Open ndmitchell opened 7 years ago
The current Weeder output is:
= Package foundation = == Section bench:bench == Unused import * Sys - BenchUtil.RefData Weeds exported * BenchUtil.Common - fbench * BenchUtil.RefData - rdLoremIpsum1 - rdLoremIpsum5 * Fake.ByteString - splitAt == Section library == Excessive other-modules entry * Foundation.Internal.PrimTypes * Foundation.String.Internal * Foundation.System.Bindings.Network Missing other-modules entry * Foundation.Foreign.MemoryMap.Windows * Foundation.System.Bindings.Windows * Foundation.System.Entropy.Windows Unused import * Foundation.Collection.Element - Foundation.Internal.Base * Foundation.Internal.Base - Foundation.Internal.Typeable * Foundation.Math.Trigonometry - Foundation.Internal.Base Weeds exported * Foundation.Array.Bitmap - append - concat - cons - empty - index - read - snoc - unsafeIndex - unsafeRead - unsafeWrite - write * Foundation.Array.Boxed - mutableLength - sub * Foundation.Array.Unboxed - createFromPtr - equalMemcmp - findIndex - mapIndex - unsafeUpdate - update * Foundation.Array.Unboxed.ByteArray - mutableByteArraySet * Foundation.Array.Unboxed.Mutable - copyToPtr - mutableSame - sizeInMutableBytesOfContent - sub * Foundation.Check.Print - diffBlame * Foundation.Check.Property - checkHasSucceed * Foundation.Collection.Mappable - sequence_ * Foundation.Conduit.Internal - Await - Done - Leftover - Pipe - PipeM - Yield - liftResourceT - runResourceT * Foundation.Foreign.MemoryMap.Types - FileMapReadF * Foundation.Hashing.FNV - FNV1Hash32 - FNV1Hash64 * Foundation.Hashing.Hasher - hashNew * Foundation.IO.File - hGetNonBlocking - hGetSome * Foundation.Internal.MonadTrans - Reader * Foundation.Monad.Identity - IdentityT * Foundation.Partial - fromJust - fromLeft - fromRight - head - partialError * Foundation.Primitive.Block.Base - unsafeCopyElements * Foundation.Primitive.Block.Mutable - isPinned - mutableLengthSize * Foundation.Primitive.Exception - OOB_MemSet * Foundation.Primitive.Imports - FP32 - FP64 * Foundation.Primitive.IntegralConv - intToInt64 - word64ToWord - wordToInt - wordToWord64 * Foundation.Primitive.Monad - unPrimMonad_ - unsafePrimCast * Foundation.Primitive.Types - primOffsetOfE - primWord64GetByteAndShift - primWord64GetHiLo - primWordGetByteAndShift * Foundation.Primitive.Types.OffsetSize - +. - offsetRecast - sizeOfCSSize * Foundation.Primitive.Types.Ptr - Addr - addrPlus - addrPlusCSz - addrPlusSz - ptrPlusCSz - ptrPlusSz * Foundation.Primitive.UTF8.Base - expectAscii - sFromList - stringType * Foundation.Primitive.Utils - primCopyFreezedBytes - primCopyFreezedBytesOffset - primCopyFreezedW32 - primCopyFreezedW64 * Foundation.String.Encoding.ASCII7 - ASCII7_Invalid - ByteOutOfBound - CharNotAscii * Foundation.String.Encoding.Encoding - encodingNext - encodingWrite * Foundation.String.Encoding.ISO_8859_1 - ISO_8859_1_Invalid - NotISO_8859_1 * Foundation.String.Encoding.UTF16 - InvalidContinuation - InvalidUnicode - UTF16_Invalid * Foundation.String.Encoding.UTF32 - UTF32_Invalid * Foundation.String.UTF8 - create - fromChunkBytes - sub * Foundation.System.Bindings.Hs - sysHsCoreGetErrno * Foundation.System.Bindings.Network - getHErrno - herr_HostNotFound - herr_NoData - herr_NoRecovery - herr_TryAgain * Foundation.System.Bindings.Time - CTimeVal - CTimeZone - size_CTimeT - size_CTimeVal - size_CTimeZone - sysTimeClockGetRes - sysTimeGetTimeOfDay - sysTime_CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID - sysTime_CLOCK_REALTIME - sysTime_CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID == Section test:check-foundation == Weeds exported * Test.Checks.Property.Collection - testCollectionProperties - testEqualityProperties - testIsListPropertyies - testMonoidProperties - testOrderingProperties - testSequentialProperties == Section test:doctest == Module not compiled * DocTest.hs == Section test:test-foundation == Unused import * Test.Foundation.Array - Test.Foundation.Collection * Test.Foundation.ChunkedUArray - Test.Foundation.Collection Weeds exported * Imports - ===? * Test.Foundation.Number - testNumber
thanks. that's really useful !
The current Weeder output is: