hashtopolis / server

Hashtopolis - distributed password cracking with Hashcat
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG]: Fix broken hash parsing for double salted hashes #1034

Closed davidrozen76 closed 7 months ago

davidrozen76 commented 7 months ago

Version Information

Server 0.14.1, Agent




While trying to crack double-salted hashes (colon separated), hashtopolis won't parse the salts as needed.

e.g. hashcat module 3730 - md5($salt1.strtoupper(md5($salt2.$pass))) hash is - a213e4cdc1f336f66ccdcb7d7f80f6cc:61646D696E3A3635343332313A:61646D696E3A4C6F67696E20746F20313233343536373A

When adding a task with the hash above, while agents tries to benchmark test, the hashlist is uploaded as - a213e4cdc1f336f66ccdcb7d7f80f6cc 61646D696E3A3635343332313A:61646D696E3A4C6F67696E20746F20313233343536373A

Notice the hash (first field) is properly separated from the first salt (second field) with a tab delimiter, but the third field still has the colon as the separator.

The benchmark command for the agent is - CALL: './hashcat.bin' --machine-readable --quiet --progress-only --restore-disable --potfile-disable --session=hashtopolis -p " " --hex-salt "/root/hashlists/301" "/root/files/wordlist-probable.txt" -r "/root/files/best64.rule" --hash-type=3730 -S -o "/root/hashlists/301.out"

Notice the separator is a TAB delimiter, hence rendering the benchmark test as a failure.

As seen in the agent's hashcat_cracker.php source -


A TAB delimiter is being used, which is just fine.

A solution would be - add support for double salted hashes :D