haskell-infra / hackage-trustees

Issue tracker for Hackage maintainance and trustee operations
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Package takeover request: fgl #345

Closed athas closed 1 year ago

athas commented 1 year ago

I am requesting to take over the package fgl (or eventually, when enough time has passed). I have posted the motivation publicly here:


I am pinging @ivan-m (the maintainer), but he seems to have stepped down his GitHub activity.

It is not clear to me whether Ivan considers fgl his personal project, or whether he's just the community steward of a library originally written by Martin Erwig. Its hosting under the haskell organisation on GitHub suggests the latter, but perhaps I am misinterpreting the purpose of that organisation. If anyone can shed some light on this, it would also be appreciated. If I end up taking over the package, it would be simplest if I could also simply be granted commit access to the haskell/fgl repository. I know this is not related to Hackage itself, but perhaps someone here has useful information.

My Hackage username is TroelsHenriksen.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

According to https://wiki.haskell.org/Taking_over_a_package, you should wait at least 2 weeks since https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2022-August/135487.html, which gives us 30 Aug + 14 = 13 Sep, and then apply via hackage-admin@haskell.org.

Hackage Admins and Hackage Trustees are different groups, Trustees do not have access to grant maintainership rights.

(However do ping me personally, if successful, to get access rights for github repo)

athas commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll send an email in a few days. I am posting here mostly as yet another public notice, in case Ivan wants to object (or someone centuries from now wants to figure out what went on with fgl maintainership in the early 21st century).

athas commented 1 year ago

@Bodigrim I have been added as maintainer on Hackage by Erik Hesselink. Can you grant me commit access to the GitHub repo?

athas commented 1 year ago

Thanks! All seems to be in order now. Time to go to work.