Closed complyue closed 4 years ago
I end up with a solution slightly modified from
module DB.Storage.InMem.TreeIdx
( foldRange
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map.Internal
-- Kudos: Olaf Klinke olf at
-- name clash with Control.Monad
when :: (Monoid b) => Bool -> b -> b
when t b = if t then b else mempty
contains :: Ord k => (Maybe k, Maybe k) -> k -> Bool
contains (lbound, ubound) k =
(isNothing lbound || fromJust lbound <= k)
&& (isNothing ubound || k <= fromJust ubound)
:: (Monoid b, Ord k) => ((k, a) -> b) -> (Maybe k, Maybe k) -> Map k a -> b
foldRange f range@(lbound, ubound) m = case m of
Tip -> mempty
(Bin _ k a left right) -> foldLeft <> this <> foldRight where
foldLeft =
when (isNothing lbound || fromJust lbound < k) (foldRange f range left)
this = when (range `contains` k) (f (k, a))
foldRight =
when (isNothing ubound || k < fromJust ubound) (foldRange f range right)
import qualified DB.Storage.InMem.TreeIdx as TI
:: IndexSpec
-> TreeMap.Map IndexKey a
-> Maybe [Maybe IdxKeyVal]
-> Maybe [Maybe IdxKeyVal]
-> [(IndexKey, a)]
indexKeyRange spec tree !minKeyVals !maxKeyVals = TI.foldRange
(: [])
(IndexKey spec <$> minKeyVals, IndexKey spec <$> maxKeyVals)
closing for now.
I'm not sure why
doesn't have a key range based visiting API, I figured out I can do it this way:But wouldn't it save the computation needed to re-balance the intermediate tree generated ? Or that re-balancing can be optimized out actually ?
I am creating an in-memory graph database, using
as business object indices with specified object attributes. The typical scenario will be querying a small number of entries by key range, out of possibly all business objects of a certain class globally, so the implementation above would work, but not reasonable by far as it seems.I think a lazy list returned by mere node visiting (i.e. no new node creation) would satisfy my needs, or I missed something ?