hashicorp / vagrant

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
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port forvarding in hyperv #7776

Open maxx-ukoo opened 8 years ago

maxx-ukoo commented 8 years ago

Host operating system

Windows 10

Guest operating system


Expected behavior

Vagrant hyperv provider should forward connections to VM Windows has command: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=27017 connectaddress= connectport=27017 vagrant can use it.

Actual behavior

hyperv provider doesn't forward ports to vm

xpicio commented 7 years ago


Would be a great simplification, at the moment to work with .NET remote debugger with vagrant and hyperv i'm using a couple of scripts:


@echo off

echo *** Set ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned ***
@powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

echo *** Create devops local user ***
@powershell .\add-devops-users.ps1

echo *** Setup Vagrant plugins ***
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
vagrant plugin install vagrant-address

echo *** Vagrant up ***
vagrant up 

if %errorlevel% == 0 (
    call ::port_forwarding_setup
) else (
    exit /b 1

goto :end

    set command="vagrant address"
    for /f %%i in (' %command% ') do set VIRTUAL_MACHINE_IP=%%i

    @powershell .\port-forwarding-setup.ps1 -GuestIPAddress %VIRTUAL_MACHINE_IP%
goto :eof



param (
    [string]$GuestIPAddress = $(throw "-GuestIPAddress is required. ")

 $guestAddress = $GuestIPAddress
 $settings = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory . -FileName develop-config.psd1

# validate guest ip address
try { 
    $ip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::parse($guestAddress)
catch { 
    "`"{0}`" is not a valid IP address" -f $guestAddress
    exit 1

# clean up portproxy forward rules
Write-Host *** Cleanup local port forwarding from localhost to guest virtual machine ***`n

netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 protocol=tcp `
    listenport=$($settings.RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx64) listenaddress=localhost | Out-Null

netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 protocol=tcp `
    listenport=$($settings.RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx86) listenaddress=localhost | Out-Null

# add new portproxy forward rules
Write-Host *** Add local port forwarding from localhost to guest virtual machine ***`n

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 protocol=tcp `
    listenport=$($settings.RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx64) listenaddress=localhost `
    connectport=4018 connectaddress=$guestAddress | Out-Null

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 protocol=tcp `
    listenport=$($settings.RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx86) listenaddress=localhost `
    connectport=4019 connectaddress=$guestAddress | Out-Null

# print out result
Write-Host *** Port forwarding has been set as following ***
netsh interface portproxy dump | findstr $guestAddress

exit 0


    RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx64 = 60134
    RemoteDebuggerHostListenPortx86 = 60135
    RemoteDebuggerGuestListenPortx64 = 4018
    RemoteDebuggerGuestListenPortx86 = 4019