haskell-hvr / HsYAML

YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Haskell
GNU General Public License v2.0
55 stars 17 forks source link

Performance could be better #40

Open jgm opened 4 years ago

jgm commented 4 years ago

One pandoc user has run into an issue with a large (100k line) bibliography in YAML format (for details see jgm/pandoc#6084). Prior to pandoc 2.8 (when we used the yaml package), this was handled fairly quickly, but now that we use HsYAML it takes 18 seconds to read the bibliography. I confirmed that the slowdown is due to HsYAML, by loading the file in a GHCI session as b and trying

GHCI> :set +s
GHCI> let x = decodeNode b in x `seq` 3 -- this is just to ensure it's evaluated
(25.28 secs, 82,135,579,376 bytes)

What are the performance expectations for HsYAML? Have you made efforts to optimize here? aeson claimed decoding speeds of 46M/sec on a slower machine than mine; this file is 3M. I wouldn't expect that YAML parsing could be as fast as JSON parsing, but it would be nice to get in the 4M/sec range (10x slower than aeson).

EDIT: 82G allocated with 1G max residency seems an awful lot to parse a 3M file!

Profiling reports these as the biggest cost centers:

applyParser                  Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:220:1-30             32.5    0.4
*>.\                         Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(435,5)-(439,67)      9.4   25.3
^.                           Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:73:1-30               9.3    0.8
&                            Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:567:1-44              4.3    4.0
<|>.decideParser             Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(599,7)-(609,95)      3.9    5.2
nextIf.consumeNextIf         Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(791,5)-(817,52)      3.1    0.4
prefixErrorWith.\            Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(913,5)-(917,95)      2.7    7.8
prefixErrorWith.\.reply      Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:913:9-49              2.4    0.0
append                       Data.DList      src/Data/DList.hs:34:1-46                    1.8    2.7
/                            Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:572:1-68              1.8    0.1
reject.\                     Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:673:5-67              1.7    8.1
*>                           Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(434,3)-(439,67)      1.6    0.0
returnReply                  Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:(387,1)-(390,52)      1.5    7.9

Heap profiling shows that the DLists account for a lot of the allocation.

jgm commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, unless something can be done, this issue is probably going to force me to switch back to using yaml in pandoc, which I'm unhappy about -- but people have some large YAML files to process. I tried doing some profiling with explicit SCC annotations. This seems to indicate that most of the time is spent in Data.YAML.Token c_l_block_seq_entry, which I suppose is what you'd expect for this input, but I wasn't yet able to pin it down further and nothing obvious has jumped out...

hasufell commented 2 years ago

Performance is 10 times worse than yaml package: https://gitlab.haskell.org/haskell/ghcup-hs/-/issues/270

hasufell commented 2 years ago

My tests seem to indicate that it's Data.DList.toList:


jgm commented 2 years ago

There's no problem with dlist, as far as I can see, so this profile doesn't tell us where the problem really lies. I tried replacing dlist with Data.Sequence from containers (which is a dependency of this package anyway), and this didn't affect performance significantly. After that, profiling says

97.3  97.3  96.7            Data.YAML.Token tokenize (0)
sjakobi commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to make progress on this issue. Maybe the -fprof-late-ccs option announced for GHC 9.4 could help getting more insights on this.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I've had a brief look at the Core of Data.Yaml.Token. What I noticed so far is that there's a lot of reboxing of Replys. For example:

-- RHS size: {terms: 12, types: 23, coercions: 6, joins: 0/0}
tokenize135 :: State -> Reply ()
 Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  = \ (w :: State) ->
      case $w$c*>
             @() @() (tokenize153 `cast` <Co:3>) (tokenize136 `cast` <Co:3>) w
      { (# ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4 #) ->
      Reply @() ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4

-- RHS size: {terms: 12, types: 23, coercions: 6, joins: 0/0}
tokenize134 :: State -> Reply ()
 Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  = \ (w :: State) ->
      case $w$c*>
             @() @() (tokenize154 `cast` <Co:3>) (tokenize135 `cast` <Co:3>) w
      { (# ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4 #) ->
      Reply @() ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4

I also thought that it was weird that *> isn't inlined. I'm not sure whether this is entirely prevented by its recursive nature or whether an INLINE pragma or just -O2 could fix that.

