hashicorp / vscode-terraform

HashiCorp Terraform VSCode extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
911 stars 180 forks source link

Extension shouldn't check for problems in the .terraform folder #1225

Open akerone opened 1 year ago

akerone commented 1 year ago




VS Code

Version: 1.71.0 (user setup)
Commit: 784b0177c56c607789f9638da7b6bf3230d47a8c
Date: 2022-09-01T07:36:10.600Z
Electron: 19.0.12
Chromium: 102.0.5005.167
Node.js: 16.14.2
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19043
Sandboxed: No

Operating System


Edition Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 21H1
Installed on    ‎27/‎08/‎2021
OS build    19043.1415
Experience  Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0


Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.2.7

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a new main.tf file
  2. Use a module like https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-kubernetes-engine/tree/master/examples/safer_cluster_iap_bastion
  3. terraform init

Expected Behavior

No errors on the "Problems" tab of vscode

Actual Behavior

The extension checks for errors in the .terraform folder, giving an error for file in the "autogen" folder. Looking at the file, it's templated with Jinja so it gives "Argument or block definition required: An argument or block definition is required here." before double curly braces.

My code is correct and the module itself works, so seeing the red ball next to the project and folders because of something in the .terraform folder is really annoying.

Additional context

dbanck commented 1 year ago

Hi @akerone! Thank you for taking the time to report this!

To ensure I'm reproducing things correctly, can you share your main.tf that is using the mentioned code? Furthermore, can you add a screenshot of your problems tab?

andrewspiers-csiro commented 1 year ago

Related: https://github.com/hashicorp/vscode-terraform/issues/405

This comment is probably also relevant: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/22289#issuecomment-389926531

I think the right and efficient approach is to extensions provide options to exclude.

akerone commented 1 year ago



module "gke_bastion_example" {
  source = "github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-kubernetes-engine/examples/safer_cluster_iap_bastion"

  bastion_members        = []
  cluster_name           = "test-cluster"
  ip_range_pods_name     = "test-range-pods"
  ip_range_services_name = "test-range-services"
  network_name           = "test-kube-network"
  project_id             = "MY-PROJECT"
  region                 = "MY-REGION"
  subnet_name            = "test-kube-subnet"

problems tab: image

As you can see, this is not the only module I'm having this issue with.

akerone commented 1 year ago

Also bear in mind, I've been told by terraform-google-modules that this example is not meant to be used as a module. I'm using it here as an example because it's the easiest way of reproducing this issue.

radeksimko commented 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing the details.

I managed to reproduce it with the example in the main README.md of the same repository.

data "google_client_config" "default" {}

provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = "https://${module.gke.endpoint}"
  token                  = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
  cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.gke.ca_certificate)

module "gke" {
  source                     = "terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google"
  project_id                 = "<PROJECT ID>"
  name                       = "gke-test-1"
  region                     = "us-central1"
  zones                      = ["us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-f"]
  network                    = "vpc-01"
  subnetwork                 = "us-central1-01"
  ip_range_pods              = "us-central1-01-gke-01-pods"
  ip_range_services          = "us-central1-01-gke-01-services"
  http_load_balancing        = false
  network_policy             = false
  horizontal_pod_autoscaling = true
  filestore_csi_driver       = false

  node_pools = [
      name               = "default-node-pool"
      machine_type       = "e2-medium"
      node_locations     = "us-central1-b,us-central1-c"
      min_count          = 1
      max_count          = 100
      local_ssd_count    = 0
      spot               = false
      disk_size_gb       = 100
      disk_type          = "pd-standard"
      image_type         = "COS_CONTAINERD"
      enable_gcfs        = false
      enable_gvnic       = false
      auto_repair        = true
      auto_upgrade       = true
      service_account    = "project-service-account@<PROJECT ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
      preemptible        = false
      initial_node_count = 80

  node_pools_oauth_scopes = {
    all = [

  node_pools_labels = {
    all = {}

    default-node-pool = {
      default-node-pool = true

  node_pools_metadata = {
    all = {}

    default-node-pool = {
      node-pool-metadata-custom-value = "my-node-pool"

  node_pools_taints = {
    all = []

    default-node-pool = [
        key    = "default-node-pool"
        value  = true
        effect = "PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE"

  node_pools_tags = {
    all = []

    default-node-pool = [
Screenshot 2022-09-06 at 11 56 49

I would argue that the problem is more that there are files with *.tf extension which do not actually contain valid Terraform configuration, but are used as templates instead.

See https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-kubernetes-engine/blob/b9287de679592a2adcae4d98dcfee33a001f328b/autogen/main/variables_defaults.tf#L17

All other files within the same folder [correctly] use *.tf.tmpl, which makes the extension ignore these template files.

