haskell / containers

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Import `Data.Array.ST` instead of `Data.Array.ST.Safe` #970

Open konsumlamm opened 10 months ago

konsumlamm commented 10 months ago

Data.Array.ST exports the same things as Data.Array.ST.Safe, the latter was just added as a migration strategy. The *.Safe modules in array might get deprecated in the future, see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/packages/array/-/issues/11.

treeowl commented 9 months ago

There seems to be an incorrect assumption somewhere; CI is failing.

konsumlamm commented 9 months ago

Yes, Data.Array.ST.Safe is marked as Trustworthy, while Data.Array.ST is not. This makes it fail, because Data.Graph is marked as Safe.

The next step would be to mark Data.Array.ST as Trustworthy.

meooow25 commented 9 months ago

On Hackage I can see that Data.Array.ST is "Safe-Inferred" onwards. This is included in GHC 9.6. Doesn't that mean it should compile fine without any changes with GHC 9.6 and above?