Rec {
-- RHS size: {terms: 16, types: 29, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
$fApplicativeParser2 [InlPrag=[2]]
  :: forall {a} {b}. Parser a -> Parser b -> State -> Reply b
 Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  = \ (@a) (@b) (w :: Parser a) (w1 :: Parser b) (w2 :: State) ->
      case $w$c*> @a @b w w1 w2 of { (# ww1, ww2, ww3, ww4 #) ->
      Reply @b ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4

-- RHS size: {terms: 34, types: 60, coercions: 5, joins: 0/0}
$w$c*> [InlPrag=[2], Occ=LoopBreaker]
  :: forall {a} {b}.
     Parser a
     -> Parser b
     -> State
     -> (# Result b, DList Token, Maybe Decision, State #)
[GblId, Arity=3, Str=<1C1(P(1L,L,L,L))><L><L>, Unf=OtherCon []]
  = \ (@a) (@b) (w :: Parser a) (w1 :: Parser b) (w2 :: State) ->
      case (w `cast` <Co:2>) w2 of { Reply ds206 ds207 ds208 ds209 ->
      case ds206 of {
        Failed message2 -> (# Failed @b message2, ds207, ds208, ds209 #);
        Result ds210 -> (# More @b w1, ds207, ds208, ds209 #);
        More parser6 ->
          (# More @b (($fApplicativeParser2 @a @b parser6 w1) `cast` <Co:3>),
             ds207, ds208, ds209 #)
end Rec }

Maybe it would also be helpful to define Reply as an unlifted type.

I also noticed that this package uses parsec instead of megaparsec which should be more optimized.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

https://wg21.link/index.yaml could be used for benchmarking.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to make progress on this issue. Maybe the -fprof-late-ccs option announced for GHC 9.4 could help getting more insights on this.

I've given this a spin, building with cabal build -w ghc-9.4 --enable-profiling --profiling-detail=none and

--- a/HsYAML.cabal
+++ b/HsYAML.cabal
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ library
   if !impl(ghc >= 7.10)
     build-depends:     nats         >= 1.1.2    && < 1.2

-  ghc-options:         -Wall
+  ghc-options:         -Wall -fprof-late

 executable yaml-test
   hs-source-dirs: src-test
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ executable yaml-test
     buildable: False

-  ghc-options: -rtsopts
+  ghc-options: -rtsopts -fprof-late

 test-suite tests
   default-language: Haskell2010

I then profiled the following command:

cat wg21.yaml | yaml-test yaml2event0 +RTS -p

…where wg21.yaml is the file from https://wg21.link/index.yaml.


$w$c*>            Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                47.1   17.3
$c*>              Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                18.6    7.4
$wdecideParser    Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:599:7-18    5.2    4.1
$wnextIf          Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 4.1   18.4
$sprefixErrorWith Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 2.7    7.1
$wchoiceParser    Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 1.9    4.0
$wrejectParser    Data.YAML.Token src/Data/YAML/Token.hs:675:5-16    1.4    0.0
choiceParser      Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 1.3    1.2
$wfinishToken     Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 1.2    4.2
$wwithParser      Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 1.2    3.5
sol               Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 1.0    1.8
value             Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.9    1.8
c_forbidden       Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.8    1.8
$srecovery        Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.7    1.8
$w$stoken         Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.6    3.8
$wemptyToken      Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.5    3.0
append            Data.DList      <no location info>                 0.4    1.6
$w$stoken         Data.YAML.Token <no location info>                 0.2    1.2

I'm not quite sure what $c*> is – I can't find it in the generated Core or STG. Maybe it's an artifact of the -fprof-late mode.

