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Add lookupMin and lookupMax for IntSet #976

Open meooow25 opened 8 months ago

meooow25 commented 8 months ago

I wanted to use IntSet.lookupMin today and realized it's not defined. lookupMin and lookupMax already exist for Set, Map, and IntMap.

Edit: Also

meooow25 commented 6 months ago

Hello, could you please review this PR?

meooow25 commented 6 months ago

Updated Map's lookupMin and lookupMax as discussed. Sharing the core below.

Core ```hs Rec { -- RHS size: {terms: 19, types: 26, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0} Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure [InlPrag=[2], Occ=LoopBreaker] :: forall {k} {a}. k -> a -> Map k a -> (# k, a #) [GblId[StrictWorker([~, ~, !])], Arity=3, Str=<1L>, Unf=OtherCon []] Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure = \ (@k_sIhw) (@a_sIhx) (k1_sIhy :: k_sIhw) (a1_sIhz :: a_sIhx) (ds_sIhA :: Map k_sIhw a_sIhx) -> case ds_sIhA of { Bin bx_dH9Z k2_asZd a2_asZe l_asZf ds1_dzm5 -> Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure @k_sIhw @a_sIhx k2_asZd a2_asZe l_asZf; Tip -> case k1_sIhy of conrep_atnO { __DEFAULT -> (# conrep_atnO, a1_sIhz #) } } end Rec } -- RHS size: {terms: 14, types: 18, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0} lookupMinSure [InlPrag=[2]] :: forall k a. k -> a -> Map k a -> KeyValue k a [GblId, Arity=3, Str=<1L>, Cpr=1, Unf=Unf{Src=StableSystem, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=ALWAYS_IF(arity=3,unsat_ok=True,boring_ok=False) Tmpl= \ (@k_sIhw) (@a_sIhx) (k1_sIhy [Occ=Once1] :: k_sIhw) (a1_sIhz [Occ=Once1] :: a_sIhx) (ds_sIhA [Occ=Once1] :: Map k_sIhw a_sIhx) -> case Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure @k_sIhw @a_sIhx k1_sIhy a1_sIhz ds_sIhA of { (# ww_sINB [Occ=Once1], ww1_sINC [Occ=Once1] #) -> Data.Map.Internal.KeyValue @k_sIhw @a_sIhx ww_sINB ww1_sINC }}] lookupMinSure = \ (@k_sIhw) (@a_sIhx) (k1_sIhy :: k_sIhw) (a1_sIhz :: a_sIhx) (ds_sIhA :: Map k_sIhw a_sIhx) -> case Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure @k_sIhw @a_sIhx k1_sIhy a1_sIhz ds_sIhA of { (# ww_sINB, ww1_sINC #) -> Data.Map.Internal.KeyValue @k_sIhw @a_sIhx ww_sINB ww1_sINC } -- RHS size: {terms: 18, types: 34, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0} lookupMin [InlPrag=INLINE (sat-args=1)] :: forall k a. Map k a -> Maybe (k, a) [GblId, Arity=1, Str=<1L>, Unf=Unf{Src=StableUser, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=ALWAYS_IF(arity=1,unsat_ok=False,boring_ok=False) Tmpl= \ (@k_avaJ) (@a_avaK) (ds_dzmb [Occ=Once1!] :: Map k_avaJ a_avaK) -> case ds_dzmb of { Bin _ [Occ=Dead] k1_asZg [Occ=Once1] x_asZh [Occ=Once1] l_asZi [Occ=Once1] _ [Occ=Dead] -> case lookupMinSure @k_avaJ @a_avaK k1_asZg x_asZh l_asZi of { KeyValue k2_asZ9 [Occ=Once1] a1_asZa [Occ=Once1] -> GHC.Maybe.Just @(k_avaJ, a_avaK) (k2_asZ9, a1_asZa) }; Tip -> GHC.Maybe.Nothing @(k_avaJ, a_avaK) }}] lookupMin = \ (@k_avaJ) (@a_avaK) (ds_dzmb :: Map k_avaJ a_avaK) -> case ds_dzmb of { Bin bx_dHa0 k1_asZg x_asZh l_asZi ds1_dzoB -> case Data.Map.Internal.$wlookupMinSure @k_avaJ @a_avaK k1_asZg x_asZh l_asZi of { (# ww_sINB, ww1_sINC #) -> GHC.Maybe.Just @(k_avaJ, a_avaK) (ww_sINB, ww1_sINC) }; Tip -> GHC.Maybe.Nothing @(k_avaJ, a_avaK) } ```
meooow25 commented 6 months ago

Updated again to put a bang on k, as recommended in GHC#24340.
Though it looks like k is evaluated every time in core (case k1_somV of k2_X0 { __DEFAULT ->... in https://github.com/haskell/containers/pull/976#discussion_r1451918255), the core does not tell the full story. This is out of my depth but, as explained in the GHC issue above, code generation down the line gets rid of this eval.

meooow25 commented 5 months ago

@treeowl does this look good?

treeowl commented 5 months ago

I'd like to take one more look at it after I finish waking up and mixing dough.

meooow25 commented 5 months ago


meooow25 commented 5 months ago

@treeowl, reminder to review.

meooow25 commented 3 months ago
