hashicorp / vault-secrets-operator

The Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) allows Pods to consume Vault secrets natively from Kubernetes Secrets.
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Vaultauth , service Account and Service Account token #745

Closed raydenz closed 1 month ago

raydenz commented 1 month ago


I don't know if it is a bug or if i did not figure out how it exactly works.

I have installed vault secret (url : https://mysecret.local.com/) and vault secret operator I have configured a kubernetes authentification method


I created a namespace called "myapp" (corresponding to "App Namespace" in the diagram) and the 2 custom resources in "myapp" namespace : VaultAuth and VaultStaticSecret

Below the Vault Auth CR

apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultAuth
  name: static-auth
  namespace: myapp
  method: kubernetes
  mount: kubernetes
    role: monapp
    serviceAccount: myapp-vault-sa 
      - https://mysecret.local.com/

Everything works well! My understanding is that vault operator will use the service account "myapp-vault-sa " to authenticate on Vault (via the Kubernetes authentification method), and Vault need the token corresponding to that service account to validate it on the API Server.

My question : I can't figure out how Vault can validate the token of my service account "myapp-vault-sa" whereas i did not create a token/secret for the service account "myapp-vault-sa ". It works but i don't know how is it possible without creating a token for the service account. (i already checked "kubectl get secret" etc.. ) How does it work exactly?

Please help

thank you ! :slight_smile:

ChristianCiach commented 1 month ago

You should read up on https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/auth/kubernetes

In short:

Dear maintainers: Maybe you should enable the "Discussion" feature of GitHub for this project? I have the feeling questions like these are better suited as a discussion.

raydenz commented 1 month ago

hello @ChristianCiach

Thank you for you response. I have read the documentation but let's take an example (which is my real implementation) :

In my Application namespace i have this Custom Resources :

apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultAuth
  name: static-auth
  namespace: myapp
  method: kubernetes
  mount: kubernetes
    role: myapp-role
    serviceAccount: myapp-vault-sa 
      - https://mysecret.local.com/

My application pod is not aware of Vault, it is just mounting the secret dynamically created by the VSO

I guess, VSO connect to VAULT on behalf of my pod using the service account "myapp-vault-sa" specified in the CR VaultAuth (this Service account has no token)

Is it right to say :

$ vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
    token_reviewer_jwt="<your reviewer service account JWT>" \
    kubernetes_host=<API SERVER OF THE K8S CLUSTER "B"> \


ChristianCiach commented 1 month ago
  • Then it will authenticate with it to the VAULT (which is on k8s cluster "B")

You mean "cluster A", right? If yes, then yes, this is how I understand this to work.

raydenz commented 1 month ago
  • Then it will authenticate with it to the VAULT (which is on k8s cluster "B")

You mean "cluster A", right? If yes, then yes, this is how I understand this to work.

you are right i change it now you can refresh the page i added more details

ChristianCiach commented 1 month ago

I am sure that is all correct. I just want to add that the fact that your Vault runs inside a cluster is irrelevant to this example. Our Vault doesn't run inside kubernetes and it doesn't change a thing.

raydenz commented 1 month ago

I am sure that is all correct. I just want to add that the fact that your Vault runs inside a cluster is irrelevant to this example. Our Vault doesn't run inside kubernetes and it doesn't change a thing.

Yes you are right, this is just an example of my installation. I try to find a documentation that validate my statement "VSO will get a short-lived token (1h ttl for example) for the service account "myapp-vault-sa" on the k8s cluster "B" API"

Thank you very much.

ChristianCiach commented 1 month ago

I try to find a documentation that validate my statement "VSO will get a short-lived token

See https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/platform/k8s/vso/sources/vault#supported-vault-authentication-methods

Relies on short-lived Kubernetes ServiceAccount tokens for Vault authentication

ChristianCiach commented 1 month ago

Looks like the default tokenExpirationSeconds is 10 minutes, not an hour (which would be the kubernetes default for projected pod tokens). My bad!

raydenz commented 1 month ago

Looks like the default tokenExpirationSeconds is 10 minutes, not an hour (which would be the kubernetes default for projected pod tokens). My bad!

No problem. Thank you for the help ! :)

ps : you are right this be in the "Discussion" section of Github