hashicorp / terraform

Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
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The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The 'true' value is set of dynamic, but the 'false' value is object. #31039

Open FernandoMiguel opened 2 years ago

FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago
$ terraform apply
│ Warning: Experimental feature "module_variable_optional_attrs" is active
│   on .terraform/modules/base_system.eks_blueprints_kubernetes_addons_karpenter.ondat/locals.tf line 2, in terraform:
│    2:   experiments = [module_variable_optional_attrs]
│ Experimental features are subject to breaking changes in future minor or patch releases, based on feedback.
│ If you have feedback on the design of this feature, please open a GitHub issue to discuss it.
│ (and 63 more similar warnings elsewhere)
│ Warning: Redundant ignore_changes element
│   on .terraform/modules/base_system/eks_addons.tf line 62, in resource "aws_eks_addon" "aws_eks_addons":
│   62: resource "aws_eks_addon" "aws_eks_addons" {
│ Adding an attribute name to ignore_changes tells Terraform to ignore future changes to the argument in configuration after the object has been created, retaining the value originally configured.
│ The attribute modified_at is decided by the provider alone and therefore there can be no configured value to compare with. Including this attribute in ignore_changes has no effect. Remove the attribute from ignore_changes to quiet this warning.
│ Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│   on .terraform/modules/base_system/otel-fargate-container-insights.tf line 15, in resource "kubectl_manifest" "otel_fargate_container_insights":
│   15:   for_each  = var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true ? toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents) : {}
│     ├────────────────
│     │ data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents will be known only after apply
│     │ var.fargate_create is a bool, known only after apply
│     │ var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled is a bool, known only after apply
│ The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The 'true' value is set of dynamic, but the 'false' value is object.

Terraform Version

$ terraform -v
Terraform v1.2.0-rc2
on darwin_arm64
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/gavinbunney/kubectl](http://registry.terraform.io/gavinbunney/kubectl) v1.14.0
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws) v4.13.0
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/cloudinit](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/cloudinit) v2.2.0
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/helm](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/helm) v2.5.1
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/kubernetes](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/kubernetes) v2.11.0
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/local](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/local) v2.2.2
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null) v3.1.1
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random) v3.1.3
+ provider [registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/time](http://registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/time) v0.7.2
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vault v3.5.0

Terraform Configuration Files

data "kubectl_path_documents" "otel_fargate_container_insights" {
  count   = var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true ? 1 : 0
  pattern = "${path.module}/charts/otel-fargate-container-insights/*.yaml"
  vars = {
    ClusterName        = data.aws_eks_cluster.this.id
    namespace          = var.otel_fargate_container_insights_namespace
    ServiceAccountName = var.otel_fargate_container_insights_service_account_name
    region             = var.aws_region

resource "kubectl_manifest" "otel_fargate_container_insights" {
  for_each  = var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true ? toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents) : {}
  yaml_body = each.value

  depends_on = [

works fine with

$ terraform -v
Terraform v1.1.9
on darwin_arm64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/gavinbunney/kubectl v1.14.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v4.13.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/cloudinit v2.2.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/helm v2.5.1
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/kubernetes v2.11.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/local v2.2.2
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null v3.1.1
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random v3.1.3
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/time v0.7.2
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vault v3.5.0
apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, @FernandoMiguel!

At first glance this seems like a correct error: your conditional expression is indeed defined to produce a set in one case but an empty object in another, and those types are not compatible.

Therefore I think our first step here would be to understand why this didn't return an error in v1.1.9. It suggests that there was some sort of bug in that previous version that is now fixed, so I think we will need to understand what that was to see what is a reasonable path forward here. We'll take a closer look at this soon.

Thanks again!

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

This one was a pretty interesting one to create a minimal reproduction for, because it seems that it's crucial that the set itself be unknown and of unknown type, leading to what this error message clumsily refers to as a "set of dynamic".

