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No i386 bindists for recent releases for alpine linux. #214

Closed phadej closed 1 week ago

phadej commented 2 weeks ago

AFAICS there aren't i386 alpine releases for 9.6, 9.8 or 9.10

is this ghcup metadata issue or isn't GHC producing i386 alpine bindists anymore?

mpilgrem commented 2 weeks ago

In respect of the GHC project, I can't see any reference to Alpine Linux at https://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_9_10_1.html#linux_i386, or listed at https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/9.10.1/, for example. There is also information at: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/platforms.

In terms of what the GHCup project documents, there is: https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/install/#supported-platforms - which refers to Linux (generic)/x86.

hasufell commented 2 weeks ago

AFAICS there aren't i386 alpine releases for 9.6, 9.8 or 9.10

is this ghcup metadata issue or isn't GHC producing i386 alpine bindists anymore?

It never did. I always built them manually. I just stopped doing so out of laziness it seems. I think there also were some issues, but I don't remember them. So I'll have to give it another go.

phadej commented 2 weeks ago

I'd like to have alpine bindists in the future too. These make it a lot easier to create bindists (though I don't create 32bit ones), and test 32bit compatibility in libraries (which i care somewhat, as issues do get reported)

hasufell commented 2 weeks ago

I'd like to have alpine bindists in the future too. These make it a lot easier to create bindists (though I don't create 32bit ones), and test 32bit compatibility in libraries (which i care somewhat, as issues do get reported)

We will have to add that to the bindist CI then:
