haskell-infra / hackage-trustees

Issue tracker for Hackage maintainance and trustee operations
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Revision request for splitmix #340

Closed athas closed 1 year ago

athas commented 1 year ago

Needs to have its upper bound on base bumped.

Upstream PR

sjakobi commented 1 year ago

I assume you meant to link to https://github.com/haskellari/splitmix/pull/65.

I think it's a bit early to request trustee action here – GHC 9.4.1 is very fresh and the splitmix maintainer didn't have even half an hour to respond to your PR yet.

I'll tentatively close this issue for now. Feel free to reopen this issue once the maintainer hasn't taken action for two weeks or so.

athas commented 1 year ago


phadej commented 1 year ago

I must admit seeing this ate a bit of my motivation and excitement about GHC-9.4.

andreasabel commented 1 year ago

I must admit seeing this ate a bit of my motivation and excitement about GHC-9.4.

@phadej, what do you mean?
Folks are eager to jump on the train, and quite a few packages at the root of the dependency tree are in your care...

phadej commented 1 year ago

Folks are eager to jump on the train

I'm not. The release came out (again) as somewhat a surprise. I have other plans for this week (i.e. normal work) and weekend (something else).

If people don't care to read through CONTRIBUTING.md and open trustee tickets immediately, I don't know why I would spoil them any more by reacting to the GHC release ASAP.

phadej commented 1 year ago

FYI, seems that haskell/action/setup doesn't use ghcup on windows, so I'm somewhat blocked on that.

AFAIK Windows require yet to be made cabal-install release as GHC stuff on Windows has changed significantly, that is another issue which might be a blocker.

I'd be happier to use cabal-install-3.8 on other platforms as well, as

Warning: Unknown/unsupported 'ghc' version detected (Cabal supports
'ghc' version < 9.4): /opt/ghc/bin/ghc-9.4.1 is version 9.4.1

is not nice to see.

andreasabel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the swift revision of splitmix (and many other crucial packages), @phadej!