haskell / cabal

Official upstream development repository for Cabal and cabal-install
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cabal- fails to build/install several packages - assert fails #6659

Open mouse07410 opened 4 years ago

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug Currently-released cabal- aborts at build/install of several packages, e.g., pandoc, upon failing assertion.

To Reproduce

$ cabal install pandoc
Warning: Parsing the index cache failed (Data.Binary.Get.runGet at position
16: Non-matching structured hashes: 0210baca00000000ec34895e00000000;
expected: a257ca064dfb5e0cb74f74e64a975b9e). Trying to regenerate the index
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib) (requires build)
 - http-client- (lib) (requires build)
 - socks-0.6.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - tls-1.5.4 (lib) (requires build)
 - connection-0.3.1 (lib:connection) (requires build)
 - http-client-tls- (lib) (requires build)
 - pandoc- (lib) (requires build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:242:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning

Expected behavior Successful build/installation, as with cabal-

System information

Additional context Cabal configured to build dynamic libraries and executables, profiling is disabled, documentation enabled.

Cabal installed via $ cabal install cabal-install --overwrite-policy=always

On a probably-unrelated note, it looks like Cabal doesn't take command-line arguments --enable-static and --enable-executable-static: when I specify those, it still seems to follow what's in ~/.cabal/config, which says "dynamic".

hvr commented 4 years ago

@mouse07410 You installed cabal-install from the Git repo, didn't you? I.e. you were inside the Git repo when you invoked cabal install cabal-install --overwrite-policy=always?

Does this also occur with the executable from https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- ?

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

You installed cabal-install from the Git repo, didn't you?

Initially - yes, but when I found that it was officially released, I installed it from the Hackage by doing $ cd ; cabal install cabal-install --overwrite-policy-=always. So, no - I was not inside the Git repo during my last couple of re-installations. And without that --overwrite... it fails to create a symlink, so the failure to pass that flag couldn't pass unnoticed.

Does this also occur with the executable from https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- ?

Hmm, I've no idea - never downloaded individual binaries manually before. Always used either ghcup tool, or "upgrade in place" (aka - rebuilding locally)... It appears that downloaded cabal-install binaries work fine, and do not exhibit this problem. Only the locally-rebuilt ones do.

phadej commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce this on Linux. My suggestion would be to wipe ~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3/ and try again.

I'm quite sure that some of these assertions trigger when store gets inconsistent (for whatever reasons).

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

I'm quite sure that some of these assertions trigger when store gets inconsistent (for whatever reasons).

Could switching between Cabal- build from Git repo, Cabal- built from Git repo, Cabal- distributed via ghcup, and Cabal- built from Hackage contribute/cause this?

If so, does it mean that once I "stabilize" on built-from-Hackage Cabal-, it should go away? Or you still recommend blowing away ~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3?

phadej commented 4 years ago

Could switching between Cabal- build from Git repo, Cabal- built from Git repo, Cabal- distributed via ghcup, and Cabal- built from Hackage contribute/cause this?

No, that shouldn't happen. More likely cancelling a build (or failing build) left things in inconsistent state.

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

More likely cancelling a build (or failing build) left things in inconsistent state...

Darn... Lord knows I've had more than a few of those.

Do you still advise wiping out ~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3? Or wait and see if I get that problem again, and blow it then?

phadej commented 4 years ago

If it doesn't happen consistently, and you cannot reproduce it right away, there's nothing to do.

hvr commented 4 years ago

Always used either ghcup tool, or "upgrade in place" (aka - rebuilding locally)...

@mouse07410 fwiw, that's the very same binary ghcup would download too

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

I'm getting that error consistently now with cabal-install that I build from the source.

I wiped ~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3. I built cabal- from the current Cabal master - succeeded.

Then I tried to build HIE. Failed as shown above.

