haskell / error-messages

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Typed Holes, GADTs and residual constraints #28

Open BinderDavid opened 2 years ago

BinderDavid commented 2 years ago

The error messages when using typed holes on the RHS of a pattern match on GADT constructors are not optimal, since type equality constraints are left unresolved and not applied as substitutions. (Tested with GHC 8.6, 8.10 and 9.2.1). Understanding the error message requires understanding both GADTs and the implementation of GADTs with the help of type equality constraints.


Consider the following snippet:


data Expr a where
  ExprInt :: Int -> Expr Int
  ExprBool :: Bool -> Expr Bool

foo :: Expr a -> Bool
foo x = case x of
  ExprInt _ -> True
  ExprBool _ -> _

The error message I get (shortened):

example.hs:10:17: error:
    • Found hole: _ :: Bool
    • In the expression: _
      In a case alternative: ExprBool _ -> _
      In the expression:
        case x of
          ExprInt _ -> True
          ExprBool _ -> _
    • Relevant bindings include
        x :: Expr a (bound at example.hs:8:5)
        foo :: Expr a -> Bool (bound at example.hs:8:1)
      Constraints include a ~ Bool (from example.hs:10:3-12)

This error message correctly identifies the constraint a ~ Bool which came into context by pattern matching on the GADT constructor ExprBool. But understanding this error message requires understanding how GADT constructors are desugared internally (into ExprBool :: forall a. a ~ Bool => Bool -> Expr a)

The error message I would ideally expect would turn this constraint into a substitution and apply it:

example.hs:10:17: error:
    • Found hole: _ :: Bool
    • In the expression: _
      In a case alternative: ExprBool _ -> _
      In the expression:
        case x of
          ExprInt _ -> True
          ExprBool _ -> _
    • Relevant bindings include
        x :: Expr Bool (bound at example.hs:8:5)
        foo :: Expr a -> Bool (bound at example.hs:8:1)

I am not very familiar with GHC internals, in particular how closely GHC follows the implementation described in the OutsideIn paper, but the problem is probably that a is considered an untouchable unification variable within the implication constraint generated for the RHS of the pattern match. But for the typed hole, the unification variable a should probably be allowed to unify with Bool. (Except for the occurrence in foo, of course).

goldfirere commented 2 years ago

Thanks for posting this! And thanks for including a concrete suggestion for improvement.

I agree that the new output is correct. Why do you think the new output is better? That is, I can't come up with a reason that applying the substitution leads to a better message than not applying it. Maybe thinking in terms of a is easier. Maybe the problem is that the error message is mixed? We have _ :: Bool at the top, but references to a elsewhere.

On the other hand, we might be able to do better in stating the constraint. Specifically, instead of

      Constraints include a ~ Bool (from example.hs:10:3-12)

we could have

      In this context, 'a' is known to be 'Bool' (from a GADT pattern match at example.hs:10:3-12)
BinderDavid commented 2 years ago

I agree that the new output is correct. Why do you think the new output is better? That is, I can't come up with a reason that applying the substitution leads to a better message than not applying it

Maybe it comes down to a question of preferences, but I will try to give my pseudo-objective reasons for prefering my suggested error message.

xplat commented 2 years ago

Hm, this does seem like a bug since the type signature of foo makes polymorphic recursion possible in the hole; foo should be shown with either a renamed type variable or an explicit forall. Contrariwise, x can only be used at type Expr Bool or Expr a for the inherited a which is equal to Bool ...