haskell / haskell-language-server

Official haskell ide support via language server (LSP). Successor of ghcide & haskell-ide-engine.
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Problems with multi-cradle `hie-bios` #1011

Closed serras closed 3 years ago

serras commented 4 years ago

I am trying to use the new hie-bios to load a stack project with several components. Unfortunately, I get the following error message:

CradleError ExitSuccess ["Multi Cradle: No prefixes matched","pwd: /Users/serras/Projects/mu-haskell","filepath/Users/serras/Projects/mu-haskell","prefixes:","(\"./core/schema\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-schema:lib\"})","(\"./core/rpc\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-rpc:lib\"})","(\"./adapter/avro\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-avro:lib\"})","(\"./adapter/protobuf\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-protobuf:lib\"})","(\"./adapter/persistent\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-persistent:lib\"})","(\"./grpc/client\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-grpc-client:lib\"})","(\"./grpc/server\",Stack {component = Just \"mu-grpc-server:lib\"})"]

However, if I run hie-bios check in the root directory and point to the file, everything seems to work correctly. So, I am adding an issue here to see if there's something that ghcide does that is not 100% compatible with this new multi-cradle support (although it might also be the case that it's a problem with ghcide itself).

cocreature commented 4 years ago

See haskell/ghcide#113 , multi cradles are not yet supported.