hashicorp / vault-helm

Helm chart to install Vault and other associated components.
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Got unseal error #1033

Closed okamototk closed 1 week ago

okamototk commented 1 week ago

Vault Chat is not initialized by default configuration.

Reproduce procedure:

$ helm repo add hashicorp https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com
$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault -nvault 
NAME: vault
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Jun 22 15:38:44 2024
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing HashiCorp Vault!
$ helm status   vault  -nvault
NAME: vault
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Jun 22 15:38:44 2024
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing HashiCorp Vault!

Pod will not initialize.

$ kubectl get pods --namespace vault 
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vault-0                                0/1     Running   0          3m12s
vault-agent-injector-ff58f5d77-8m2vd   1/1     Running   0          3m12s
$ kubectl logs vault-0 -nvault
2024-06-22T15:42:30.569Z [INFO]  core: security barrier not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:30.569Z [INFO]  core: seal configuration missing, not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:35.565Z [INFO]  core: security barrier not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:35.565Z [INFO]  core: seal configuration missing, not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:40.568Z [INFO]  core: security barrier not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:40.568Z [INFO]  core: seal configuration missing, not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:45.563Z [INFO]  core: security barrier not initialized
2024-06-22T15:42:45.563Z [INFO]  core: seal configuration missing, not initialized

Got error message repeatly. Vault was not initialize.


You need to add init container with initialization script when mode is not dev.

glisav commented 1 week ago

Hi @okamototk Did you try to initialize it and then you got this error? Before unsealing, the cluster should be initialized. During this process, Vault will throw unseal keys and root token, and you should save those keys for the next step of unsealing the cluster. If not, I would recommend to check the official documentation of how you can initialize a Vault cluster: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/commands/operator/init

okamototk commented 1 week ago

Thank you for comment. I know I need initialize and unseal manually. But I would like to start vault without manual operation.

glisav commented 1 week ago

@okamototk I know that it is possible to automate the unsealing part, but I don't know if it is possible to automate the initialization process.

okamototk commented 1 week ago

@glisav How you can automate unseal? I don't want to use dev mode because data isn't persist.

glisav commented 1 week ago

@okamototk check this out: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/auto-unseal/autounseal-azure-keyvault

okamototk commented 1 week ago

Thank you. But I don't want depend cloud key management system...

hsimon-hashicorp commented 1 week ago

There are other methods of auto-unseal, please see the following: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/auto-unseal As this is not a bug, I am going to go ahead and close this issue now. Please feel free to ask questions and receive help from fellow community members on our Discuss forums. Thanks!

okamototk commented 1 week ago

Just FYI:

I created following initial/unseal script for vault and automate initialize and unseal for this matter.



# Waiting if vault server is not started.
while true ;
        vault status 
        [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || break

# Initialize vault
vault operator init -key-shares=3 > /home/vault/init-tmp

# If Initialize is successed, keep seal-keys.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        mv /home/vault/init-tmp /vault/data/seal-keys
        rm /home/vault/init-tmp

# Unseal
for i in 1 2 3
        vault operator unseal $(grep "Key $i" /vault/data/seal-keys |sed 's/Unseal Key '$i': //i') 


    enabled: false
    - sh
    - /vault/userconfig/myscript/init-unseal.sh
    - type: configMap
      name: myscript
      path: /vault/userconfig

Then deploy vault with custom postStart script like this:

kubectl create ns vault
kubectl create configmap myscript  --from-file=init-unseal.sh  -nvault
helm install vaullt hashicorp/vault -nvault -f custom-values.yaml