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facebook sign up/login #21

Closed hashplan closed 9 years ago

hashplan commented 10 years ago

Started functionality in Facebook_ion_auth.php library and dev/prod config files.

romasolot commented 9 years ago

Will you please add me to the facebook application as admin so that I could correctly set it up.

romasolot commented 9 years ago

1) if facebook id relates to any user - we log him in the system. 2) if there is no such facebook id, then we search for a user with the same email as he has on facebook. 2a) if yes - we update facebook data and log him in 2b) if no - then we register a new user using facebook data. We activate him at once, because facebook already did the email check. We authorize him in the system at once.

hashplan commented 9 years ago

Has this been pushed to server yet?

1) I am getting a page not available when trying to login with facebook from a desktop computer:


and from my phone I am getting a facebook error that says: given url is not allowed by the application configuration.:one or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the app's settings. It must match the website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the app's domains.

2) I am getting a 404 when trying to sign up with facebook (using the blue signup button on the carousel). http://hashplans.com/Facebook_ion_auth/login

romasolot commented 9 years ago
Has this been pushed to server yet?

Yes. The changes were deployed and tested yesterday.

1) Facebook Id = 728286710528006 зарегестрирован на Hashplan. Access is limited because the application is in test mode (not live) - currently admins have access (those are mine and your accounts), and 3 test fake users which I generated. You need to log out the hashplans account and to log in your own account for authorization. Or the second way, I'll add hashplans to the group of testers and you'll be able to authorize using it.

2) Yes, sorry, I created a rout but forgot to change the link on the button. Fixed it, deployed the changes to the server.

hashplan commented 9 years ago

Roma, For 1, I am getting the facebook error when I first click on "login with facebook" button in the modal. I don't even get to input my username and password.

Could you explain how to login with my facebook credentials? I am logged out of both hashplans and facebook right now, but am getting that "url not allowed" error.

romasolot commented 9 years ago

It's weird that you see this error, because it occurs if the site's url does not correspond the one specified in facebook application. I mean user can be authorized only from the hashplans.com (www.hashplans.com). Btw, applications do not work with facebook localhost. Could you please provide a screenshot with this error.

hashplan commented 9 years ago

adding comment from this morning email.

Able to login via facebook. After logging out of hashplans and then going back to login modal and clicking the "login with facebook" button, it logs back in without asking for credentials. I did not check the "remember me" box. Similar behavior for when clicking the "signup with facebook" button, it logs in instead of asking for credentials.

romasolot commented 9 years ago

It should work this way. As you stayed logged in facebook and have not removed the application from you facebook applications, you need not enter data once again. We created the functionality so that not to enter password each time and just click to authorize in the application. Please try to log out facebook account and it'll require to authorize to facebook during next authorization on the site.

hashplan commented 9 years ago

This seems to be ok so closing for now.