Therefore my reproduction case is pretty contrived and relies on some tricks to synthesize a similar result without relying on a Kubernetes server:

resource "null_resource" "example" {

locals {
  list = null_resource.example.id[*]
  set  = toset(local.list)
  pred = null_resource.example.id == "well well well"

  maybe = local.pred ? local.set : {}

Some notes about what's going on here:

With all of that said then, this sufficiently recreates the relevant situation to produce an equivalent error on Terraform v1.2.0-rc2:

│ Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│   on conditional-set-and-object.tf line 9, in locals:
│    9:   maybe = local.pred ? local.set : {}
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.pred is a bool, known only after apply
│     │ local.set is a set of dynamic, known only after apply
│ The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The
│ 'true' value is set of dynamic, but the 'false' value is object.

On Terraform v1.1.9 it succeeds during planning and during the subsequent apply step:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # null_resource.example will be created
  + resource "null_resource" "example" {
      + id = (known after apply)

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

null_resource.example: Creating...
null_resource.example: Creation complete after 0s [id=2603811441306929907]

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

We do typically consider it an improvement if an error that was previously detected only during apply were now detected during plan instead due to Terraform's analysis being more precise, but this one is concerning because somehow Terraform v1.1.9 wasn't even detecting this problem during the apply step, at which point Terraform should be able to clearly see that the true and false arms of the conditional are of incompatible types.

I don't yet know why Terraform v1.1.9 wasn't detecting this error, but hopefully the simpler reproduction case above will make it easier to dig in and get to the bottom of it.

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

One further thing I noticed is that even though the first terraform apply somehow ran to completion without errors with Terraform v1.1.9, if I immediately run terraform plan with Terraform v1.1.9 afterwards (so that there's now a prior state with null_resource.example in it) then it does fail as I would've expected:

null_resource.example: Refreshing state... [id=9049847589891101533]
│ Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│   on conditional-set-and-object.tf line 9, in locals:
│    9:   maybe = local.pred ? local.set : {}
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.pred is false
│     │ local.set is set of string with 1 element
│ The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The
│ given expressions are set of string and object, respectively.

(Notice that this is the old-style "Inconsistent conditional result types" message, where says "are set of string and object, respectively" instead of "The 'true' value is set of string, but the false value is object" as v1.2 would've produced.)

It is not clear to me at the moment why terraform apply failed to catch this error even though the subsequent plan caught it, given that the evaluation of the local value during apply ought to have been working with the same final state of null_resource.example as the subsequent plan is. :thinking:

(The "Refreshing state..." message did cause me to wonder if the refresh step was the key here, but sadly there's no difference in behavior when I do the subsequent plan with -refresh=false.)

alisdair commented 2 years ago

The change which resulted in this new behaviour is in #30879, where we corrected the conversion functions to cope with values of unknown type. This means that calling toset(…) with arguments of unknown type will now correctly return a set(dynamic) value, rather than the more general dynamic.

I've verified this by cherry-picking the commit from #30879 onto v1.1, which results in the same behaviour as the 1.2 branch.

To achieve the goal I think you're aiming for, the for_each expression here should be updated:

  for_each  = (
    var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true ?
    toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents) : 

That is, changing {} to toset([]). This should work as expected on both the 1.1 and 1.2 releases.

Based on our reproduction, we don't currently believe this is breaking previously-valid behaviour, as while the first apply succeeds, a subsequent plan will (correctly) error. If this is not the case, and you are relying on the previously buggy behaviour, please let us know more and we'll think further about how to move forward.

Thanks again for testing the release candidate and reporting the issue!

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

From looking closely at the TRACE logs for the apply step, I can see why terraform apply didn't catch this in v1.1.9:

2022-05-12T11:51:32.980-0700 [DEBUG] pruneUnusedNodes: local.maybe (expand) is no longer needed, removing
2022-05-12T11:51:32.980-0700 [DEBUG] pruneUnusedNodes: local.set (expand) is no longer needed, removing
2022-05-12T11:51:32.980-0700 [DEBUG] pruneUnusedNodes: local.pred (expand) is no longer needed, removing
2022-05-12T11:51:32.980-0700 [DEBUG] pruneUnusedNodes: local.list (expand) is no longer needed, removing

Since I used local values for my reproduction, that made them subject to pruning during the apply step and therefore Terraform didn't evaluate them at all. I expect the same would not apply to a resource for_each argument, because those lead to a side-effect and so cannot be safely pruned in this way.