With that said - have you considered raising this as an issue with the module authors/maintainers?

I'm not entirely against the idea of an ignorelist of some kind, but it may not be trivial to implement right. Presumably, you'd still want to see the diagnostics when you open the relevant file/folder and also expect the diagnostics to be gone e.g. when the file changes (even if it's out of focus or not open at all). We'd also have to check the LSP with regards to expectations between the server and client and ensure we don't violate the protocol.

akerone commented 1 year ago

I see your point and I'll definitely raise an issue with the maintainers of this particular module so that they may resolve it. I wasn't aware that this kind of files should have the *.tf.tmpl extension.

My logic was if the module creators are using the extension they should definitely see the problem, but for me as a module user it brings no joy.

jpogran commented 1 year ago

As a temporary workaround, you could configure VS Code to purposely exclude the .terraform folder from being watched using files.watcherExclude:

"files.watcherExclude": {
    "**/.terraform/*/**": true,

This of course prevents the Terraform Extension from knowing anything about those files (go to definition, intellisense, etc) , so use with caution.

akerone commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jpogran !

That would be an acceptable workaround, although it doesn't seem to work in my machine. I've tried adding it to User, Remote and Workspace and both as **/.terraform/** and **/.terraform/*/** and neither seems to remove the errors. I've also restarted VS Code after each change.

Any other ideas?

bzlom commented 1 year ago

A related issue, we get errors in the thousands from .terraform folders after the latest update of terraform plugin. The errors are apparently caused by the fact that we have .tfvars files encrypted with git-crypt which appear in .terraform/* folders in ecrypted format which is causing all these errors: image The files with the errors look, expectedly, like this: image

After further investigation I noticed that my previous configuration to File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Watcher Exclude: image

wasn't being applied in files.watcherExclude (CTRL+SHIFT+P -> files.watcherExclude): image

So apparently the workaround that was being used before isn't working any longer.

akerone commented 1 year ago

Thanks @bzlom.

In my case, I do see it in the settings.json file but it has no effect on the problems being reported. image

radeksimko commented 1 year ago

The watcher settings is relevant in situation when the mentioned files change, but the initial diagnostics and the decision to parse these files the first time comes from the language server, and that is unrelated to any watcher logic.

You could try the indexing.ignorePaths setting but it does not support glob patterns (*), just absolute paths.

"terraform.languageServer.indexing.ignorePaths": [

We could introduce a similar setting which does support glob patterns, but I'd first like to better understand git-crypt, the intentions/design and the common workflow. I believe that this must be causing a similar/same problem if you run almost any terraform command within the folder where this invalid/encrypted terraform.tfvars file is - so how would you prevent that? Would there be a possibility of either configuring or otherwise tweaking git-crypt such that the encrypted files are kept under a separate filename, to indicate that these are not valid *.tf or *.tfvars files?

bzlom commented 1 year ago

@radeksimko I've tried applying the recommended setting to vscode setting.json file with the full path to one of the .terraform directories and it doesn't seem to work:

    "terraform.languageServer.indexing.ignorePaths": [

When I hover over this option it tells me This setting cannot be applied in this window. It will be applied when you open a local window. I assume I'm not adding it where I should.

Regarding the workflow of git-crypt: we push all of our terraform code to github. Our .tf* files contain secrets. In order to ensure the secrets in our .tf* files are encrypted we use git-crypt. Locally (on my machine) the .tf* files are in an unencrypted format. The exception are the files located in the .terraform folder - this folder gets created and populated with encrypted .tf* files after we do a terraform init; terraform plan, which are basically temporary files that terraform requires in order to do its work.

Before one of the latest updates, and I'm not sure if it's the update to terraform plugin or vscode, I wasn't getting any sort of errors from these temporary .terraform folders (which have always contained encrypted files), same goes for the rest of my team.

maiconbaum commented 1 year ago

Any updates?

gitfool commented 1 year ago

We could introduce a similar setting which does support glob patterns...

Yes please! I'm working with a deeply nested repo that has well-known "bad" tf files placed intentionally throughout the hierarchy so that terraform cannot be run from that directory.

gtirloni commented 5 months ago

Here's what worked for me.


  "files.exclude": {
    "**/.terraform": true,
    "**/.terragrunt": true
  "files.watcherExclude": {
    "**/.terraform": true,
    "**/.terragrunt": true

In the Problems tab, ask it to exclude ignored files:


EvilScott commented 5 months ago

Has there been any movement on this? I may just need to uninstall this package 😦

defyjoy commented 4 months ago

This is still an very annoying issue !!

EvilScott commented 4 months ago

I just uninstalled. There are better packages out there

andrewspiers-csiro commented 4 months ago

for Terraform?