haskell / haskell-language-server

Official haskell ide support via language server (LSP). Successor of ghcide & haskell-ide-engine.
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haskell-language-server hangs at 'Type checking the files' #2226

Open jamespwilliams opened 2 years ago

jamespwilliams commented 2 years ago

Your environment

Output of haskell-language-server --probe-tools or haskell-language-server-wrapper --probe-tools:

haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.10.4) (PATH: /nix/store/f18pwxhycvvnsim59bzrnspgzcbq82dw-haskell-language-server-
Tool versions found on the $PATH
stack:      Not found
ghc:        8.10.4

Which OS do you use: Debian 10

Which lsp-client do you use: N/A

Describe your project (alternative: link to the project): https://github.com/jamespwilliams/ihp-blog, this is the default project generated by ihp-new (IHP is https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp)

Contents of hie.yaml:

# Used by haskell-language-server to find GHC settings
        program: build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios

Steps to reproduce

Clone https://github.com/jamespwilliams/ihp-blog, run haskell-language-server -d ..

Expected behaviour

Not sure, but I expect some output rather than just hanging.

Actual behaviour

haskell-language-server hangs at "Type checking the files". I've left it for half-an-hour and it's made no progress.

Include debug information

Execute in the root of your project the command haskell-language-server --debug . and paste the logs here:

Debug output: ``` haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.10.4) (PATH: /nix/store/f18pwxhycvvnsim59bzrnspgzcbq82dw-haskell-language-server- ghcide setup tester in /home/jpw/ihp/blog. Report bugs at https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues Step 1/4: Finding files to test in /home/jpw/ihp/blog Found 15 files Step 2/4: Looking for hie.yaml files that control setup Found 1 cradle (/home/jpw/ihp/blog/hie.yaml) Step 3/4: Initializing the IDE 2021-09-21 13:44:53.214250551 [ThreadId 7] DEBUG hls: Initializing exports map from hiedb 2021-09-21 13:44:53.214589829 [ThreadId 7] DEBUG hls: Done initializing exports map from hiedb (0) Step 4/4: Type checking the files ```

Paste the logs from the lsp-client, e.g. for VS Code

LSP logs: N/A (not actually using a LSP yet)
strace logs: Running `strace haskell-language-server -d .` yields the following at the end: ``` write(1, "tep 4/4: Type checking the files"..., 33tep 4/4: Type checking the files ) = 33 futex(0x864b108, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1 futex(0x864b110, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1 futex(0x6ecd438, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1 futex(0x862c40c, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY ``` So it appears to be hanging on that final futex wait.
jneira commented 2 years ago

@jamespwilliams hi, thanks for the bug report, as the cradle is a bios one, could you share the output to call directly the hie-bios program build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios, calld in th eproject root dir, where hie.yaml lives?

jamespwilliams commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the response, build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios is a symlink to a file containing the following:

make print-ghc-options GHC_RTS_FLAGS='' | tr ' ' '\n' > "$HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT"
find . -name '*.hs' >> "$HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT"

It fails when I try to execute it directly with the following error:

./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: 1: ./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
make: *** [/nix/store/31170mzlvjrhhl380kv4lj66dqpgpzxa-ghc-8.10.4-with-packages/bin/../lib/IHP/Makefile.dist:162: print-ghc-options] Broken pipe
./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: 2: ./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: 3: ./build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios: cannot create : Directory nonexistent

But I think this is because HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT isn't defined. I'm not sure what the value of that would normally be when it's loaded by haskell-language-server. I'm unfamiliar with this stuff unfortunately. Perhaps this is an issue with IHP's configuration and not haskell-language-server itself.

jamespwilliams commented 2 years ago

Just tried export HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT=.hie-bios-output which makes build/ihp-lib/.hie-bios run without an error. But the issue of haskell-language-server -d . hanging still persists.

jamespwilliams commented 2 years ago

Hm, so I've done some reading and it seems like the output hie-bios check Main.hs might be relevant. It's taking a long time, been running at least 5 minutes, but it appears to be doing stuff according to strace, and it's using 100% of the CPU. I'm running this all on a fairly low-spec VM, so I wonder whether it's just running something really complicated and slow. But I'm not exactly sure what would be so complicated.

