[ 1 of 25] Compiling QC.Rechunked ( tests/QC/Rechunked.hs, dist/build/tests/tests-tmp/QC/Rechunked.dyn_o )
Non type-variable argument in the constraint: G.Vector v Int
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
When checking that ‘swapAll’ has the inferred type
swapAll :: forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *) (v :: * -> *).
(Foldable t, primitive- m,
G.Vector v Int, G.Mutable v ~ V.MVector) =>
t (Int, Int) -> m (v Int)
In an equation for ‘swapIndices’:
swapIndices n0
= do { swaps <- forM [0 .. n] $ \ i -> ((,) i) `fmap` choose ...;
return (runST (swapAll swaps)) }
n = n0 - 1
swapAll ijs
= do { mv <- G.unsafeThaw (G.enumFromTo 0 n :: V.Vector Int);
.... }
In an equation for ‘fisherYates’:
fisherYates xs
= (V.toList . V.backpermute v) `fmap` swapIndices (G.length v)
v = V.fromList xs
swapIndices n0
= do { swaps <- forM ... $ ...;
.... }
n = n0 - 1
swapAll ijs = ...
Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘b1’
‘b1’ is untouchable
inside the constraints (Foldable t,
primitive- m,
G.Vector v Int,
G.Mutable v ~ V.MVector)
bound by the inferred type of
swapAll :: (Foldable t,
primitive- m,
G.Vector v Int, G.Mutable v ~ V.MVector) =>
t (Int, Int) -> m (v Int)
at tests/QC/Rechunked.hs:(52,9)-(55,27)
‘b1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the inferred type of
swapIndices :: (Enum b1, Num b1,
random-1.1:System.Random.Random b1) =>
b1 -> Gen b
at tests/QC/Rechunked.hs:47:5
Possible fix: add a type signature for ‘swapIndices’
Relevant bindings include
n :: b1 (bound at tests/QC/Rechunked.hs:51:9)
n0 :: b1 (bound at tests/QC/Rechunked.hs:47:17)
swapIndices :: b1 -> Gen b (bound at tests/QC/Rechunked.hs:47:5)
In the second argument of ‘G.enumFromTo’, namely ‘n’
In the first argument of ‘G.unsafeThaw’, namely
‘(G.enumFromTo 0 n :: V.Vector Int)’