   "serial": 15,
<             "request_parameters_in_json": null,

terraform_remove_attrs.sh commit Pushes the changes back to your terraform state and removes the temporary files. Example:

❯ ~/terraform_remove_attrs.sh commit                                                                                                                                                    
Commiting state.new.json to workspace

Really not a fan of the manual state modification but this lets us use 0.13 while also taking care of this issue. Looking forward to the fix being released!

stellirin commented 4 years ago

For anyone else coming here after seeing similar errors, this is now fixed in release v0.13.1 🎉

dimisjim commented 4 years ago

@stellirin this is still an issue when trying to import a resource using 0.13.1 and aws provider 3.4...

rahuljainmck commented 4 years ago

This error fixed automatically for me using v0.13.2 :)

TylerBrock commented 4 years ago

FWIW it was also fixed for me using v0.13.1 (even though v0.13.2 is out)

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.

If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.