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Design for dataToTag# #104

Closed simonpj closed 1 year ago

simonpj commented 1 year ago

Matthew and I would like to consult you about the API exposed to users of base for the dataToTag# operator.

Currently we have a primop

dataToTag# :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Int#

and a strangely named alias in GHC.Base

getTag :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Int#
getTag x = dataToTag# x

Of course this is all wrong:

So Matthew is fixing that by introducing

type DataToTag :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) -> Constraint
class DataToTag a where
     dataToTag# :: a -> Int#

That fixes both things at one blow:

So far so good: it's a change, but a backward-compatible change.

But we'd also like to kill off the strangely named getTag while we are about it (with a deprecation cycle). And we propose to define

dataToTag :: forall (a :: TYPE LiftedRep). DataToTag a => a -> Int
dataToTag' :: forall (a :: TYPE UnliftedRep). DataToTag a => a -> Int

as wrappers for dataToTag# that return a civilised boxed Int. It would be nice to make these levity-polymorphic too, but you can't write

dataToTag x = I# (dataToTag# x)

because there is a levity-polymorphic binder x.

An alternative would be to put dataToTag into the class like this

class DataToTag a where
     dataToTag# :: a -> Int#
     dataToTag :: a -> Int

and now dataToTag can be levity-monomorphic. But the implementation is significantly more fiddly, because we have to build that dictionary on the fly.

The naming of the unlifted version is up for grabs. I suggested dataToTag' by analogy with foldl'

treeowl commented 1 year ago

I don't have any thoughts on your question. However, I do have thoughts about the class, because of some work I was doing recently. In particular, it would be nice to have one or two associated types, and probably another method:

  1. RoundTrips, which when 'True guarantees that tagToEnum# (dataToTag# x) = x. This holds for enumeration-like types (which may be GADTs and thus not Enum).
  2. NumCons :: Nat, the number of constructors.
  3. numCons :: Int, the number of constructors.
tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

it's a change, but a backward-compatible change

Is it backwards-compatible? That means that everywhere a user can successfully compile dataToTag# today they can compile dataToTag# after the change. How about

myDataToTag :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Int#
myDataToTag = dataToTag#

That compiles today. Will it compile after this change? I doubt it. But have I missed something here?

simonpj commented 1 year ago

That compiles today. Will it compile after this change?

Ah, you are right. Of course: myDataToTag can't be that polymorphic: indeed that's the point!

So, fair cop: it's not backward compatible if you write over-polymorphic functions involving dataToTag.

treeowl commented 1 year ago

What about newtype wrappers of various sorts? Will dataToTag# still be able to peer through those?

simonpj commented 1 year ago

What about newtype wrappers of various sorts? Will dataToTag# still be able to peer through those?

Can you give concrete examples of what you mean? DItto for your earlier suggestions, not all of which I could parse. Thanks!

treeowl commented 1 year ago

@simonpj dataToTag# and tagToEnum# are both lightweight "generic" functions, but they're missing some metadata. If we have a TagToEnum class, my round trip thing is irrelevant, so ignore that. But someone who has something TagToEnum and DataToTag is relatively likely to want to know how many constructors the type has. That will let them know things like how many bits are required to serialize the type.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

And we propose to define

dataToTag :: forall (a :: TYPE LiftedRep). DataToTag a => a -> Int
dataToTag' :: forall (a :: TYPE UnliftedRep). DataToTag a => a -> Int

as wrappers for dataToTag# that return a civilised boxed Int.

dataToTag# is usually used in low-level, performance-critical manipulations, so I would not say that there is users' demand for "civilised boxed Int", if it simplifies.

treeowl commented 1 year ago

The newtype question: today we can apply dataToTag# to All to determine whether it's true or false. Will that remain the case? I don't think it necessarily needs to, but it would be good to make an intentional decision.

A symmetry question: I don't see a TagToEnum constraint counterpart proposed above. That seems very sad; I would surely want both. Perhaps the answer is performance? tagToEnum# is not operationally polymorphic today, as I understand it. Would it be possible to make it so, and yet be sure to specialize it even with -O0?

treeowl commented 1 year ago

I just discovered that tagToEnum# doesn't work for GADTs. That makes it much less useful than I imagined it to be. Oh well.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

Can I ask: does the CLC see dataToTag# as part of the API for base that users can rely on (and hence which the CLC creates) or as part of GHC internals, purely an internal implementation matter?