(It's interesting to note that this pruning does appear to allow invalid local values to go undetected as long as they remain unknown until the apply step, which is concerning now that I see it, but is a different concern from what this issue is discussing. An unknown value that never gets used is an edge case anyway, so it's not super concerning but still something we might want to revisit and consider.)

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

I did try to reproduce this with for_each instead of a local value but ended up blocked by the usual error that for_each itself cannot be unknown:

│ Error: Invalid for_each argument
│   on conditional-set-and-object.tf line 14, in resource "null_resource" "another":
│   14:   for_each = local.maybe
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.maybe will be known only after apply
│ The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be
│ determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances
│ will be created. To work around this, use the -target argument to first
│ apply only the resources that the for_each depends on.

I find myself unsure about how to write a reproduction that involves for_each here. Even in the original report we can see that the conditional predicate was based on unknown values:

│   on .terraform/modules/base_system/otel-fargate-container-insights.tf line 15, in resource "kubectl_manifest" "otel_fargate_container_insights":
│   15:   for_each  = var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true ? toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents) : {}
│     ├────────────────
│     │ data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents will be known only after apply
│     │ var.fargate_create is a bool, known only after apply
│     │ var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled is a bool, known only after apply

...and so it seems like if the condition hadn't failed type checking then the for_each ought to have failed immediately anyway, because the result of a conditional with an unknown predicate is an unknown value of the conditional result type. (This is, incidentally, why Terraform requires the true and false result types to be the same.)

@FernandoMiguel, when you tried this with Terraform v1.1.9, did you do so in the same context as you tried v1.2.0-rc2? In particular, I'm wondering if you tried v1.2.0-rc2 in a situation where there was no prior state but you tried Terraform v1.1.9 in a situation where there was already a prior state, and therefore Terraform was able to decide a known answer for var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true in that case.

FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago

@FernandoMiguel, when you tried this with Terraform v1.1.9, did you do so in the same context as you tried v1.2.0-rc2? In particular, I'm wondering if you tried v1.2.0-rc2 in a situation where there was no prior state but you tried Terraform v1.1.9 in a situation where there was already a prior state, and therefore Terraform was able to decide a known answer for var.fargate_create == true && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled == true in that case.

all of my plans/applies were of real code with already existing states, and just by switching tfenv version to try to debug the issue between versions

FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago

After talking with @apparentlymart in slack , I ended up going with for_each = toset(var.karpenter-enabled == true ? toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.karpenter_provisioners[0].documents) : []) which feels far more readable than doing : toset([])

Still, I expect this change of behaviour to impact in some manner a large set of codebases that did not cast type prior.

although looking at https://github.com/search?l=&p=3&q=for_each++%3D+var.+%3A+%7B%7D+language%3AHCL+-dynamic+-toset&ref=advsearch&type=Code , that may not prove true my statement... oh well

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

@FernandoMiguel do you have a sense of why var.fargate_create was unknown when you tried with v1.2.0-rc2 but apparently known when you tried with v1.1.9? I'm assuming that must be the case because otherwise the plan would have failed with a different error under the older version. If you're not sure, it could perhaps help to see what expression you assigned to that variable in the calling module, so that I might at least try to write something comparable myself.

I'm trying to find a realistic reproduction of what you saw that I can run on my system (without access to your Kubernetes 😀) and it seems like exactly how you were running Terraform in each case may have made a difference here, but I'm not sure exactly what differed.


FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago

this is the code for it

variable "fargate_create" {
  description = "Controls if fargate resources should be created"
  type        = bool
  default     = false
  nullable    = false

I dont recall now, but there is a slight chance it was missing in the downstream module, and was added in between runs. hard to say now, since all was done locally and without commits

FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago

also, using nullable in case that has any impact

apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

Hi @FernandoMiguel! Thanks for sharing that.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear about what I was asking; I was actually hoping to see the assignment of an expression to that variable in the module block in the calling module -- the line like fargate_create = ... where ... is some expression to decide the value -- because I'd like to understand why exactly it was showing as unknown in the error message you shared back at the top of this discussion, so that I can try to recreate a comparable situation locally.

FernandoMiguel commented 2 years ago


variable "fargate_create" {
  description = "Controls if fargate resources should be created"
  type        = bool
  default     = false

module "base_system" {
  source = "/Users/fernando/work/TF-Modules/tf_modules_eks_base_system"

  vpc_tag                        = var.vpc_tag
  cluster_name                   = var.cluster_name
  fargate_create                 = var.fargate_create
  eks_managed_node_groups_create = var.eks_managed_node_groups_create


fargate_create                          = true


apparentlymart commented 2 years ago

Thanks for that extra context, @FernandoMiguel!

I'm not yet understanding how "var.fargate_create is a bool, known only after apply" in the original error message if it's just set to a fixed value in .tfvars like that. It seems like something else is going on here but I've not yet mustered enough imagination to know what to ask to find out what it is.

It does seem though like whatever is going on here is originating somewhere different than where the error message is appearing. Something elsewhere in your configuration seems to be causing Terraform to never evaluate this incorrect expression before, but it's now correctly validating it in v1.2.0. I don't think we yet have enough information to pursue a fix here, since it isn't clear where the problem is, but hopefully someone else will encounter a similar problem soon enough and maybe we'll have a second example to compare with and see what you both have in common, and thus hopefully narrow it down enough that we can have another attempt at a realistic reproduction case.

Thanks again!

bryantbiggs commented 2 years ago

to get around issues like this, you can re-write the expression to be a comprehension rather than a ternary

(Note: we can shorten var.fargate_create == true to simply var.fargate_create)

Ternary form:

for_each  = var.fargate_create && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled ? toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents) : {}

Comprehension form:

for_each  = {for k,v in toset(data.kubectl_path_documents.otel_fargate_container_insights[0].documents : k => v if var.fargate_create && var.otel_fargate_container_insights_enabled}

Note: I did not test the comprehension form but it looks like you might encounter a secondary error that would raise a The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply

albgus commented 1 year ago

In my opinion this validation seems very much like an anti-feature. It is yet another thing in Terraform which makes handling conditional values harder, and conditional handling in Terraform really is terrible already.

For instance I have a scenario where I conditionally try to set up replication with the https://registry.terraform.io/modules/terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws/latest module.

If I have a value that looks like this:

  replication_configuration = var.replication ? {
    role = aws_iam_role.replication[0].arn

    rules = [{ [...] }]
  } : null

This only works if replication is true, if var.replication is false, I get an error: Invalid value for "inputMap" parameter: argument must not be null..

So, let's have the false value be the same as the modules default value, which is: {}. Well then it fails because apparently Terraform does a deep comparison of the keys, resulting in the error: The 'true' value includes object attribute "role", which is absent in the 'false' value.

What makes it even worse is that the check is only performed if the conditional returns true. If I set var.replication to false it will not complain with false value set to {}. I do find it a bit funny that the Consistent conditional enforcement is in itself inconsistent.