Then I tried to install floskell (cd ~/src; cabal install floskell). Failed:

$ cabal install floskell --overwrite-policy=always
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - StateVar-1.2 (lib) (requires build)
 - base-compat-0.11.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - base-orphans-0.8.2 (lib) (requires build)
 - cabal-doctest-1.0.8 (lib) (requires build)
 - colour-2.3.5 (lib) (requires build)
 - uuid-types-1.0.3 (lib) (requires build)
 - dlist- (lib) (requires build)
 - data-default-class- (lib:data-default-class) (requires build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:243:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning

I don't know where to find more detailed logs - ~/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.8.3 did not help.

Then I tried Cabal- installed by ghcup, and it worked flawlessly.

The only difference between our environments that I'm aware of - on my machine both Cabal and Stack are configured to build shared libraries and dynamic executables.

I wouldn't venture into building my "own" Cabal, but I need the fix provided by #6623.

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

And somehow I seem unable to force static build?

$ time cabal install exe:cabal --enable-static --disable-shared
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - cabal-install- (exe:cabal) (requires build)
Starting     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Building     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Installing   cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Completed    cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Symlinking 'cabal'

real    3m41.965s
user    3m21.837s
sys 0m15.473s

$ otool -L ~/.cabal/bin/cabal
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)
    @rpath/libHSsync-2.2.2-ca63dbfc-ghc8.8.3.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHSstm- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHSrslv- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHShshbl- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHShckg-scrty- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHSzlb- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHStr- (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    . . . . .
@rpath/libHSghc-prim-0.5.3-ghc8.8.3.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    @rpath/libHSrts_thr-ghc8.8.3.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
$ otool -L ~/.cabal/bin/cabal | wc -l
mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

Wiping out ~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3 does not help. Done it multiple times now, with zero results:

phadej commented 4 years ago

I tried to reproduce this in docker container

% docker run --rm -ti phadej/ghc:8.8.3-bionic bash
root@abcdef:/# cd

We have cabal-install-3.2 there:

root@abcdef:~# which cabal
root@abcdef:~# cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 

Let's update index and build pandoc

root@abcdef:~# cabal update
Config file path source is default config file.
Config file /root/.cabal/config not found.
Writing default configuration to /root/.cabal/config
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
root@abcdef:~# cabal install pandoc
Symlinking 'pandoc'
root@abcdef:~# pandoc -v
Compiled with pandoc-types 1.20, texmath, skylighting
Default user data directory: /root/.local/share/pandoc or /root/.pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2020 John MacFarlane
Web:  https://pandoc.org
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose.

It works. As in your case.

Let's remove it and build cabal from master

root@abcdef:~# rm $(which pandoc)
root@abcdef:~# rm -rf ~/.cabal/store/
root@abcdef:~# git clone https://github.com/haskell/cabal.git
Cloning into 'cabal'...
root@abcdef:~# cd cabal/

I use current master, specific commit to be precise:

root@abcdef:~/cabal# git checkout 79649a5f3f8fd616f169b9a8606f597865f99aab
Note: checking out '79649a5f3f8fd616f169b9a8606f597865f99aab'.


HEAD is now at 79649a5f3 Merge pull request #6684 from phadej/issue-6610

Then installing cabal

root@abcdef:~/cabal# cabal install cabal
Starting     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Building     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Installing   cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Completed    cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Symlinking 'cabal'

We need to remember to rehash to use just built version:

root@abcdef:~/cabal# hash -r
root@abcdef:~/cabal# which cabal
root@abcdef:~/cabal# cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 

Let's rebuild pandoc again:

root@abcdef:~/cabal# cd 

The index cache is format is different, as is expected due recent changes, and also output of Symlinking... is different, it's changed recently.

root@abcdef:~# cabal install pandoc
Warning: Parsing the index cache failed (Data.Binary.Get.runGet at position
16: Non-matching structured hashes: a257ca064dfb5e0cb74f74e64a975b9e;
expected: 3cde863fbd21d2968a50ad918c73d775). Trying to regenerate the index

Starting     pandoc- (exe:pandoc)
Building     pandoc- (exe:pandoc)
Installing   pandoc- (exe:pandoc)
Completed    pandoc- (exe:pandoc)
Symlinking 'pandoc' to '/root/.cabal/bin/pandoc'

But it all works. There are some missing bits. It would be very helpful, if you could make a reproducer using e.g. the docker image here.

Otherwise we'd simply need ot wait until we replace asserts in ProjectPlanning with type guarantees, which could take a while :(

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

I'll try with a Docker. But in the meanwhile - how was you Cabal configured? I suspect something breaks when you build it dynamic, i.e., in ~/.cabal/config:

shared: True
static: False
libraryProfiling: False
dynamic-executables: True
documentation: True

I'm reasonably convinced this has something to do with the problem, because somehow the binaries you build for Apple work fine.

Would you be able to test dynamically-built Cabal? I.e., build cabal-install itself as dynamic, and then use it to build something on a fresh ~/.cabal/store (i.e., build a package that hasn't been built yet on this system is container)?

Another possibility is that the latest Apple Xcode-11.4 that I use (like other v11 versions) has a bug with the stack 16-byte alignment - but in C/C++ code this bug manifests as SEGV11, so maybe it's unrelated...

phadej commented 4 years ago

if cabal-install itself is dynamicly linked, then most likely after you purge the ~/.cabal/store it won't work at all (as its own dependencies are gone).

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

most likely after you purge the ~/.cabal/store it won't work at all...

No, the store is purged before cabal-install is built.

Again, would it be possible for you to test fully dynamically-built-from-scratch cabal-install?

phadej commented 4 years ago

You had typos, I guess it should be:

library-profiling: False
executable-dynamic: True

root@abcdef:~/cabal# cabal user-config update -a 'static: False' -a 'shared: True' -a 'library-profiling: False' -a 'executable-dynamic: True' -a 'documentation: True'
Config file path source is default config file.
Config file /root/.cabal/config not found.
Writing default configuration to /root/.cabal/config
Renaming /root/.cabal/config to /root/.cabal/config.backup.
Writing merged config to /root/.cabal/config.

root@abdef:~/cabal# diff -u /root/.cabal/config.backup /root/.cabal/config
--- /root/.cabal/config.backup  2020-04-10 10:57:57.922619597 +0000
+++ /root/.cabal/config 2020-04-10 10:57:57.926619551 +0000
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
 -- program-prefix: 
 -- program-suffix: 
 -- library-vanilla: True
--- library-profiling:
--- shared:
--- static:
--- executable-dynamic: False
+library-profiling: False
+shared: True
+static: False
+executable-dynamic: True
 -- executable-static: False
 -- profiling:
 -- executable-profiling:
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 -- allow-older: False
 -- allow-newer: False
 -- write-ghc-environment-files:
--- documentation: False
+documentation: True
 -- doc-index-file: $datadir/doc/$arch-$os-$compiler/index.html
 -- target-package-db:

root@abdef:~/cabal# cabal install cabal
Symlinking 'cabal'

root@abcdef:~/cabal# hash -r && which cabal && cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 

root@abcdef:~/cabal# ldd `which cabal`
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffc02f37000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f26fefd5000)
    libHSresolv- => /root/.cabal/store/ghc-8.8.3/resolv- (0x00007f26ff452000)

root@abcdef:~/cabal# cd ..

root@abcdef:~# cabal install pandoc
Warning: Parsing the index cache failed (Data.Binary.Get.runGet at position
16: Non-matching structured hashes: a257ca064dfb5e0cb74f74e64a975b9e;
expected: 3cde863fbd21d2968a50ad918c73d775). Trying to regenerate the index
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - HsYAML- (lib) (requires build)
 - SHA- (lib) (requires build)
 - base-compat-0.11.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - base-noprelude- (lib) (requires build)
 - base-orphans-0.8.2 (lib) (requires build)
 - basement-0.0.11 (lib) (requires build)
 - bitarray- (lib:bitarray) (requires build)
 - blaze-builder- (lib) (requires build)
 - case-insensitive- (lib) (requires build)
 - cereal- (lib) (requires build)
 - cmark-gfm-0.2.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - colour-2.3.5 (lib) (requires build)
 - data-default-class- (lib:data-default-class) (requires build)
 - digest- (lib:digest) (requires build)
 - dlist- (lib) (requires build)
 - emojis-0.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - exceptions-0.10.4 (lib) (requires build)
 - fail- (lib) (requires build)
 - haddock-library-1.8.0 (lib) (requires build)
 - hourglass-0.2.12 (lib) (requires build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:243:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning


It's also enough to just do

cabal install pandoc --dry

Now as we have a reproducer, could you git bisect which commit caused the regression?

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago


Same thing with cabal-install that I built from the sources from the GitHub repo:

$ pwd
$ cabal install cabal-install --installdir=$HOME/.cabal/tmp --overwrite-policy=always --enable-static --disable-shared
. . . . .
[successful build]
$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 
$ otool -L ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal | wc -l
$ otool -L ~/.ghcup/bin/cabal | wc -l

You can see that despite the appropriate (I think?) flags, it still built a dynamic Cabal, unlike what ghcup installed.

And, this dynamically-built (or linked) Cabal fails the same way:

$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal install ShellCheck --dry
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following would be built (use -v for more details):
 - regex-tdfa- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ShellCheck-0.7.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:242:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning

It doesn't really matter what package you try to install - the only thing is it should be something not already/currently installed.

So, for all we know, this bug that manifests itself with dynamic builds of cabal-install has been with us forever - just nobody bothered to check...

Now, the unpleasant part. I created an alternate configuration for static builds, but did not clear the ~/.cabal/store. The resulting cabal-install seems reasonably static now, and it still fails:

$ cabal --config-file=/Users/uri/.cabal/config-static --enable-static --disable-shared install cabal-install --installdir=$HOME/.cabal/tmp --overwrite-policy=always --enable-static --disable-shared
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - Cabal- (lib) (requires build)
 - base16-bytestring- (lib:base16-bytestring) (requires build)
 - base64-bytestring- (lib) (requires build)
 - echo-0.1.3 (lib) (requires build)
 - cryptohash-sha256- (lib) (requires build)
 - ed25519- (lib) (requires build)
 - hsc2hs-0.68.7 (exe:hsc2hs) (requires build)
 - hashable- (lib) (requires build)
 - network-uri- (lib) (requires build)
 - random-1.1 (lib) (requires build)
 - tar- (lib) (requires build)
 - zlib- (lib) (requires build)
 - resolv- (lib:resolv) (requires build)
 - network- (lib:network) (requires build)
 - lukko- (lib) (requires build)
 - async-2.2.2 (lib) (requires build)
 - edit-distance- (lib) (requires build)
 - HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib) (requires build)
 - hackage-security- (lib) (requires build)
 - cabal-install- (exe:cabal) (requires build)
Starting     echo-0.1.3 (lib)
Starting     base64-bytestring- (lib)
Starting     base16-bytestring- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     Cabal- (lib)
Building     base16-bytestring- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     base64-bytestring- (lib)
Building     echo-0.1.3 (lib)
Building     Cabal- (lib)
Haddock      base16-bytestring- (all, legacy fallback)
Haddock      echo-0.1.3 (lib)
Haddock      base64-bytestring- (lib)
Installing   base16-bytestring- (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   echo-0.1.3 (lib)
Installing   base64-bytestring- (lib)
Completed    base16-bytestring- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     cryptohash-sha256- (lib)
Completed    echo-0.1.3 (lib)
Starting     ed25519- (lib)
Completed    base64-bytestring- (lib)
Starting     hsc2hs-0.68.7 (exe:hsc2hs)
Building     cryptohash-sha256- (lib)
Building     ed25519- (lib)
Building     hsc2hs-0.68.7 (exe:hsc2hs)
Haddock      cryptohash-sha256- (lib)
Installing   cryptohash-sha256- (lib)
Completed    cryptohash-sha256- (lib)
Starting     hashable- (lib)
Building     hashable- (lib)
Installing   hsc2hs-0.68.7 (exe:hsc2hs)
Completed    hsc2hs-0.68.7 (exe:hsc2hs)
Starting     network-uri- (lib)
Haddock      ed25519- (lib)
Haddock      hashable- (lib)
Building     network-uri- (lib)
Installing   ed25519- (lib)
Installing   hashable- (lib)
Completed    ed25519- (lib)
Starting     random-1.1 (lib)
Completed    hashable- (lib)
Starting     tar- (lib)
Building     random-1.1 (lib)
Building     tar- (lib)
Haddock      network-uri- (lib)
Installing   network-uri- (lib)
Haddock      random-1.1 (lib)
Completed    network-uri- (lib)
Starting     zlib- (lib)
Installing   random-1.1 (lib)
Completed    random-1.1 (lib)
Starting     resolv- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     zlib- (lib)
Haddock      tar- (lib)
Installing   tar- (lib)
Completed    tar- (lib)
