Closed deanpcmad closed 12 years ago
Nice, the stack trace is a bug, but unfortunately you can't statically assign an IP on bridged networks. Since the behavior of a bridged network is to join your existing network, your best bet is to assign a static MAC address to your bridged network, then configure your router so that that MAC address always gets the same IP address.
Wow, that was fast. Ah ok, but won't multiple machines get that same IP then causing IP conflicts?
I suppose either that or would setting an IP for :hostonly and then setting the hosts file to the machine which has that work or is it strictly :hostonly and that IP will only be accessible on that host?
Multiple machines shouldn't get the same IP, unless multiple VMs have the same MAC address (which they shouldn't) or your DHCP server is broken (not Vagrant's problem).
Host-only networks are not globally accessible.
Would it be possible to add a static option on the config for globally accessible IPs?
What do you mean "globally accessible IPs?"
Well basically bridged and then an IP can be set, then when setting up the machine, Vagrant then sets that specified IP in, for example, /etc/network/interfaces. Or would this not be possible? I may have a look at the code and see if I can give it a go. :)
Fixed the bug issue that you found.
"you can't statically assign an IP on bridged networks" - actually, that is exactly what is needed in my case, because I am setting up a development network and the virtual machine is the DHCP server for other virtual machines and some physical hosts on the bridged network (which is an isolated network to test an OpenStack private cloud).
Do you see any chance of implementing that? :)
Best regards, Philipp
Allow setting an IP address on :bridged + 1
This would be a useful feature, and Im not sure why it is judged as not possible.
I might misunderstand the question, but I know I can boot a VM with vagrant and a bridged network for eth1, then manually assign the VM a static ip. On CentOS I edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
with the following, and restart networking:
As long as Im not assigning anything that can conflict with the DHCP server then there is no problem, and the VM can be accessed by all other machines on the network at this static IP...
... until I reboot. Because vagrant doesn't know about this config then of course it resets it to DHCP on reboot.
If I can set that up manually each time the machine reboots, surely Vagrant could manage it via its config?
[edit: fixed netmask setting in example]
I would like to be able to do bridged networking with a static IP as well.
This would be very useful. Right now I'm having to set the static IP with a script that runs after the interface comes up on dhcp. (Can't put in /etc/network/interfaces in Ubuntu or the VM won't come back up on vagrant up.)
yeah really who's idea was it to not have any ip at all or to hope for dhcp on bridged interfaces..... derp
really simple solution
auto eth2:1 iface eth2:1 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameserver post-up route add default gw dev eth2:1
auto eth2 iface eth2 inet dhcp post-up route del default dev $IFACE
vagrant@VPN:~$ tail /etc/init.d/networking echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop}" exit 1 ;; esac
route del default gw dev eth0 route add default gw dev eth2:1
exit 0
rm /sbin/dhclient
also add static for eth0 so that vagrant sp33kz to it. ~_~ there done vagrant package VPN --output and never mess with it again.
@mitchellh please reconsider your position on this. Not being able to assign a static IP on bridged interfaces makes Vagrant close to useless for doing any meaningful operations/infrastructure work.
I'm a sysadmin/devops by trade so my use case for Vagrant may be atypical. I often set up some VirtualBox machines to try out some infrastructure setups and service configurations. Being able to bring up a couple of boxes with predictable network addresses and have them talk over various network protocols to each other is essential for setting up an operations lab. I've been using VirtualBox for this type of testing with bridged interfaces and static IP addresses for years, without a hitch.
You mention DHCP with MAC addresses in the config as an alternative, but we should be able to set this up from within a Vagrantfile. Heck, the only router I have in my apartment is the one I got from my ISP who pretty much locked down advanced configuration. I couldn't fiddle with the DHCP settings if I wanted to.
I understand where you're coming from. There is the risk of having conflicting addresses. Put a big bold warning in the docs saying users should make sure the IP addresses they assign don't overlap with their DHCP pool. Have Vagrant quickly ping the IP before assigning it to make sure it's not already in use. Bury the option deep in the docs if you must, but please, provide this option.
I'll get off my soapbox now, thanks for reading.