Terraform version:

Terraform v1.3.9
on darwin_amd64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws v4.59.0
bryantbiggs commented 1 year ago


replication_configuration = {for k,v in {
    role = aws_iam_role.replication[0].arn
    rules = [{ [...] }]
  } : k => v if var.replication }
lra commented 9 months ago

We hit this issue regularly, and I saw the waiting for reproduction label on this issue, so here's a simple way to reproduce this:

locals {
  environment = "dev"
  services_with_postgresql = local.environment == "dev" ? {
    tools = {}
    big-tools = {
      shape = "PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4.64GB"
      configuration = {
        autovacuum               = 0
        effective_io_concurrency = 1
  } : {}

resource "terraform_data" "cluster" {
  for_each = local.services_with_postgresql
  input = {
    name  = each.key
    shape = lookup(each.value, "shape", "PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.2.32GB")

Running terraform validate:

│ Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
│   on test.tf line 3, in locals:
│    3:   services_with_postgresql = local.environment == "dev" ? {
│    4:     tools = {}
│    5:     big-tools = {
│    6:       shape = "PostgreSQL.VM.Standard.E4.Flex.4.64GB"
│    7:       configuration = {
│    8:         autovacuum               = 0
│    9:         effective_io_concurrency = 1
│   10:       }
│   11:     }
│   12:   } : {}
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.environment is "dev"
│ The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The 'true' value includes object attribute "big-tools", which is absent in the 'false' value.

I'm using:

Terraform v1.6.5
on darwin_arm64

Hope this helps.

fabio-s-franco commented 6 months ago

Sorry in advance for jumping in the bandwagon, but I tend to agree that conditional handling experience in terraform is quite bad. I'd say maybe it's time to rethink some design decisions there. I think these type of problems arise because terraform blends two concepts that are antagonic:

Both Strongly typed and Weakly typed language behavior

If you make implicit type conversions and don't allow type definitions, strict type checks doesn't make sense

Take the example below, without applying dirty hacks, problems like the below happen all the time:

Error: Inconsistent conditional result types

on ../../../main.tf line 27, in locals: 27: pe_subnet = bool_expr > 0 ? azurerm_subnet.subnet1 : azurerm_subnet.subnet2 ├──────────────── │ azurerm_subnet.subnet1 is object with 13 attributes │ azurerm_subnet.subnet2 is object with 14 attributes

The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The 'true' value includes object attribute "delegation", which is absent in the 'false' value.

I understand that this can prevent certain errors (such as a reference to the missing field), but that's no the right way to prevent a problem. The paradigm mix is.

To make problem worse, there is no simple way to intersect these objects. You have to project one based on the other, just to make it run.

If we want to behave like javascript, then this needs to be a run-time/apply-time error, if applicable. In this case, wouldn't necessarily be so.

Boolean expressions should work like every other language

As soon as a boolean expression encounters a false evaluation, it should not continue evaluating the rest of the expression. I should be able to write this:

expr = local.value != null && local.value.attribute == "something" #errors if local.value is null`

instead of this:

expr = local.value != null ? local.value.attribute == "something" ? true : false : false

No support for user defined function

If there was support for user defined functions, things such as custom map projections or other ways to handle incompatible types becomes a pain staking error prone process. Most of the time (in my experience), current handling of types are a hurdle that does not solve a real problem and introduces others.

I know the mileage may vary and type checking prevent some issues depending on who is writing the code, but the way it is designed needs rethinking as it pulls the carpet on one side to cover the other.

Final thoughts

By no means I am unappreciative of all the work put in terraform ecosystem (to me the best IaC framework), but sometimes certain parts of a design don't fit model and I think this is one of those cases. This is the only point I have in favor of some other products that have been showing up and allow the user to use his language of choice for the IaC (which in my opinion is a mistake in itself, like trying to use C++ instead of HTML for the frontend).

kip-mcentire commented 1 week ago


replication_configuration = {for k,v in {
    role = aws_iam_role.replication[0].arn
    rules = [{ [...] }]
  } : k => v if var.replication }

I tried this, and it doesn't work for me, because there are references to other resources in this conditional block that end up being evaluated and throwing errors. For example:

│ Error: Invalid index
│   on ../../main.tf line 129, in module "source_bucket":
│  129:     role = aws_iam_role.source_replication_role[0].arn
│     ├────────────────
│     │ aws_iam_role.source_replication_role is empty tuple
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: the collection has no elements.