STG for the other top cost centers:

$w$c*> ``` Rec { $fApplicativeParser3 [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall {a} {b}. Parser a -> Parser b -> State -> Reply b [GblId, Arity=3, Str=<1C1(P(1L,L,L,L))>, Cpr=1, Unf=OtherCon []] = {} \r [left_sknD right_sknE state_sknF] case case left_sknD of left_tnCK { __DEFAULT -> $w$c*> left_tnCK right_sknE state_sknF; } of { (#,,,#) ww_sknH [Occ=Once1] ww1_sknI [Occ=Once1] ww2_sknJ [Occ=Once1] ww3_sknK [Occ=Once1] -> Reply [ww_sknH ww1_sknI ww2_sknJ ww3_sknK]; }; $w$c*> [InlPrag=[2], Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall {a} {b}. Parser a -> Parser b -> State -> (# Result b, DList Token, Maybe Decision, State #) [GblId[StrictWorker([!, ~, ~])], Arity=3, Str=<1C1(P(1L,L,L,L))>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {} \r [left_sknL right_sknM state_sknN] case left_sknL state_sknN of { Reply ds203_sknP [Occ=Once1!] ds204_sknQ [Occ=Once3] ds205_sknR [Occ=Once3] ds206_sknS [Occ=Once3] -> case ds203_sknP of { Failed message2_sknU [Occ=Once1] -> (#,,,#) [wild1_sknT ds204_sknQ ds205_sknR ds206_sknS]; Result _ [Occ=Dead] -> let { sat_sknX [Occ=Once1] :: Result b_shVR [LclId] = CCCS More! [right_sknM]; } in (#,,,#) [sat_sknX ds204_sknQ ds205_sknR ds206_sknS]; More parser6_sknY [Occ=OnceL1] -> let { sat_sknZ [Occ=Once1] :: Parser b_shVR [LclId] = {parser6_sknY, right_sknM} \r [eta_B0] $fApplicativeParser3 parser6_sknY right_sknM eta_B0; } in let { sat_sko0 [Occ=Once1] :: Result b_shVR [LclId] = CCCS More! [sat_sknZ]; } in (#,,,#) [sat_sko0 ds204_sknQ ds205_sknR ds206_sknS]; }; }; end Rec } ```
$wdecideParser ``` Rec { $wdecideParser [InlPrag=[2], Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall {result}. State -> DList Token -> Parser result -> Parser result -> State -> (# Result result, DList Token, Maybe Decision, State #) [GblId[StrictWorker([~, ~, !, ~, ~])], Arity=5, Str=<1C1(P(1L,L,L,L))>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {} \r [point_skbQ tokens_skbR left_skbS right_skbT state_skbU] case left_skbS state_skbU of { Reply ds203_skbW [Occ=Once1!] ds204_skbX [Occ=OnceL3] ds205_skbY [Occ=Once2!] ds206_skbZ [Occ=Once3] -> case ds203_skbW of wild1_skc0 [Occ=Once2] { Failed _ [Occ=Dead] -> case point_skbQ of conrep_skc2 [Occ=Once1] { State _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> let { sat_skcl [Occ=Once1] :: Result result_shQT [LclId] = CCCS More! [right_skbT]; } in (#,,,#) [sat_skcl id Nothing conrep_skc2]; }; Result _ [Occ=Dead] -> let { sat_skcp [Occ=Once1] :: DList Token [LclId] = {ds204_skbX, tokens_skbR} \r [x_skcn] let { sat_skco [Occ=Once1] :: [Token] [LclId] = {x_skcn, ds204_skbX} \u [] ds204_skbX x_skcn; } in tokens_skbR sat_skco; } in (#,,,#) [wild1_skc0 sat_skcp ds205_skbY ds206_skbZ]; More ds207_skcq [Occ=Once1] -> case ds205_skbY of wild2_skcr [Occ=Once1] { Nothing -> let { sat_skcu [Occ=Once1] :: DList Token [LclId] = {ds204_skbX, tokens_skbR} \r [x_skcs] let { sat_skct [Occ=Once1] :: [Token] [LclId] = {x_skcs, ds204_skbX} \u [] ds204_skbX x_skcs; } in