haskell-compat / base-compat

A compatibility layer for base
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Figure out how to migrate to GitHub Actions #70

Closed RyanGlScott closed 3 years ago

RyanGlScott commented 3 years ago

In light of Travis CI's new pricing scheme, I've migrated all of the code that I maintain from Travis over to GitHub Actions. Well, almost all code—the one exception is this repo, base-compat. I've made an attempt at switching over in the github-actions branch, but I can't quite get it working for GHC 7.8 and earlier. For those versions, attempting to run the spec test suite always fails, as observed here:

Preprocessing test suite 'spec' for base-compat-batteries-0.11.2..
Building test suite 'spec' for base-compat-batteries-0.11.2..
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id base-compat-batteries-0.11.2-inplace: 
    base-compat-batteries-0.11.2-inplace is unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies:
      bifunctors-5.5.9-31a03b7199a62edadb0b3bfb9482ea40939f7e6f0d2092e4add416beccdd14fe contravariant-1.5.3-6f24945e50cf882799f1da63e11b6a230f2b7570a55d171138a485888d798a0c fail- nats-1.1.2-5aeebea93ac8ad7160adbce7ade93ca06e4a2e82f6e5a159356fd10b43669ab1 semigroups-0.19.1-1ab09cd83574002aa985a7316a4f629b4c020b428f18840b3e33daed496dd020 transformers-compat-0.6.6-d467c27284d69c4c5ebc9b36dba7a50786f90193125d2e74e86075ae891790e9 void-0.7.3-912459a50fa3f75a446c10f4b987e1eab4fbaf3268c7998b9186c7ad601da2cf
    (use -v for more information)
cabal: Failed to build test:spec from base-compat-batteries-0.11.2.

I asked @phadej about this, but we weren't able to figure it out. One suspicious thing of note is the warning that gets printed before this error:

Configuring test suite 'spec' for base-compat-batteries-0.11.2..
Warning: The package has an extraneous version range for a dependency on an internal library: base-compat-batteries -any && ==0.11.2. This version range includes the current package but isn't needed as the current package's library will always be used.
    This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same package. This is very likely to cause a compile failure.
      package transformers-compat (transformers-compat-0.6.6-d467c27284d69c4c5ebc9b36dba7a50786f90193125d2e74e86075ae891790e9) requires fail-
      package bifunctors (bifunctors-5.5.9-31a03b7199a62edadb0b3bfb9482ea40939f7e6f0d2092e4add416beccdd14fe) requires fail-
      package base-compat-batteries (base-compat-batteries-0.11.2-inplace) requires fail-
      package primitive (primitive- requires fail-
      package void (void-0.7.3-912459a50fa3f75a446c10f4b987e1eab4fbaf3268c7998b9186c7ad601da2cf) requires hashable-
      package unordered-containers (unordered-containers- requires hashable-
      package semigroups (semigroups-0.19.1-1ab09cd83574002aa985a7316a4f629b4c020b428f18840b3e33daed496dd020) requires hashable-
      package nats (nats-1.1.2-5aeebea93ac8ad7160adbce7ade93ca06e4a2e82f6e5a159356fd10b43669ab1) requires hashable-
      package nats (nats-1.1.2-dedd6c854d365270319684aa53762d70c06e0c3cd3015e6ce86b238dd8366484) requires hashable-
      package stm (stm- requires nats-1.1.2-5aeebea93ac8ad7160adbce7ade93ca06e4a2e82f6e5a159356fd10b43669ab1
      package semigroups (semigroups-0.19.1-1ab09cd83574002aa985a7316a4f629b4c020b428f18840b3e33daed496dd020) requires nats-1.1.2-5aeebea93ac8ad7160adbce7ade93ca06e4a2e82f6e5a159356fd10b43669ab1
      package base-compat-batteries (base-compat-batteries-0.11.2-inplace) requires nats-1.1.2-5aeebea93ac8ad7160adbce7ade93ca06e4a2e82f6e5a159356fd10b43669ab1
      package stm (stm- requires nats-1.1.2-dedd6c854d365270319684aa53762d70c06e0c3cd3015e6ce86b238dd8366484
      package hspec-core (hspec-core-2.7.5-842f39b4cd0e59761ed7e46cfb01b005772402e59e9482cae285b88a0fd82058) requires stm-
      package StateVar (StateVar-1.2.1-1331f583a0e055301dcaba450ab5dccc14d517bdefc4202782b1688d1fd6aa61) requires stm-
      package hashable (hashable- requires text-
      package semigroups (semigroups-0.19.1-1ab09cd83574002aa985a7316a4f629b4c020b428f18840b3e33daed496dd020) requires text-
      package hashable (hashable- requires text-
phadej commented 3 years ago

@RyanGlScott sorry, I completely forgot about `base-compat

RyanGlScott commented 3 years ago

No worries! I wasn't trying to blame you or anything by filing this issue. This is mainly a reminder to myself to investigate why this is failing in the first place, since it's still a bit of a mystery to me at present.

sol commented 3 years ago

@RyanGlScott https://github.com/haskell-compat/base-compat/pull/71 should work.

I also added a branch protection rule that requires all jobs to succeed + enable auto-merge for the repo.