haskell / haskell-language-server

Official haskell ide support via language server (LSP). Successor of ghcide & haskell-ide-engine.
Apache License 2.0
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`Could not load module`/`Cannot satisfy -package` error for exe/test/bench component whose main lib doesn't build or was not built #366

Open runeksvendsen opened 4 years ago

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago


Oftentimes I will change code in the library component of a project, and then fix the test suite by following compiler errors. However, this doesn't work for me with HLS, as the test suite not compiling causes VSCode to report the following type of errors for imports in the test suite that are dependencies of the test suite:

Could not load module ‘<test dependency module>’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘<test dependency>’.
You can run ‘:set -package <test dependency>’ to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)


This should be reproducible with the following steps:

  1. Run the following commands to clone and build the example repo (the last step results in a compilation error):
git clone https://github.com/runeksvendsen/bellman-ford.git
git checkout 781835aa000ad40f6c54f2c7426e9378ff6905e4
stack build
stack test
  1. (Now I would like help from VSCode to fix the test suite error) open the project in VSCode and browse to e.g. the file test/Spec.hs


Test dependency module imports report an error, e.g.:

Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’.
You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)


VSCode highlights the errors that GHC prints in the stack test build step.



Here's the full output of the VSCode Output pane:

Click to expand! ``` [client] run command: "/Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --lsp" [client] debug command: "/Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --lsp" [client] server cwd: undefined haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.6.5) (PATH: /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5) (GIT hash: d36bb9929fdd0df76f86d3635067400272f68497) Starting (haskell-language-server)LSP server... with arguments: LspArguments {argLSP = True, argsCwd = Nothing, argFiles = [], argsShakeProfiling = Nothing, argsTesting = False, argsExamplePlugin = False, argsDebugOn = False, argsLogFile = Nothing, argsThreads = 0, argsProjectGhcVersion = False} with plugins: [PluginId "brittany",PluginId "eval",PluginId "floskell",PluginId "fourmolu",PluginId "ghcide",PluginId "ormolu",PluginId "pragmas",PluginId "retrie",PluginId "stylish-haskell"] in directory: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford If you are seeing this in a terminal, you probably should have run ghcide WITHOUT the --lsp option! Started LSP server in 0.00s 2020-09-01 09:06:22.636522 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Queue.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:22.637425 [ThreadId 61] - Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at ./Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:753:16 in nrdrd-cntnrs- !, called at src/Development/IDE/Import/DependencyInformation.hs:107:40 in ghcide-0.2.0-inplace:Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation 2020-09-01 09:06:22.67019 [ThreadId 65] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Queue.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:25.996565 [ThreadId 65] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:25.996782 [ThreadId 65] - Making new HscEnv[main] 2020-09-01 09:06:26.653502 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.61s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.653824 [ThreadId 741] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.65801 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.661971 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.665753 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.669463 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.672927 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.676886 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.680665 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.684462 [ThreadId 741] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.93714 [ThreadId 744] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.25s) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.937463 [ThreadId 747] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) 2020-09-01 09:06:26.937721 [ThreadId 744] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:29.438868 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Edge.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:29.696828 [ThreadId 1046] - Typechecking reverse dependencies forNormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Edge.hs": [NormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Cycle.hs",NormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Digraph.hs",NormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/IdxEdge.hs",NormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs"] 2020-09-01 09:06:29.712518 [ThreadId 1140] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:29.712718 [ThreadId 1142] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:29.712965 [ThreadId 1148] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) 2020-09-01 09:06:29.713125 [ThreadId 1142] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:30.870478 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Util.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:30.881863 [ThreadId 1472] - Typechecking reverse dependencies forNormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Util.hs": [NormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs"] 2020-09-01 09:06:30.890742 [ThreadId 1521] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:30.890982 [ThreadId 1523] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.111582 [ThreadId 1529] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.111899 [ThreadId 1523] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.677555 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:31.687318 [ThreadId 1802] - Typechecking reverse dependencies forNormalizedFilePath "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs": [] 2020-09-01 09:06:31.687585 [ThreadId 1802] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.687969 [ThreadId 1813] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.896806 [ThreadId 1888] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) 2020-09-01 09:06:31.8971 [ThreadId 1880] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:34.996173 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:35.007063 [ThreadId 2153] - Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at ./Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:753:16 in nrdrd-cntnrs- !, called at src/Development/IDE/Import/DependencyInformation.hs:107:40 in ghcide-0.2.0-inplace:Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation 2020-09-01 09:06:35.023259 [ThreadId 1918] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:38.333951 [ThreadId 1918] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:38.334127 [ThreadId 1918] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:38.334194 [ThreadId 1918] - Making new HscEnv[main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:38.371083 [ThreadId 2286] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.01s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.527936 [ThreadId 2530] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.16s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.530801 [ThreadId 2530] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.5329 [ThreadId 2530] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.535051 [ThreadId 2530] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.53738 [ThreadId 2530] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.696086 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.16s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.696367 [ThreadId 2539] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.698611 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.700558 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.702551 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.70448 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.706515 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:38.706717 [ThreadId 2533] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:06:39.47769 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs 2020-09-01 09:06:39.498942 [ThreadId 2836] - Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at ./Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:753:16 in nrdrd-cntnrs- !, called at src/Development/IDE/Import/DependencyInformation.hs:107:40 in ghcide-0.2.0-inplace:Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation 2020-09-01 09:06:39.510966 [ThreadId 2572] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:42.828457 [ThreadId 2572] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:42.82864 [ThreadId 2572] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:42.828705 [ThreadId 2572] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:42.828761 [ThreadId 2572] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:43.195169 [ThreadId 2973] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.33s) 2020-09-01 09:06:43.252027 [ThreadId 3122] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} 2020-09-01 09:06:43.486463 [ThreadId 3280] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger) > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:46.613869 [ThreadId 3122] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:46.614052 [ThreadId 3122] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:46.614117 [ThreadId 3122] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:46.614179 [ThreadId 3122] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:46.614231 [ThreadId 3122] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:46.737102 [ThreadId 3492] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:50.020345 [ThreadId 3492] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:50.02053 [ThreadId 3492] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:50.020596 [ThreadId 3492] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:50.020653 [ThreadId 3492] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:50.02071 [ThreadId 3492] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:50.020765 [ThreadId 3492] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:50.355575 [ThreadId 3870] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668131 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668304 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668371 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668438 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668516 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668586 [ThreadId 3870] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:53.668641 [ThreadId 3870] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:53.831738 [ThreadId 4240] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:06:57.119506 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.119708 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.119778 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.11984 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.119898 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.119955 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.120015 [ThreadId 4240] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:06:57.12007 [ThreadId 4240] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:06:57.50091 [ThreadId 4637] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:07:00.809915 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810089 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810155 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810212 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.81027 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810325 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810381 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810438 [ThreadId 4637] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:00.810491 [ThreadId 4637] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:07:01.498411 [ThreadId 5110] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784133 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784335 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784401 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784462 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784521 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784581 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784643 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784709 