hashmich / DHCR-Back-End

Registry Software for courses and research projects among the digital humanities. Created on behalf of HKI University of Cologne
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Sorting courses on homepage does not work #34

Closed hashmich closed 4 years ago

hashmich commented 5 years ago

Sort parameters are being added to the URL, but not evaluated. Subsequent clicks on table headers append to the URL, but should not be urlencoded

hashmich commented 5 years ago

This functionality is being messed up by a special route in /app/Config/routes.php line 92, that has been introduced to remove one additional "courses" from the URL in the productive environment. As long the application has to run under that quite unusually constructed URL including a path trail "registries.clarin-dariah.eu/courses", this bug can only be circumvented by means of ugly hacks.