I'll leave it to run for a bit and see what happens. hie-bios debug Main.hs looks reasonable, I think:

$ hie-bios debug Main.hs
Root directory:        /home/jpw/ihp/blog
Component directory:   /home/jpw/ihp/blog
GHC options:           -threaded -i. -ibuild -iConfig -iIHP -iIHP/IDE -XOverloadedStrings -XNoImplicitPrelude -XImplicitParams -XRank2Types -XDisambiguateRecordFields -XNamedFieldPuns -XDuplicateRecordFields -XOverloadedLabels -XFlexibleContexts -XTypeSynonymInstances -XFlexibleInstances -XQuasiQuotes -XTypeFamilies -XPackageImports -XScopedTypeVariables -XRecordWildCards -XTypeApplications -XDataKinds -XInstanceSigs -XDeriveGeneric -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XTypeOperators -XDeriveDataTypeable -XMultiWayIf -XUndecidableInstances -XBlockArguments -XPartialTypeSignatures -XLambdaCase -Wno-unsafe -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-monomorphism-restriction -Wno-safe -Wno-missing-local-signatures -Wno-missing-home-modules -XDefaultSignatures -XEmptyDataDeriving -XBangPatterns -XBlockArguments -XMultiWayIf -XFunctionalDependencies -fbyte-code -Wno-partial-type-signatures -XPartialTypeSignatures -XStandaloneDeriving -XDerivingVia -Werror=missing-fields -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -XTemplateHaskell -j -package-env - -package ihp -rtsopts=all  ./Application/Script/Prelude.hs ./Application/Helper/View.hs ./Application/Helper/Controller.hs ./build/Generated/Types.hs ./Web/Routes.hs ./Web/Types.hs ./Web/FrontController.hs ./Web/Controller/Prelude.hs ./Web/Controller/Static.hs ./Web/View/Prelude.hs ./Web/View/Static/Welcome.hs ./Web/View/Layout.hs ./Setup.hs ./Main.hs ./Config/Config.hs
GHC library directory: CradleSuccess "/nix/store/31170mzlvjrhhl380kv4lj66dqpgpzxa-ghc-8.10.4-with-packages/lib/ghc-8.10.4"
GHC version:           CradleSuccess "8.10.4"
Config Location:       /home/jpw/ihp/blog/hie.yaml
Cradle:                Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/home/jpw/ihp/blog", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Bios}
mpscholten commented 2 years ago

In IHP v0.15 we've upgrade the HLS to 1.4. Can you give that a try and report back if the problem is still appearing then?

barnabasmolnar commented 2 years ago


Not the OP but I have a similar issue. Unfortunately upgrading hasn't solved the problem. Takes about 4 minutes or so on average for HLS to become operational/responsive. In my case, I'm running IHP in a WSL2 distro, not sure if that makes a difference.

jamespwilliams commented 2 years ago

I've updated my IHP (and in turn am now running HLS 1.4) - haskell-language-server -d . still hangs on "Type checking the files" seemingly indefinitely - I left it for an hour, with no progress, like before. Just like before, strace suggests that it's making no syscalls. See the issue description for an example strace log.

Here's the result of running hie-bios check Main.hs:

$ time hie-bios check Main.hs
Main.hs:9:1:Warning: The import of `Web.FrontController' is redundant
  except perhaps to import instances from `Web.FrontController'
To import instances alone, use: import Web.FrontController()
Main.hs:12:1:Warning: Orphan instance:
  instance IHP.RouterSupport.FrontController
To avoid this
    move the instance declaration to the module of the class or of the type, or
    wrap the type with a newtype and declare the instance on the new type.
Main.hs:17:1:Warning: Orphan instance:
  instance IHP.Job.Types.Worker IHP.FrameworkConfig.RootApplication
To avoid this
    move the instance declaration to the module of the class or of the type, or
    wrap the type with a newtype and declare the instance on the new type.
hie-bios check Main.hs  377.81s user 0.41s system 90% cpu 6:58.97 total
Expand for exact reproduction steps on a minimal VM: * Create VirtualBox VM with 4GB RAM, 32GB disk, 1 vCPU * Install Debian 10.9.0 on it (non-graphical Install, everything default, except don't install a desktop environment) * Log in as root, run: ``` apt install sudo usermod -aG sudo ``` * Log in in your user account, run: ``` sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install git curl make -y curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh . ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh nix-env -f https://downloads.digitallyinduced.com/ihp-new.tar.gz -i ihp-new ihp-new blog # hit y whenever prompted source .bashrc cd blog time haskell-language-server -d . # hangs on 'Type checking the files' seemingly indefinitely time hie-bios check Main.hs # takes ~5 mins to complete ```