If the former, we are totally open for the CLC's guidance. Eg. no dataToTag and dataToTag' is fine with me.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

The newtype question: today we can apply dataToTag# to All to determine whether it's true or false

I see. To spell it out, given

newtype All = MkAll Bool

is dataToTag# (x :: All) well typed? And if so what answer does it give?

Today I think the answer is "yes it is well typed", and would return the tag on the enclosed Bool. I don't know if that's what you want, and would welcome the CLC's guidance. It's a good question.

We can implement either behaviour I think; but rejecting the above is certainly easier. Accepting it would lead to more design questions like "what if the data constructor is not in scope".

My instinct to make a conservative choice now (reject), and loosen up later if we find compelling applications.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

A symmetry question: I don't see a TagToEnum constraint counterpart proposed above

There will certainly be a TagToEnum follow up. But I thought it'd be simpler to do a trial run on a more focused topic.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

But someone who has something TagToEnum and DataToTag is relatively likely to want to know how many constructors the type has. That will let them know things like how many bits are required to serialize the type.

Hmm. I'm not convinced. Can you show some compelling examples? I suspect you'll quickly need the Data class anyway if you want to do anything polymorphic. Currently dataToTag# is essentially always used monomorphically.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

Can I ask: does the CLC see dataToTag# as part of the API for base that users can rely on (and hence which the CLC creates) or as part of GHC internals, purely an internal implementation matter?

It's kinda borderline, but I'm inclined to say that it's in scope for CLC because of a new type class.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

@simonpj could you please elaborate why do you need a type class? Could we just have dataToTag# :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) . a -> Int# as a primop?

treeowl commented 1 year ago

Hmm. I'm not convinced. Can you show some compelling examples? I suspect you'll quickly need the Data class anyway if you want to do anything polymorphic. Currently dataToTag# is essentially always used monomorphically.

tagToEnum# bans GADTs, which makes it unsuitable for what I wanted, so here's a more simplistic example. Suppose I want to serialize and deserialize arrays ("words") consisting of some enumeration type ("letters"). Efficient serialization using dataToTag# takes little code; there's no need to specialize to different types. Deserialization must invert serialization, so it must use tagToEnum#. But for that, it needs a dictionary. And it also needs to know how many bits to use for each element.

What I actually wanted to use this for, that would require more changes to work:

dependent-map offers a type

type DMap :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type

which is basically the same as Data.Map, but with different kinds (and keys that are usually GADTs). I want to write something similar for the special case of keys with only nullary constructors. Rather than a binary tree, I want a sparse SmallArray (like one node of a HashMap). This requires knowing at the type level whether the number of constructors is appropriate for this representation, dataToTag# to get array indices, and a (thoroughly unsafe) use of tagToEnum# for indexed traversals.

treeowl commented 1 year ago

@simonpj could you please elaborate why do you need a type class? Could we just have dataToTag# :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) . a -> Int# as a primop?

I don't think dataToTag# is supposed to make sense for function types. And somewhere (above? In the GHC ticket?) there's mention of the fact that it breaks parametricity; that's generally unfortunate, but it's not the only primop to do so.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

@simonpj could you please elaborate why do you need a type class? Could we just have dataToTag# :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) . a -> Int# as a primop?

Well, dataToTag# is, as its name suggests, a way of finding the tag of a data constructor. So you need to be sure that you are applying it to a data constructor and not, as David says, to a function. Or even perhaps a newtype. This is a way to make sure.

Does breaking parametricity matter? Well, foldr/build fusion becomes unsound.

tagToEnum# :: Int# -> a is a more compelling example, where a has to be a data type; but there is a nice duality here.

ocharles commented 1 year ago

Well, dataToTag# is, as its name suggests, a way of finding the tag of a data constructor. So you need to be sure that you are applying it to a data constructor and not, as David says, to a function. Or even perhaps a newtype. This is a way to make sure.

I have no idea if this is true, but are there perhaps other functions in the future that might also be interested in this? If so, that suggests maybe the type class you want (or perhaps even just a built in IsData :: Type -> Constraint constraint) would do the job, rather than bundling this into DataToTag? Or maybe DataToTag is exactly this class, but a more general name (IsData or something) would be more suitable.