Starting     network- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     resolv- (all, legacy fallback)
Haddock      zlib- (lib)
Installing   zlib- (lib)
Completed    zlib- (lib)
Starting     lukko- (lib)
Building     network- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     lukko- (lib)
Haddock      lukko- (lib)
Installing   lukko- (lib)
Completed    lukko- (lib)
Starting     async-2.2.2 (lib)
Building     async-2.2.2 (lib)
Haddock      network- (all, legacy fallback)
Haddock      async-2.2.2 (lib)
Installing   async-2.2.2 (lib)
Haddock      resolv- (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   network- (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    async-2.2.2 (lib)
Starting     edit-distance- (lib)
Installing   resolv- (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    network- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib)
Completed    resolv- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     edit-distance- (lib)
Building     HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib)
Haddock      edit-distance- (lib)
Installing   edit-distance- (lib)
Completed    edit-distance- (lib)
Haddock      HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib)
Installing   HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib)
Completed    HTTP-4000.3.14 (lib)
Haddock      Cabal- (lib)
Installing   Cabal- (lib)
Completed    Cabal- (lib)
Starting     hackage-security- (lib)
Building     hackage-security- (lib)
Haddock      hackage-security- (lib)
Installing   hackage-security- (lib)
Completed    hackage-security- (lib)
Starting     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Building     cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Installing   cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Completed    cabal-install- (exe:cabal)
Symlinking 'cabal'
$ otool -L ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal | wc -l
$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 
$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal install ShellCheck --dry
Warning: Parsing the index cache failed (Data.Binary.Get.runGet at position
16: Non-matching structured hashes: a257ca064dfb5e0cb74f74e64a975b9e;
expected: 3cde863fbd21d2968a50ad918c73d775). Trying to regenerate the index
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following would be built (use -v for more details):
 - regex-tdfa- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ShellCheck-0.7.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:243:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

Same thing with that I build with GHC-8.8.3 from the GutHub sources. Even static, it fails:

$ git checkout 3.2
Switched to branch '3.2'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.2'.
$ cabal --config-file=/Users/uri/.cabal/config-static --enable-static --disable-shared install cabal-install --installdir=$HOME/.cabal/tmp --overwrite-policy=always --enable-static --disable-shared
Warning: Parsing the index cache failed (Data.Binary.Get.runGet at position
16: Non-matching structured hashes: 3cde863fbd21d2968a50ad918c73d775;
expected: a257ca064dfb5e0cb74f74e64a975b9e). Trying to regenerate the index
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Wrote tarball sdist to
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - Cabal- (lib) (requires build)
 - hackage-security- (lib) (requires build)
 - cabal-install- (exe:cabal) (requires build)
Starting     Cabal- (lib)
. . . . .
Symlinking 'cabal'
$ otool -L ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)
    /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
    /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.11)
    /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.0.0)
$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal --version
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library 
$ ~/.cabal/tmp/cabal install ShellCheck --dry
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following would be built (use -v for more details):
 - regex-tdfa- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ShellCheck-0.7.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:242:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
phadej commented 4 years ago

Also, is there any reason why cabal install cabal-install --enable-static --disable-shared still produces a fully-dynamic executable? Applies to building other packages as well. It seems the only way to build static now is editing ~/.cabal/config, which I'm not very keen to do every time...

