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Self-dependency in test suite fails with hie #1786

Open IlyaBizyaev opened 4 years ago

IlyaBizyaev commented 4 years ago

Hello! I have the following hashtable.cabal file:

cabal-version:       2.2

name:                hashtable
-- description etc.

common shared-properties
  build-depends: -- packages
  ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -O2
  default-language:    Haskell2010

  import: shared-properties
  hs-source-dirs:  src
  exposed-modules: Hashtable
  default-language:    Haskell2010

-- executable

test-suite hashtable-tests
  import:              shared-properties
  type:                exitcode-stdio-1.0
  hs-source-dirs:      test/unit
  main-is:             Spec.hs
  other-modules:       HashtableSpec
  build-depends:       hashtable
                     , hspec
                     , hspec-discover
  default-language:    Haskell2010

And the following hie.yaml file:

    - path: ./src
      component: "hashtable:lib"
    - path: ./test/unit
      component: "hashtable:test:hashtable-tests"

It worked fine before I added the test suite, but now I get:

"cannot satisfy -package hashtable-\n    (use -v for more information)"

stack build runs successfully. Since self-dependency seems to be the canonical way to test a library in Haskell, how can I fix this issue?

fendor commented 4 years ago

Can not reproduce, I did stack new example, followed by creating this hie.yaml:

    - path: ./src
      component: "example:lib"
    - path: ./test
      component: "example:test:example-test"

and then hie --debug test/Spec.hs which claims that everything worked correctly.

klardotsh commented 4 years ago

I can confirm this, even with an explicit hie.yaml generated by https://github.com/Avi-D-coder/implicit-hie

hie Version 1.4 x86_64 ghc-8.8.3 (Void Linux x86_64-musl) "cannot satisfy -package resonator-0.1.0\n (use -v for more information)"

with an hie.yaml of

    - path: "./src"
      component: "resonator:lib"

    - path: "./app/Main.hs"
      component: "resonator:exe:resonator-exe"

    - path: "./test"
      component: "resonator:test:resonator-test"
jneira commented 4 years ago

@klardotsh @IlyaBizyaev hi, thanks for reporting this, could you add a link to the project , if it is public, and the full log when calling hie-wrapper in the project root directory.

The error involves stack and a test component so this could be caused by #1564. I would call stack test --no-run-tests before opening the project again.