I may well be picking bike shed paint colours out before we've even got the bike shed, though.

Ericson2314 commented 1 year ago

GHC.Base sounds to me like something that users are not supposed to think is stable?

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

@Ericson2314 the situation is as follows:

@simonpj how magical is the proposed new type class? Can users define their own instances?

simonpj commented 1 year ago

Changing primops, exported from ghc-prim, does not currently mandate a CLC vote. That is fine.

Once again I ask: what is the criterion you are using here. I am super keen to have a clear criterion for

I am really keen to know! You clearly have a criterion @Bodigrim: can you say what it is? Talking of "core type classes" is just not precise. Is DataToTag a core type class?

I think your implicit criterion may be:

Let's review your bullets in the light of this proposed definition:

So, is that the definitino? And if not, what is the definition? Thanks! Clearing this up once and for all would be incredibly helpul

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

Here is an example of a criterion that might work:

This "internal modules" convention is widely and successfully used in the Haskell ecosystem.

[EDIT: corrected Unstable to Internal]

simonpj commented 1 year ago

For base could we not use GHC.* as the prefix? I think we are close to that already, so it'd be a much less disruptive change than renaming all GHC.* to Unstable.*

(Separately, I though the widely-used convention was Internal not Unstable. At least that's what I've been told by others. But regardless, I'd love to make progress on base first, since a system-wide convention seems elusive.)

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

Separately, I though the widely-used convention was Internal not Unstable

Oh, I beg your pardon, yes. I'll amend my post.

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

For base could we not use GHC.* as the prefix?

That might be rather misleading, since there are plenty of modules exported from the ghc package whose names start GHC. and which are supposed to be public and reasonably stable, aren't there? I think a different stability naming convention between base and ghc would be rather confusing.

it'd be a much less disruptive change than renaming all GHC.* to Unstable.*

I agree that renaming GHC.* modules in base is very disruptive. I suggest it doesn't happen. Instead all such modules should be grandfathered in and simply marked prominently as "unstable" or "internal" at the top of their Haddocks.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

That might be rather misleading, since there are plenty of modules exported from the ghc package whose names start GHC. and which are supposed to be public and reasonably stable, aren't there?

Are there? Most stuff comes through Prelude, or Data.List, or Control.Monad etc. What things do you have in mind? And if there are, would it not be better to export them through some more "blessed" module name?

I agree that renaming GHC.* modules in base is very disruptive. I suggest it doesn't happen. Instead all such modules should be grandfathered in and simply marked prominently as "unstable" or "internal" at the top of their Haddocks.

That is one possibility. It has the disadvantage that one has to know the list ot stable modules -- you can't tell from their names. But that's just my opinion. I am entirely content to submit to the Will of the CLC, if the CLC can come to a view on the matter. Thanks for contributing to the dialogue!

clyring commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my late arrival here. I have several remarks:

@simonpj could you please elaborate why do you need a type class? Could we just have dataToTag# :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) . a -> Int# as a primop?