tokens_skbR sat_skct; } in case ds207_skcq of ds207_tnBK { __DEFAULT -> $wdecideParser point_skbQ sat_skcu ds207_tnBK right_skbT ds206_skbZ; }; Just _ [Occ=Dead] -> let { sat_skcy [Occ=Once1] :: DList Token [LclId] = {ds204_skbX, tokens_skbR} \r [x_skcw] let { sat_skcx [Occ=Once1] :: [Token] [LclId] = {x_skcw, ds204_skbX} \u [] ds204_skbX x_skcw; } in tokens_skbR sat_skcx; } in (#,,,#) [wild1_skc0 sat_skcy wild2_skcr ds206_skbZ]; }; }; }; end Rec } ```
$wnextIf ``` $wnextIf [InlPrag=[2]] :: (Char -> Bool) -> State -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [GblId[StrictWorker([~, !])], Arity=2, Str=<1P(L,L,L,SL,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L)>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {} \r [test_skhc eta_skhd] case eta_skhd of wild_skhe [Occ=Once2] { State ds203_skhf ds204_skhg bx_skhh ds205_skhi [Occ=Once1!] ds206_skhj [Occ=Once1] ds207_skhk ds208_skhl bx1_skhm bx2_skhn bx3_skho bx4_skhp bx5_skhq bx6_skhr bx7_skhs bx8_skht ds209_skhu bx9_skhv ds210_skhw -> let-no-escape { limitedNextIf_skhx [Occ=Once2!T[1], Dmd=MCM(!P(L,L,L))] :: State -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=<1P(L,L,SL,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L)>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {test_skhc} \r [state_skhy] case state_skhy of wild1_skhz [Occ=Once2] { State ds211_skhA [Occ=Once1] ds212_skhB [Occ=Once1] bx10_skhC [Occ=Once1!] ds213_skhD [Occ=Once1] ds214_skhE [Occ=Once1] ds215_skhF [Occ=Once1] ds216_skhG [Occ=Once1] bx11_skhH [Occ=Once1] bx12_skhI [Occ=Once1] bx13_skhJ [Occ=Once1] bx14_skhK [Occ=Once1] bx15_skhL [Occ=Once1] bx16_skhM [Occ=Once1] bx17_skhN [Occ=Once1] bx18_skhO [Occ=Once1] ds217_skhP [Occ=Once1] bx19_skhQ [Occ=Once1] ds218_skhR [Occ=Once1] -> let-no-escape { consumeNextIf_skhS [Occ=Once2!T[1], Dmd=MCM(!P(L,L,L))] :: State -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=<1P(L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,L,SL)>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {test_skhc} \r [state1_skhT] case state1_skhT of wild2_skhU [Occ=Once2] { State ds219_skhV [Occ=Once3] ds220_skhW [Occ=Once3] bx20_skhX [Occ=Once3] ds221_skhY [Occ=Once3] ds222_skhZ ds223_ski0 [Occ=Once1] ds224_ski1 bx21_ski2 [Occ=Once1] bx22_ski3 [Occ=Once1] bx23_ski4 [Occ=Once1] bx24_ski5 [Occ=Once1] bx25_ski6 [Occ=Once1] bx26_ski7 bx27_ski8 bx28_ski9 ds225_skia [Occ=Once3] _ [Occ=Dead] ds226_skic [Occ=Once1!] -> case ds226_skic of { [] -> (#,,#) [lvl48_rjLH id wild2_skhU]; : ds227_skie [Occ=Once1!] rest_skif [Occ=Once3] -> case ds227_skie of { (,) offset_skih [Occ=Once3!] char_skii -> case test_skhc char_skii of { False -> let { sat_skil [Occ=Once1] :: [Char] [LclId] = {char_skii} \u [] let { sat_skik [Occ=Once1] :: [Char] [LclId] = CCCS :! [char_skii lvl46_rjLF]; } in unpackAppendCString# tokenize5 sat_skik; } in let { sat_skim [Occ=Once1] :: Result () [LclId] = CCCS Failed! [sat_skil]; } in (#,,#) [sat_skim id wild2_skhU]; True -> case char_skii of wild6_skin [Occ=Once1] { C# x_skio -> let-no-escape { $j_skip [Occ=Once2!T[1], Dmd=1C1(!P(L,L,L))] :: Bool %1 -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=<1L>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {ds219_skhV, ds220_skhW, bx20_skhX, ds221_skhY, bx24_ski5, bx27_ski8, ds225_skia, x_skio, bx26_ski7, bx28_ski9, rest_skif, offset_skih, ds224_ski1, ds222_skhZ, bx23_ski4, bx22_ski3, bx21_ski2, bx25_ski6, wild6_skin} \r [arg_skiq] let-no-escape { $j1_skir [Occ=Once2!T[1], Dmd=1C1(!P(L,L,L))] :: [Char] %1 -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=<1L>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {ds219_skhV, ds220_skhW, bx20_skhX, ds221_skhY, bx24_ski5, bx27_ski8, ds225_skia, x_skio, bx26_ski7, bx28_ski9, rest_skif, offset_skih, arg_skiq, ds224_ski1, ds222_skhZ, bx23_ski4, bx22_ski3, bx21_ski2, bx25_ski6} \r [arg1_skis] let-no-escape { $w$j_skit [InlPrag=[2], Occ=Once3!T[1], Dmd=1C1(!P(L,L,L))] :: Int# %1 -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=, Unf=OtherCon []] = {ds219_skhV, ds220_skhW, bx20_skhX, ds221_skhY, bx24_ski5, bx27_ski8, ds225_skia, x_skio, bx26_ski7, bx28_ski9, rest_skif, offset_skih, arg1_skis, arg_skiq, ds224_ski1, ds222_skhZ, bx23_ski4, bx22_ski3} \r [ww_skiu] let-no-escape { $w$j1_skiv [InlPrag=[2], Occ=Once3!T[1], Dmd=1C1(!P(L,L,L))] :: Int# %1 -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=, Unf=OtherCon []] = {ds219_skhV, ds220_skhW, bx20_skhX, ds221_skhY, ww_skiu, bx24_ski5, bx27_ski8, ds225_skia, x_skio, bx26_ski7, bx28_ski9, rest_skif, offset_skih, arg1_skis, arg_skiq, ds224_ski1, ds222_skhZ, bx23_ski4} \r [ww1_skiw] let-no-escape { $w$j2_skix [InlPrag=[2], Occ=Once3!T[1], Dmd=1C1(!P(L,L,L))] :: Int# %1 -> (# Result (), DList Token, State #) [LclId[JoinId(1)(Nothing)], Arity=1, Str=, Unf=OtherCon []] = {ds219_skhV, ds220_skhW, bx20_skhX, ds221_skhY, ww_skiu, ww1_skiw, bx24_ski5, bx27_ski8, ds225_skia, x_skio, bx26_ski7, bx28_ski9, rest_skif, offset_skih, arg1_skis, arg_skiq, ds224_ski1, ds222_skhZ} \r [ww2_skiy] case ds222_skhZ of { False -> case ds224_ski1 of { [] -> case arg_skiq of conrep_skiB [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case arg1_skis of conrep1_skiC [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case offset_skih of { I# unbx_skiE [Occ=Once1] -> case rest_skif of conrep3_skiF [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx28_ski9 1#] of sat_skiH [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx26_ski7 1#] of sat_skiG [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_skiI [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds219_skhV ds220_skhW bx20_skhX ds221_skhY False conrep_skiB conrep1_skiC ww_skiu ww1_skiw ww2_skiy bx28_ski9 unbx_skiE sat_skiG bx27_ski8 sat_skiH ds225_skia x_skio conrep3_skiF]; } in (#,,#) [tokenize8 id sat_skiI]; }; }; }; }; }; }; : _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> case arg_skiq of conrep_skiL [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case arg1_skis of conrep1_skiM [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case offset_skih of { I# unbx_skiO [Occ=Once1] -> case rest_skif of conrep3_skiP [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx28_ski9 1#] of sat_skiR [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx26_ski7 1#] of sat_skiQ [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_skiS [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds219_skhV ds220_skhW bx20_skhX ds221_skhY False conrep_skiL conrep1_skiM ww_skiu ww1_skiw ww2_skiy bx24_ski5 unbx_skiO sat_skiQ bx27_ski8 sat_skiR ds225_skia x_skio conrep3_skiP]; } in (#,,#) [tokenize8 id sat_skiS]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; True -> case arg_skiq of conrep_skiT [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case arg1_skis of conrep1_skiU [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case offset_skih of { I# unbx_skiW [Occ=Once1] -> case rest_skif of conrep3_skiX [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx28_ski9 1#] of sat_skiZ [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case +# [bx26_ski7 1#] of sat_skiY [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_skj0 [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds219_skhV ds220_skhW bx20_skhX ds221_skhY True conrep_skiT conrep1_skiU ww_skiu ww1_skiw ww2_skiy -1# unbx_skiW sat_skiY bx27_ski8 sat_skiZ ds225_skia x_skio conrep3_skiX]; } in (#,,#) [tokenize8 id sat_skj0]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in case ds222_skhZ of { False -> case ds224_ski1 of { [] -> $w$j2_skix bx27_ski8; : _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> $w$j2_skix bx23_ski4; }; True -> $w$j2_skix -1#; }; } in case ds222_skhZ of { False -> case ds224_ski1 of { [] -> $w$j1_skiv bx26_ski7; : _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> $w$j1_skiv bx22_ski3; }; True -> $w$j1_skiv -1#; }; } in case ds222_skhZ of { False -> case ds224_ski1 of { [] -> $w$j_skit bx25_ski6; : _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> $w$j_skit bx21_ski2; }; True -> $w$j_skit -1#; }; } in case ds222_skhZ of { False -> let { sat_skje [Occ=Once1] :: [Char] [LclId] = CCCS :! [wild6_skin ds224_ski1]; } in $j1_skir sat_skje; True -> $j1_skir []; }; } in case x_skio of { __DEFAULT -> $j_skip False; '\65279'# -> $j_skip ds223_ski0; }; }; }; }; }; }; } in case bx10_skhC of ds219_skjg [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> case -# [ds219_skjg 1#] of sat_skjh [Occ=Once1] { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_skji [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds211_skhA ds212_skhB sat_skjh ds213_skhD ds214_skhE ds215_skhF ds216_skhG bx11_skhH bx12_skhI bx13_skhJ bx14_skhK bx15_skhL bx16_skhM bx17_skhN bx18_skhO ds217_skhP bx19_skhQ ds218_skhR]; } in consumeNextIf_skhS sat_skji; }; -1# -> consumeNextIf_skhS wild1_skhz; 0# -> (#,,#) [lvl67_rjM1 id wild1_skhz]; }; }; } in case ds205_skhi of { Nothing -> limitedNextIf_skhx wild_skhe; Just parser6_skjk [Occ=Once1] -> let { sat_skjm [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds203_skhf ds204_skhg bx_skhh Nothing True ds207_skhk ds208_skhl bx1_skhm bx2_skhn bx3_skho bx4_skhp bx5_skhq bx6_skhr bx7_skhs bx8_skht ds209_skhu bx9_skhv ds210_skhw]; } in let { sat_skjl [Occ=Once1] :: State [LclId] = CCCS State! [ds203_skhf ds204_skhg bx_skhh Nothing ds206_skhj ds207_skhk ds208_skhl bx1_skhm bx2_skhn bx3_skho bx4_skhp bx5_skhq bx6_skhr bx7_skhs bx8_skht ds209_skhu bx9_skhv ds210_skhw]; } in case case parser6_skjk of parser6_tnCe { __DEFAULT -> $wrejectParser sat_skjl lvl64_rjLY parser6_tnCe sat_skjm; } of wild2_skjn [Occ=Once1] { (#,,#) ww_skjo [Occ=Once1!] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> case ww_skjo of { Failed _ [Occ=Dead] -> (#,,#) [ww_skjo ww1_skjp ww2_skjq]; Result _ [Occ=Dead] -> limitedNextIf_skhx wild_skhe; More _ [Occ=Dead] -> lvl61_rjLV; }; }; }; }; ```
$sprefixErrorWith ``` Rec { $sprefixErrorWith_rjNu :: Parser (Int, Chomp) -> Pattern -> State -> Reply (Int, Chomp) [GblId, Arity=3, Str=<1C1(P(SL,L,L,L))>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {} \r [pattern_skw4 prefix_skw5 state_skw6] case pattern_skw4 state_skw6 of wild_skw7 [Occ=Once1] { Reply ds203_skw8 [Occ=Once1!] ds204_skw9 [Occ=Once2] ds205_skwa [Occ=Once2] ds206_skwb [Occ=Once2] -> case ds203_skw8 of wild1_skwc [Occ=OnceL1] { Failed _ [Occ=Dead] -> let { right_skwe [Occ=OnceL1] :: State -> Reply (Int, Chomp) [LclId, Arity=1, Str=<1L>, Unf=OtherCon []] = {wild1_skwc} \r [state1_skwf] case state1_skwf of conrep_skwg [Occ=Once1] { State _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] _ [Occ=Dead] -> Reply [wild1_skwc id Nothing conrep_skwg]; }; } in let { sat_skwF [Occ=Once1] :: Parser (Int, Chomp) [LclId] = {prefix_skw5, right_skwe} \r [state1_skwz] case case prefix_skw5 of prefix_tnD8 { __DEFAULT -> $w$c*> prefix_tnD8 right_skwe state1_skwz; } of { (#,,,#) ww_skwB [Occ=Once1] ww1_skwC [Occ=Once1] ww2_skwD [Occ=Once1] ww3_skwE [Occ=Once1] -> Reply [ww_skwB ww1_skwC ww2_skwD ww3_skwE]; }; } in let { sat_skwG [Occ=Once1] :: Result (Int, Chomp) [LclId] = CCCS More! [sat_skwF]; } in Reply [sat_skwG ds204_skw9 ds205_skwa ds206_skwb]; Result _ [Occ=Dead] -> wild_skw7; More more_skwI [Occ=OnceL1] -> let { sat_skwJ [Occ=Once1] :: Parser (Int, Chomp) [LclId] = {more_skwI, prefix_skw5} \r [eta_B0] $sprefixErrorWith_rjNu more_skwI prefix_skw5 eta_B0; } in let { sat_skwK [Occ=Once1] :: Result (Int, Chomp) [LclId] = CCCS More! [sat_skwJ]; } in Reply [sat_skwK ds204_skw9 ds205_skwa ds206_skwb]; }; }; end Rec } ```
sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I think some allocations could be avoided by turning Reply and Result into unlifted unboxed datastructures. State is probably allocated with a similar frequency, but since it has so many fields, making it unlifted unboxed might result in too much register pressure.


It might be helpful to compress some of these fields into a bit field.

I wonder how far we can get by tweaking the existing code though. It's clear that the priority has been to fully comply with the YAML spec. Getting good performance out of the same code might be rather tricky.