Closed Seongmin-Jang-1165 closed 2 weeks ago
Minimap2 does not support UBAM files as the input [/home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/POD5/Real/basecalling/DORADO_barcode1.bam]. You will need to first convert the UBAM file to FASTQ using
samtools fastq
and then provide that FASTQ to minimap2.
thanks for advice..! I think I may have overlooked it by mistake. it works very well..
i have more question..!
i run f5c eventalign wiht my data for RNA004 cehmistry, but there is an error... could you explain about this problem..?
[code] f5c eventalign --rna -b /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/minimpa2/Real_Barcoded/for_dRNAseq/samtools_barcode2_sort.bam -r /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/POD5/Real/basecalling/fastq/DORADO_barcode2.fastq -g /lustre/home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/Reference/Reference/gencode.v43.transcripts.fa -o Barcode2_eventalign_mapq3.tsv \ --kmer-model /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/f5c/k_mer_model_RNA004/rna004.nucleotide.5mer.model --slow5 /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/bluecrab/barcode2.blow5 --signal-index --scale-events --min-mapq 3
Are you using FAST5 data? If so, did you convert the POD5 to FAST5? I remember another user having a similar issue due to an issue in nanopore's POD5->FAST5 conversion. Can you use to directly convert POD5->BLOW5. Then, you can perform f5c indexing and eventalignment using this BLOW5 file by specifying as --slow5 /path/to/file.blow5
to f5c index
and f5c eventalign
Can you send the full log messages as a text file? I want to see if there are any warnings that may help debugging this issue.
Thanks for your reply..!
hi, i figure out that the index file is made in wrong m6Anet is working well. I'm sorry to bother you when you're busy
No problem. Happy to help. Great you found the issue.
dear developer
hello i want to preproces dRNAseq data for m6a analysis using m6Anet
i have to use f5c eventalign, so i made [reads.sorted.bam] file like under, as following the instruction for noisy direct RNA seq option in minimap2 manual(
/home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/minimap2-2.28_x64-linux/minimap2 -t 4 -ax splice -uf -k14 /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/minimap2/GRCh38.primary_assembly.transcriptome.mmi /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/POD5/Real/basecalling/DORADO_barcode1.bam > /home/rnagenomics/sm/Nanopore/20240923_Histone_Direct_RNA_seq/analysis/minimpa2/Real_Barcoded/for_dRNAseq/minimap2_barcode1.sam
but it do not processed further, and i assume that the option of minimap2 is the reason...
what is the best option of minimap2 for dRNAseq data to run f5c eventalign..?