I included some discussion about this in (the current draft of) the overview note for the MR, which I have reproduced here for convenience.

``` Its one method, `dataToTag#`, has for decades existed as a primop with the type `forall a. a -> Int#`. And unlike its cousin `tagToEnum#`, it really was as polymorphic as that type claimed it to be. Every built-in DataToTag instance is just a trivial wrapper around a primop. So it's natural to ask: Why does the DataToTag class exist at all? 1. With its old type, `dataToTag#` broke parametricity and could peek through abstraction barriers because it is too polymorphic, and its behavior at types that are not represented as algebraic data types was both unspecified and useless. It's a bit unfortunate for what is "morally" a very tame, safe, pure function to carry these defects. 2. Useful information about the type `dataToTag#` is used at is most conveniently available during typechecking: 2a. For large constructor families, the constructor tag must sometimes be read from an object's info table, but for small constructor families it can be read directly from the pointer tag. (See also Note [Data constructor dynamic tags] in GHC.StgToCmm.Closure.) We can generate slightly smaller and more efficient code for the latter scenario. But during Stg-to-Cmm, the relevant type information is not reliably available. To work around this, built-in DataToTag instances use different primops for each scenario: `dataToTagLarge#` and `dataToTagSmall#`. (This optimization was #17079 and then part of #21710.) 2b. Branching on the result of a `dataToTag#` call is equivalent to branching on its argument directly. Transforming the former into the latter often enables further transformations such as case-flattening and case-of-known-constructor, so we do so. See also Note [caseRules for dataToTag] in GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold. For data family instances, this transformation must be done at the representation type of the relevant data instance, rather than the data family type that the user sees. Converting between these two types can be done by getting the relevant coercion from the FamInstEnvs, which would require tiresome plumbing to make available to caseRules. Instead, while creating a DataToTag instance for a data family type, we apply the underlying primop at the representation type and cast the resulting function to make the types match. This establishes the invariant (not currently checked by lint) that a dataToTag primop is never applied to a value argument whose type is not headed by an AlgTyCon. 3. Using a typeclass affords us greater freedom to change the representation of some data types, since we may (if necessary) simultaneously change the implementation of `dataToTag#` for the affected types to avoid breaking things. ```

Similar reasoning to point 2b also means that uses of dataToTag# at a newtype are currently sometimes optimized less well than uses of dataToTag# at its underlying data type. Point 3 relates to this GHC proposal which calls for a breaking change to dataToTag# for this reason. To see the unspecified behavior suggested by point 1, try running the following program with today's GHC but with various settings:

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
import GHC.Exts (Int(..), dataToTag#)

main :: IO ()
main = print (I# (dataToTag# flip))

Running interactively or compiling with -O0 I see 0 but with -O1 I see 2. (I think that's because flip has arity 3.)

Is it backwards-compatible? That means that everywhere a user can successfully compile dataToTag# today they can compile dataToTag# after the change. How about

myDataToTag :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Int#
myDataToTag = dataToTag#

That compiles today. Will it compile after this change? I doubt it. But have I missed something here?

Correct: This code is currently OK but will fail to typecheck after DataToTag is added, most likely with an error like No instance for ‘DataToTag a’ arising from a use of ‘dataToTag#’. But the breakage is all compile-time-only.

dataToTag# is usually used in low-level, performance-critical manipulations, so I would not say that there is users' demand for "civilised boxed Int", if it simplifies.

The most compelling use for dataToTag# in user code I have seen is to reduce boilerplate in Eq or Ord instances that aren't quite derivable. Here's an example from within GHC: Being able to say dataToTag lit1 < dataToTag lit2 instead of isTrue# (dataToTag# lit1 <# dataToTag# lit2) or I# (dataToTag# lit1) < I# (dataToTag# lit2) would be slightly prettier. But these wrappers are small, and if I am importing GHC.Exts to get dataToTag# anyway I am probably unfazed by such a small inconvenience.

@simonpj how magical is the proposed new type class? Can users define their own instances?

Rather magical: Users cannot define their own instances. (I suppose that since DataToTag is a one-method class users can technically provide something like local instances via withDict. But that's probably not very useful.)

I may well be picking bike shed paint colours out before we've even got the bike shed, though.

There is one un-answered question about the current implementation's interaction with backpack, and there are a few other non-essential tasks I'd like to take care of before merging. But the implementation is basically complete!

Here's a quick run-down of the basic user-facing design questions, and how the current implementation answers them:

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

That might be rather misleading, since there are plenty of modules exported from the ghc package whose names start GHC. and which are supposed to be public and reasonably stable, aren't there?

Are there?