I don't know, but don't conflate it with this issue.

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

It looks like when Cabal fails to build a package, like with the assertion above, it also corrupts the state of the store. To recover I had to (again!) wipe the store off and re-install everything with a good Cabal.

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago

@phadej first, thanks for that container! docker run --rm -ti phadej/ghc:8.8.3-bionic bash helps me greatly.

Now, I tried building Cabal dynamically on your container, from the cloned sources. It built, and exhibited the same failure on the same assertion:

root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# time cabal install cabal
Wrote tarball sdist to /root/cabal/dist-newstyle/sdist/Cabal-
. . . . .
Completed    cabal-install- (all, legacy fallback)
Symlinking 'cabal'

real    8m46.070s
user    10m23.701s
sys 0m25.799s
root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# which cabal
root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# hash -r
root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# pwd
root@64a1466a3974:~/cabal# cd ..
root@64a1466a3974:~# cabal install ormolu --dry
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following would be built (use -v for more details):
Assertion failed
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  assert, called at ./Distribution/Client/ProjectPlanning.hs:242:5 in main:Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning

On the other hand, installing the current ( Cabal from Hackage apparently produced a working one:

root@64a1466a3974:~# time cabal install cabal-install
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - Cabal- (lib) (requires download & build)
. . . . .
Installing   cabal-install- (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    cabal-install- (all, legacy fallback)
Symlinking 'cabal'

real    8m52.522s
user    10m24.583s
sys 0m25.524s
root@64a1466a3974:~# which cabal
root@64a1466a3974:~# ldd /root/.cabal/bin/cabal | wc -l
root@64a1466a3974:~# pwd
root@64a1466a3974:~# cabal install ormolu --dry
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-8.8.3 -O1
In order, the following would be built (use -v for more details):
 - alex-3.2.5 (exe:alex) (requires download & build)
 - base-compat-0.11.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - colour-2.3.5 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - dlist- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - exceptions-0.10.4 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - happy-1.19.12 (exe:happy) (requires download & build)
 - syb-0.7.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - transformers-compat-0.6.5 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - gitrev-1.3.1 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ansi-terminal-0.10.3 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ghc-lib-parser- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9 (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ormolu- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - optparse-applicative- (lib) (requires download & build)
 - ormolu- (exe:ormolu) (requires download & build)

I used your Cabal configuration command from https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/6659#issuecomment-611987238

root@64a1466a3974:~# diff -uw ~/.cabal/config.backup ~/.cabal/config
--- /root/.cabal/config.backup  2020-04-12 01:07:18.705242207 +0000
+++ /root/.cabal/config 2020-04-12 01:07:18.707242207 +0000
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
 -- program-prefix: 
 -- program-suffix: 
 -- library-vanilla: True
--- library-profiling:
--- shared:
--- static:
--- executable-dynamic: False
+library-profiling: False
+shared: True
+static: False
+executable-dynamic: True
 -- executable-static: False
 -- profiling:
 -- executable-profiling:
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 -- allow-older: False
 -- allow-newer: False
 -- write-ghc-environment-files:
--- documentation: False
+documentation: True
 -- doc-index-file: $datadir/doc/$arch-$os-$compiler/index.html
 -- target-package-db:
 -- max-backjumps: 4000


Current observations (on my MacOS and your Linux container):

mouse07410 commented 4 years ago


Mikolaj commented 3 years ago

@mouse07410: thank you for your investigation. I'm afraid we are rather understaffed right now so it may be up to volunteers to continue the hunt.

However, regarding failure to link statically, we've investigated that in #7236 and it seems, it works fine with cabal build, but fails with cabal install quite consistently. Probably unrelated to the main problem in your issue, but let's revisit after #7236 is fixed (waiting for volunteers, as well).

Mikolaj commented 2 years ago

This may be related to #6006.