The function Sort.isort is not used by any part of alex. A quick search through the tree can show this:
$ grep -nHre 'isort'
src/Sort.hs:5:complete with associated functions for inserting and merging. `isort' is the
src/Sort.hs:25:-- `isort' is an insertion sort and is here for historical reasons; msort is
src/Sort.hs:28:isort:: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
src/Sort.hs:29:isort (<=) = foldr (insrt (<=)) []
The function Sort.insrt is only used by Sort.isort:
$ grep -nHre 'insrt'
src/Sort.hs:29:isort (<=) = foldr (insrt (<=)) []
src/Sort.hs:31:insrt:: (a->a->Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
src/Sort.hs:32:insrt _ e [] = [e]
src/Sort.hs:33:insrt (<=) e l@(h:t) = if e<=h then e:l else h:insrt (<=) e t
Since alex doesn't expose an API and neither function is ultimately used, they can both be removed.
The function
is not used by any part of alex. A quick search through the tree can show this:The function
is only used bySort.isort
:Since alex doesn't expose an API and neither function is ultimately used, they can both be removed.