I'm talking about the GHC API, which is a collection of modules exposed from the ghc package, all of whose names start with GHC. and some of which are presumably intended to be stable.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

I'm talking about the GHC API, which is a collection of modules exposed from the ghc package, all of whose names start with GHC. and some of which are presumably intended to be stable.

Aha. I was talking exclusively about the base package; the GHC package is another matter, since every single module starts with GHC.! A global consensus (across all packages) seems elusive which is why I'm trying to narrow the question to a single package, a package that is the CLC's primary focus, in the hope of a definite view emerging.

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

Yes, I understand that. I'm pointing out that using GHC. to mean "internal, unstable" in one package but not in another seems liable to cause much confusion.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

Changing primops, exported from ghc-prim, does not currently mandate a CLC vote. That is fine.

Once again I ask: what is the criterion you are using here. ... I think your implicit criterion may be:

* **The stable API of base is defined to consist of the exports of all modules _other than_ those with a `GHC.` prefix.**

No, your hypothesis has nothing to do with the judgement quoted (and is wrong in general). I explicitly mentioned the premise: dataToTag# is a primop, its definition is a part of compiler. The historical precedent is that GHC developers just change them as it seems fit (e. g., sized primitive types), because this is often mandated by internal GHC matters, requiring swift response. (This situation might be suboptimal, but let's leave the further discussion for another day).

However, the change you propose does not just changes a primop, it also introduces a type class. Given the leaking nature of Haskell type classes, this is a visible change for clients well outside of GHC internals. That's why I believe your proposal falls under purview of CLC.

I hope it clarifies. @simonpj @tomjaguarpaw please raise another issue, if you wish to continue a meta discussion, let's not digress wildly.

simonpj commented 1 year ago

I hope it clarifies.

Sadlly, it does not. I will open a fresh issue.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

Back to the proposal, I'm generally sympathetic to the idea, and the breakage seems minimal if any. I'd personally suggest to limit the proposal to class DataToTag with dataToTag# only and leave boxed wrappers for another day, as I imagine a lot of fight over the naming, and it would be pity to put this work on hold for a long time.

Once you have a final design and MR for user-facing changes, please run impact assessment and share results.

How visible is class DataToTag? Does it show up in haddocks? Does it show up in :i in ghci?

clyring commented 1 year ago

Once you have a final design and MR for user-facing changes, please run impact assessment and share results.

Although I wouldn't say the user-facing design is finalized, I think the variants that have been discussed will have little or no effect on the extent of breakage. So I prepared a "quick-and-dirty" backport of the patch to ghc-9.2 and pushed it here, in case anyone wants to find out what clc-stackage can show us. (Even this "quick-and-dirty" backport was a surprising amount of work. A lot has changed in ghc since the 9.2 branch was cut!)

How visible is class DataToTag? Does it show up in haddocks? Does it show up in :i in ghci?

Similar to Typeable and Coercible, its built-in instances are created as-needed and do not show up in haddocks or :info output.

clyring commented 1 year ago

I do not think I am well-positioned to personally perform further impact assessment at this time. If more impact assessment is desired, I politely request that someone else try building clc-stackage with the branch I mentioned in my last comment. (link)

simonpj commented 1 year ago

Matthew, can you summarise for the CLC the changes you propose? It all appears above but not in one place. (It's a pity that these issues don't have a single place to change, that we are all looking at.)

I think a summary with

would be a good way to structure it.

As to impact assessment we seem a bit stalled. Matthew doesn't feel able to do it, and I'm not sure if anyone else will volunteer. Matthew, is the difficulty that the impact-asessment instructions don't work; or that you don't have a powerful enough computer; or something else?

tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to make this change by introducing a new type class, with a new member, and either DEPRECATEDing, or informally deprecating (with some explanation in the Haddocks) the old one? That would avoid the need for an impact assessment.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

I don't really think there is anyone affected, the breakage surface is extremely small. I might be able to run impact assessment myself somewhere next week, but no promises.

It's likely to be less churn for the ecosystem to replace dataToTag# silently with a more restricted version than deprecate and remove it, which will necessarily require patches. I also doubt it is possible to provide both versions at the same time: the very purpose of this is to remove an unsound primop.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

@clyring I cannot complete the impact assessment because GHC from https://gitlab.haskell.org/clyring/ghc/-/tree/dataToTag-class-9.2 panics in multiple packages:

Building library for mime-mail-0.5.1..
[1 of 1] Compiling Network.Mail.Mime ( Network/Mail/Mime.hs, dist/build/Network/Mail/Mime.o, dist/build/Network/Mail/Mime.dyn_o )
ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 9.2.5:
  Expression: dataToTagLarge# @Padding padding_aaAU
  Type: forall {l :: Levity} (a :: TYPE ('BoxedRep l)). a -> Int#
  Args: [TYPE: Padding, padding_aaAU]
  Args': [padding_aaAU]
  Call stack:
      CallStack (from HasCallStack):
        callStackDoc, called at compiler/GHC/Utils/Panic.hs:181:37 in ghc:GHC.Utils.Panic
        pprPanic, called at compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs:279:17 in ghc:GHC.Core.Utils

Please report this as a GHC bug:  https://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug

There are also proper type check errors in repa, but I'm not sure what they have to do with DataToTag changes:

Building library for repa-
[ 1 of 39] Compiling Data.Array.Repa.Eval.Elt ( Data/Array/Repa/Eval/Elt.hs, dist/build/Data/Array/Repa/Eval/Elt.o, dist/build/Data/Array/Repa/Eval/Elt.dyn_o )

Data/Array/Repa/Eval/Elt.hs:129:31: error:
    • Couldn't match kind ‘'FloatRep’ with ‘'BoxedRep l11’
      When matching types
        a11 :: TYPE ('BoxedRep l11)
        Float# :: TYPE 'FloatRep
    • In the first argument of ‘touch#’, namely ‘f’
      In the expression: touch# f state
      In the expression:
        case touch# f state of state' -> (# state', () #)
129 |   = IO (\state -> case touch# f state of
clyring commented 1 year ago

@Bodigrim Thank you for trying.

I was unable to reproduce the mime-mail-0.5.1 panic using the build of that branch I made while preparing it. The failure message is mystifying. There shouldn't be any way for existing code to make a dataToTagLarge# call to come into existence without its levity argument... My best guess is that perhaps some stale interface file is poisoning your build. Can you reproduce these panics with a clean cabal store?

I can reproduce the repa- failure. It is caused by the backport of ghc!5877 which was a pre-requisite to making dataToTag# levity-polymorphic. I thought I removed the changes to the types of other primops while backporting that patch (at least modulo specificity of tyvars), but apparently I failed to do so. I will push a fix later today.

Matthew, is the difficulty that the impact-asessment instructions don't work; or that you don't have a powerful enough computer; or something else?

It's a combination of having a wimpy and unreliable machine with having several past experiences of WSL compatibility troubles.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

My best guess is that perhaps some stale interface file is poisoning your build. Can you reproduce these panics with a clean cabal store?

I used a fresh machine, which has never built mime-mail-0.5.1 or other packages with the same error before, so unlikely to be a stale interface.

I will push a fix later today.

Ping me once done, I'll give it another try.

clyring commented 1 year ago

@Bodigrim: I have pushed a commit reverting the unrelated primop type changes. I also bumped the version number to 9.2.100 just to make a stale-interfaces issue less likely. (I really hope that's the cause of the mime-mail-0.5.1 problem because I have no clue what else it could be, and still can't reproduce it.)

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

@clyring this looks better. But could you please ensure that your branch is atop of 9.2.5? It seems to suffer from https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/21964. I'm on M2.

clyring commented 1 year ago

The branch does contain the fix for that issue (74ca6191fa0), which is currently still the last commit in the ghc-9.2 branch.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

Sigh. I switched to my old, x64 machine and happy to tell that the change does not seem to affect any Stackage packages, which is good.

Here's a quick run-down of the basic user-facing design questions, and how the current implementation answers them: ...

@clyring could you confirm that your comment remains up-to-date with the most recent developments and there were no design changes?

clyring commented 1 year ago

I'm surprised there's no breakage in clc-stackage. Yes, that comment remains up-to-date.

Bodigrim commented 1 year ago

Dear CLC members, let's vote on the proposal to replace

GHC.Exts.dataToTag# :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Int#


type DataToTag :: forall {lev :: Levity}. TYPE (BoxedRep lev) -> Constraint
class DataToTag a where
     dataToTag# :: a -> Int#

as detailed in https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/8912. The motivation for the change is in the first half of https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/104#issue-1434906614. The final user-facing design is described in https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/104#issuecomment-1309210219. In theory, as explained in https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/104#issuecomment-1302351502, this is a breaking change, but practically no package in clc-stackage project is affected. @tomjaguarpaw @chessai @emilypi @mixphix @cgibbard

+1 from me.

mixphix commented 1 year ago


tomjaguarpaw commented 1 year ago

-1 (would change to +1 if we don't expose DataToTag from base)

The net effect of this proposal on CLC-land (i.e. base) is

  1. improve the type of getTag
  2. expose DataToTag from GHC.Exts

1 seems fine. Although this is an implementation detail which probably have never been exposed from base (exposing from ghc-prim seems sufficient) the change doesn't make anything worse, since it seems there are no consumers who used it at the bad type. 2 is not fine. DataToTag is a GHC implementation detail and therefore should not be exposed from base. Anyone who wants to use it should import it from ghc-prim. Granted, we have a lot of implementation details that are already exposed from base, but let's not add more.