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error involving uverb #1381

Open fisx opened 3 years ago

fisx commented 3 years ago

If you copy the following code into Servant.API.UVerb.Union:

data User tag = User

type XS tag = Union '[User tag, ()]

f :: forall tag m. Applicative m => User tag -> m (XS tag)
f usr = either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))

respond ::
  forall (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) (f :: * -> *).
  (Applicative f, IsMember x xs) =>
  x ->
  f (Union xs)
respond = pure . inject . I

you get:

Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:159:24: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
    • Expected one of:
          '[User tag, ()]
      But got:
          User tag
    • In the second argument of ‘either’, namely ‘respond’
      In the expression: either respond respond
      In the expression:
        either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))
159 | f usr = either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))
    |                        ^^^^^^^

Without the phantom tag, it compiles fine. I would have expected it to compile both ways.

fisx commented 3 years ago

Now I also get this:

Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:154:24: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
    • Overlapping instances for UElem (User tag0) '[User tag, ()]
        arising from a use of ‘respond’
      Matching instances:
        instance [overlapping] forall a (x :: a) (xs :: [a]) (x' :: a).
                               UElem x xs =>
                               UElem x (x' : xs)
          -- Defined at Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:109:30
        instance [overlapping] forall a (x :: a) (xs :: [a]).
                               UElem x (x : xs)
          -- Defined at Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:104:30
      (The choice depends on the instantiation of ‘k0, tag0, k, tag’
       To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances
       when compiling the other instance declarations)
    • In the second argument of ‘either’, namely ‘respond’
      In the expression: either respond respond
      In the expression:
        either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))
154 | f usr = either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))
    |                        ^^^^^^^

Even if i turn on incoherent instances.

arianvp commented 3 years ago

My feeling is that our type-error type-family is hiding the true error in your first example. Could you try commenting out our friendly error messages and see if the error is more helpful?

mheinzel commented 3 years ago

I think the type equality operator (==) chokes on the type variable.

ghci> type family CheckEqual a b :: Constraint where { CheckEqual a b = If (a == b) (() :: Constraint) (a ~ b) }
ghci> test :: CheckEqual a b => a -> b -> IO () ; test _ _ = putStrLn "equal types!"
ghci> test [True] [False]
equal types!
ghci> test [] []

<interactive>:43:1: error:
    • Could not deduce: If (a0 == a1) (() :: Constraint) ([a0] ~ [a1])
        arising from a use of ‘test’
    • In the expression: test [] []
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = test [] []
arianvp commented 3 years ago

That makes sense. [] :: forall a. [a] and [] :: forall b. [b] are different types and aren't equal. You run into extensionality problems here

mheinzel commented 3 years ago

Ah, yeah, not the best example. But it can be adapted to be closer to the original issue (having the same type variable on both sides), still showing the same problem:

Prelude Data.Type.Equality Data.Type.Bool Data.Kind> test :: CheckEqual a a => a  -> IO () ; test _ _ = putStrLn "equal!"
Prelude Data.Type.Equality Data.Type.Bool Data.Kind> test []

<interactive>:45:1: error:
    • Could not deduce: If (a0 == a0) (() :: Constraint) ([a0] ~ [a0])
        arising from a use of ‘test’
    • In the expression: test []
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = test []

So == works differently to ~, it doesn't try to unify variables and it doesn't consider a variable to be equal to itself.

arianvp commented 3 years ago

Yeh checking equality on polymorphic types does not work in Haskell.

Hence you can only call respond on monomorphic types or you need to delay the equality check up. e.g.:

f :: forall tag m. (Elem (User tag) [User tag, ()] , Applicative m) => User tag -> m (Union '[User tag, ()])
f usr = either respond respond $ (undefined :: Either () (User tag))
arianvp commented 3 years ago

Yeh (==) is a type-level function; not some special unification thing:


mheinzel commented 3 years ago

Yes, propagating the constraint up is a decent workaround.

fisx commented 3 years ago

Cool, thanks for solving this! We should add this to the cookbook before closing the issue. I'll assign it to myself!