I solved the problem with a workaround.
First i have to say that i don't understand the developer of this damn great product, because it really is a problem to not be able to set a static IP Address on a bridged network. "Let the router do it" doesn't work in lots of setups, as others already mentioned. My setup is: Multiple virtual servers on my Mac mini Server at home, all with different purposes. I.e a puppet master, available in my home network and over VPN with separated IP ranges, which requires 2 network adapters. My internet router manages the internal IP range, the Mac mini Server the VPN range. Just using DHCP would put both adapters into the same IP range. And as @rasschaert said, i first thought that this makes the usage of Vagrant useless for me. An other problem is, that my router is indeed able to assign the same IP to a given MAC-Address every time, but i cannot choose which one. But for me, i like a clean IP structure i.e. X.X.X.10 - 29 these type of machines, 30 - 40 other types of machines. I just use DHCP beginning from .200 for mobile and guest devices.
Ok, enough talk, here's my solution: :public_network, :bridge => 'en0: Ethernet', :auto_config => false
This will setup the network adapter but neither configures nor activates it.
Shell: ifconfig eth1 netmask up
Puppet: exec{ "Set static IP": command => "/sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask up", }
Chef: I don't know, i'm a puppet user ;-)
This configures and activates the network adapter with a static IP. And in contrast to the other tips in this thread this works directly on creation of an VM and does not require to edit something in an existing machine that would be lost on vagrant destroy
Thanks for the tip on your bridged network workaround. It doesn't seem like the ability to set :auto_config for a bridged network is documented in the Vagrant documentation. Anyway below is the Chef equivalent to your Puppet exec resource.
execute "ifup" do
command "/sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask up"
Thanks to the others the solution I came up with was to stick this into my
echo "Setting up bridged interface"
sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask up
sudo /sbin/route add default gw eth1
If you don't have a
setup then you can add the following to your Vagrantfile
config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""
Allow setting an IP address on :bridged + 1
Option for setting a static IP on :public_network :+1:
@mitchellh, maybe you can keep the DHCP as default for :public_network, but please provide an option for static IP
Here is my solution with ansible as the 'provisioner' :
This really seems like a basic feature that any normal provider like virtualbox should have out of the box.
+1 to get this patched to not rely on provisioning hacks to get standard functionality.
to bring up the static ip on the guest os, you could also run this command from the host os:
vagrant ssh -c"sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask up"
your best bet is to assign a static MAC address to your bridged network, then configure your router so that that MAC address always gets the same IP address.
How do you set a static MAC address to your bridged network? I googled for "vagrant mac address", but
I've also read through the Version 2 documentation, particularly the pages:
And could not find any information regarding setting the MAC address.
Is it documented anywhere?
+1 for this feature! There are many use cases for a static IP on a bridged interface. e.g, I want the VM guest to provide DHCP services to the bridged network in my case!!
+1 3 years :(
@mitchellh I was coming by to add another :+1: to this, but I was wondering if you'd be open to a PR related to this request and I am wondering if there are some edge cases you are particularly concerned about?
+1 The fact that so many people are resorting to hacks to do this anyway should indicate that it is possible to do this safely. "Just do this in the {router|DHCP server}" misses the reality that not all of us have full control of our environment. I am using Vagrant on a network where the IT department is actively hostile to anything that isn't Windows.
You could make this much simpler for us. You could trivially have Vagrant's internal SSH working over v6 link local addresses. Alternatively let us tell Vagrant the static IPv4 or IPv6 address we will configure and let us configure /etc/network/interfaces or the equivalent and ignore the rest of the networking config from there.
Heya, Vagrant is generally awesome, but I'm yet another +1 for this thread.
I, like many others here, want to use the VM as the DHCP server, amongst other services, and I'm also using hacks to do this atm.
I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.
If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.
I would like to be able to manually set an IP address on a Vagrant machine using the Vagrantfile. When I set :bridged, ""
, when creating the machine, it breaks and destroys the machine.It does it on both my Ubuntu machine and Mac.
Running vagrant
.This is what I get on my Ubuntu machine which is where I will be running my Vagrant machines: