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Possible NMU: vector-th-unbox #236

Closed phadej closed 4 years ago

phadej commented 5 years ago

I contacted liyang on 2019-09-04.

This starts 2 week countdown as 3rd step in https://github.com/haskell-infra/hackage-trustees/blob/master/policy.md#3-source-changes-simple-patches

EDIT: my PR is at https://github.com/liyang/vector-th-unbox/pull/23 but others have made PRs in May 2019: https://github.com/liyang/vector-th-unbox/pull/20 and https://github.com/liyang/vector-th-unbox/pull/19; therefore direct intention to perform NMU.

phadej commented 4 years ago

I sent a message to Liyang mentioning that I plan to make a NMU on Monday 2019-09-23

phadej commented 4 years ago

Planned version for upload is at https://github.com/hackage-trustees/vector-th-unbox/compare/master...hackage-trustees:ghc-8.8.1-nmu, the very same as in PR (there version is already bumped there, e.g.)

hvr commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me; let's do the NMU at last.

peti commented 4 years ago


Please do the NMU. vector-th-unbox is blocking many useful packages, not least of which is monad-par.

RyanGlScott commented 4 years ago

I plan to make a NMU on Monday 2019-09-23

What is the status of this?

phadej commented 4 years ago

admins granted me upload rights, so here you go: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector-th-unbox-