[10 of 12] Compiling Criterion.Report ( Criterion/Report.hs, dist/build/Criterion/Report.o )
No instance for (MonadIO Criterion)
arising from a use of `liftIO'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (MonadIO Criterion)
In the expression: liftIO
In the expression:
$ do { tpl <- loadTemplate
[".", templateDir] (fromLJ cfgTemplate cfg);
L.writeFile name =<< formatReport reports tpl }
In a case alternative:
Last (Just name)
-> liftIO
$ do { tpl <- loadTemplate [".", ....] (fromLJ cfgTemplate cfg);
L.writeFile name =<< formatReport reports tpl }
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
criterion- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
Here are my currently install packages:
And my GHC information: