I want to have a two phase whitelist mint where 3500 gets minted in phase 1 and another 3500 gets minted in phase 2. I'm good with the default implementation of 1 TX per whitelist spot. 1 ETH address can only mint once in either phase 1 or 2.
Whitelist can be flipped off/on, but what would be the best implementation of this 2 phase approach? Should we first begin by limiting maxSupply to 3500, and then creating a function to update it to 7000 once phase 2 begins?
const CollectionConfig: CollectionConfigInterface = {
//testnet: Networks.hardhatLocal,
// ETH testnetwork
testnet: Networks.ethereumTestnet,
mainnet: Networks.ethereumMainnet,
// The contract name can be updated using the following command:
// yarn rename-contract NEW_CONTRACT_NAME
// Please DO NOT change it manually!
contractName: 'YourNftToken',
tokenName: 'TokenTest',
tokenSymbol: 'TBZ',
hiddenMetadataUri: 'ipfs://test/hidden.json',
maxSupply: 7000,
whitelistSale: {
price: 0.00005,
maxMintAmountPerTx: 1,
preSale: {
price: 0.00005,
maxMintAmountPerTx: 5,
publicSale: {
price: 0.00005,
maxMintAmountPerTx: 5,
contractAddress: null,
marketplaceIdentifier: 'my-nft-token',
marketplaceConfig: Marketplaces.openSea,
Hi all,
I want to have a two phase whitelist mint where 3500 gets minted in phase 1 and another 3500 gets minted in phase 2. I'm good with the default implementation of 1 TX per whitelist spot. 1 ETH address can only mint once in either phase 1 or 2.
Whitelist can be flipped off/on, but what would be the best implementation of this 2 phase approach? Should we first begin by limiting maxSupply to 3500, and then creating a function to update it to 7000 once phase 2 begins?