Open sirkubax opened 3 years ago
My guess here is: the token is refreshed up to default_lease_ttl, as long as it is being used OR up to explicit_max_ttl if it is used.
When the token expire, it stops working. When the token is not refreshed (eg because vault is down, noone uses it) -> it expires -> it is not working.
It looks to me, that even the short live token without explicit_max_ttl would be refreshed almost indefinitely as long as the vault is working, but (here is my guess) after max_lease_ttl = "768h" it will fail to regenerate recovery key (rekey)
Example of the token that was in use in automatic-unseal cluster, then was replaced by new token, and after 15 minutes it died (so was working for 1,5h). During that time the rekey was available, and a cluster node restart was successful, node was unsealed automatically.
Fri Mar 19 17:01:49 EET 2021
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ vault token lookup s.YL5jvpyYHGUPowOk5rvHHnhR
Key Value
--- -----
accessor 31mN9uQxfv6TKcPljUB5GC4j
creation_time 1616162289
creation_ttl 15m
display_name token
entity_id n/a
expire_time 2021-03-19T17:18:33.560988024+02:00
explicit_max_ttl 0s
id s.YL5jvpyYHGUPowOk5rvHHnhR
issue_time 2021-03-19T15:58:09.603239323+02:00
last_renewal 2021-03-19T17:03:33.560988144+02:00
last_renewal_time 1616166213
meta <nil>
num_uses 0
orphan false
path auth/token/create
policies [autounseal default]
renewable true
ttl 9m50s
type service
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ date
Fri Mar 19 17:08:51 EET 2021
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ sleep 530; vault token lookup s.YL5jvpyYHGUPowOk5rvHHnhR;
Error looking up token: Error making API request.
URL: POST https://vault-1-dev.atest.aval:8200/v1/auth/token/lookup
Code: 403. Errors:
* bad token
Error looking up token: Error making API request.
in contrast to that, a token with *explicit_max_ttl=15m died while being in use by the auto-unseal cluster, it could not be refreshed more that the TTL
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ /usr/local/bin/vault token create -policy="autounseal" -ttl=5m -explicit-max-ttl=15m
Key Value
--- -----
token s.L3487xFUTvlnpUOorGxTgjxr
token_accessor u10jdJrAvr5gHOCnhg2XjMxW
token_duration 5m
token_renewable true
token_policies ["autounseal" "default"]
identity_policies []
policies ["autounseal" "default"]
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ /usr/local/bin/vault token lookup s.L3487xFUTvlnpUOorGxTgjxr
Key Value
--- -----
accessor u10jdJrAvr5gHOCnhg2XjMxW
creation_time 1616161121
creation_ttl 5m
display_name token
entity_id n/a
expire_time 2021-03-19T15:43:41.198130709+02:00
explicit_max_ttl 15m
id s.L3487xFUTvlnpUOorGxTgjxr
issue_time 2021-03-19T15:38:41.198141289+02:00
meta <nil>
num_uses 0
orphan false
path auth/token/create
policies [autounseal default]
renewable true
ttl 4m38s
type service
[vault@vault-1-dev ~]$ /usr/local/bin/vault token lookup s.L3487xFUTvlnpUOorGxTgjxr
Error looking up token: Error making API request.
URL: POST https://vault-1-dev.atest.aval:8200/v1/auth/token/lookup
Code: 403. Errors:
* bad token
Vault rekey operation fails in an automatic unseal cluster when unsealed with transit key, most likely transit-token despite being refreshed, loose ability to rekey when initial TTL (30days) is exceeded. Generation of the new transit token allows to perform rekey again.
To Reproduce (not tested yet):
Observed steps
Vault operator rekey (last step) with the transit automatic-unseal cluster:
Transit token in the Vault Shamir (manual unseal), s.nOA4acDIvIYcCqTXsedBVxxx is a transit token. As you can see, it is being renewed correctly (but stays constant in the vault config file).
Vault Shamir (manual unseal)
I had to generate new token, put it into configuration. After that, using new token with same policies allows for rekey in the auto-unseal cluster.
Rekey works after updating transit token in auto-useal cluster with the 'fresh one'.
Expected behavior Rekey works as long as the transit token is refreshed :)
vault status
): v1.4.2vault version
): v1.4.2Vault server configuration file(s):
auto-unseal cluster config