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Support ghc 9.2 #51

Closed AlistairB closed 2 years ago

AlistairB commented 2 years ago

I have left ghc 8.10 support as 9.0 is not in a good state (9.0.1 has a bunch of issues). For this reason stackage LTS is still on 8.10 as I understand it.

Once 9.0.2 is out I think we should be good to drop 8.10.

ghc 9.2 also needed the libnuma-dev package to install.

The haskell-stack check fails as stack doesn't know about 9.2.1 yet - stack --resolver ghc-9.2.1 new myproject does not work due to unknown compiler. Will wait for this to be resolved before merging. I believe it depends on https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stackage-content/issues/95

EDIT: Not comfortable how long this is blocked, instead I am working on making the stack test gracefully ignore this particular failure https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/11363