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.784771 [ThreadId 5110] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:04.78483 [ThreadId 5110] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:07:05.002483 [ThreadId 5616] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292436 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292605 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.29267 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292729 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292786 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292841 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292897 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.292953 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.293009 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.293066 [ThreadId 5616] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:08.29312 [ThreadId 5616] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:07:08.698584 [ThreadId 6137] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:07:11.988938 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.98912 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989186 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989246 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989302 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989359 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989417 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989473 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989529 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989588 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989645 [ThreadId 6137] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:11.989698 [ThreadId 6137] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:07:12.351899 [ThreadId 6679] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667096 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667301 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667369 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667431 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667489 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.66755 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667609 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667669 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667729 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667786 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667844 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667904 [ThreadId 6679] - Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 2020-09-01 09:07:15.667962 [ThreadId 6679] - Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] 2020-09-01 09:07:16.123941 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.33s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.125791 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.12737 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.129011 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.130785 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.132447 [ThreadId 7296] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.282488 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.15s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.284284 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.28588 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.287443 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.289257 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.291258 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.291406 [ThreadId 7299] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.293897 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.29578 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.297406 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.298959 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.300476 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.302006 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.303535 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.305044 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.306575 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.308107 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.309618 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.311131 [ThreadId 7310] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.313363 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.315653 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.317226 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.318797 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.320387 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.321921 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.32347 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.325008 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.326529 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.328066 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.329648 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.331211 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.332752 [ThreadId 7318] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.334838 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.336428 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.338961 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.340615 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.342179 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.343748 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.345487 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.347148 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.348798 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.350805 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.352467 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.354057 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.355624 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.357191 [ThreadId 7326] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.359313 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.361008 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.363323 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.364926 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.366528 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.368135 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.369748 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.371317 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.372864 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.374421 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.375994 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.377556 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.379112 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.380665 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.382233 [ThreadId 7334] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.384384 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.38691 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.388587 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.39018 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.391763 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.393349 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.394913 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.396463 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.398024 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.399587 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.401175 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.402732 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.404286 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.405852 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.407416 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.409019 [ThreadId 7342] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.41223 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.41389 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.415512 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.417125 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.418701 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.420279 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.421855 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.423434 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.425027 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.426617 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.428205 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.42978 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.431385 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.433017 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.435654 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.437253 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.438851 [ThreadId 7350] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.441084 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.442781 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.444401 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.446035 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.447654 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.44926 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.450895 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.452529 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.454166 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.455803 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.457737 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.460014 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.461665 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.46333 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.465012 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.466634 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.468265 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.469886 [ThreadId 7358] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.472175 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.47386 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.475512 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.47716 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.478803 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.480471 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.48296 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.48472 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.486394 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.488059 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.489759 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.4914 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.493022 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.494661 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.4963 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.497979 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.499613 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.501255 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.502893 [ThreadId 7366] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.505057 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.507851 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.509541 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.511265 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.512979 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.514685 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.516318 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.517943 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.519604 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.521283 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.522935 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.524605 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.526277 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.527943 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.529946 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.532352 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.53401 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.535674 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.537364 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.539006 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: InitialLoad (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.539166 [ThreadId 7374] - finish: CodeAction (took 0.00s) 2020-09-01 09:07:16.828461 [ThreadId 7378] - finish: CodeAction:PackageExports (took 0.29s) ```
Ailrun commented 4 years ago

Does it emit the same error even on your master branch? More specifically, when you provide a hie.yaml file.

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

With the hie.yaml file from master, instead of the "Could not load module"-error for test dependency imports, the following error occurs (reported for the first line of the source file):

ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: <command line>: cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford-
    (use -v for more information). 
Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project.cradle

Log from VSCode Output pane:

[client] run command: "/Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --lsp"
[client] debug command: "/Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --lsp"
[client] server cwd: undefined
haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.6.5) (PATH: /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5) (GIT hash: d36bb9929fdd0df76f86d3635067400272f68497)
Starting (haskell-language-server)LSP server...
  with arguments: LspArguments {argLSP = True, argsCwd = Nothing, argFiles = [], argsShakeProfiling = Nothing, argsTesting = False, argsExamplePlugin = False, argsDebugOn = False, argsLogFile = Nothing, argsThreads = 0, argsProjectGhcVersion = False}
  with plugins: [PluginId "brittany",PluginId "eval",PluginId "floskell",PluginId "fourmolu",PluginId "ghcide",PluginId "ormolu",PluginId "pragmas",PluginId "retrie",PluginId "stylish-haskell"]
  in directory: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford
If you are seeing this in a terminal, you probably should have run ghcide WITHOUT the --lsp option!
 Started LSP server in 0.00s
2020-09-01 10:28:43.441239 [ThreadId 21] - Opened text document: file:///Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs
2020-09-01 10:28:43.442817 [ThreadId 66] - Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at ./Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:753:16 in nrdrd-cntnrs-
  !, called at src/Development/IDE/Import/DependencyInformation.hs:107:40 in ghcide-0.2.0-inplace:Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
2020-09-01 10:28:43.442974 [ThreadId 63] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs"
Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack}
> Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs
> bellman-ford> configure (lib)
> Configuring bellman-ford-
> bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib)
> The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded
> Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford
> /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d
2020-09-01 10:28:46.79369 [ThreadId 89] - Plugin.makeCodeLens (ideLogger)
2020-09-01 10:28:46.794049 [ThreadId 85] - finish: codeLens (took 0.00s)
Ailrun commented 4 years ago

Hm... the log looks innocent... Have you built your library before opening the file? Being without build process causes such errors sometimes.

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

Yes. I've run stack build and stack test before opening the project in VSCode.

Are these log lines not an indication of something awry?

2020-09-01 10:28:43.442817 [ThreadId 66] - Data.HashMap.Internal.(!): key not found
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at ./Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:753:16 in nrdrd-cntnrs-
  !, called at src/Development/IDE/Import/DependencyInformation.hs:107:40 in ghcide-0.2.0-inplace:Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
jneira commented 4 years ago

Are these log lines not an indication of something awry?

No, it is a spurious error: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/181

fendor commented 4 years ago

I see something that is weird:

2020-09-01 09:06:43.252027 [ThreadId 3122] - Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs"
Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack}

We see this line very often, but it should only occur once per component. Could you run the server in debug mode? You can do haskell-language-server --debug test/ and it should try to load all modules in the test directory. Personally, I am interested in lines such as: Session loading result: as they tell us whether loading actually succeeded.

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

I see something that is weird: [...] We see this line very often, but it should only occur once per component.

Yes. When there is no hie.yaml file present and I open VSCode then in the project file explorer I can see each source file in test/ slowly turn red, one at a time. So it looks like this log line appears for each source file in the test/ directory.

Could you run the server in debug mode? You can do haskell-language-server --debug test/ and it should try to load all modules in the test directory.

With hie.yaml present:

Click to expand! ``` $ /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --debug test/ haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.6.5) (PATH: /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5) (GIT hash: d36bb9929fdd0df76f86d3635067400272f68497) (haskell-language-server)Ghcide setup tester in /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford. Report bugs at https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues Step 1/4: Finding files to test in /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford Found 11 files Step 2/4: Looking for hie.yaml files that control setup Found 1 cradle Step 3/4: Initializing the IDE Step 4/4: Type checking the files [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 1:0-2:0 Source: cradle Severity: DsError Message: ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: : cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- (use -v for more information). Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project. Files that failed: * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs [INFO] finish: User TypeCheck (took 35.14s) * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs Completed (0 files worked, 11 files failed) ```

Without hie.yaml present:

Click to expand! ``` $ /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5 --debug test/ haskell-language-server version: (GHC: 8.6.5) (PATH: /Users/runesvendsen/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/haskell.haskell/haskell-language-server-0.3.0-darwin-8.6.5) (GIT hash: d36bb9929fdd0df76f86d3635067400272f68497) (haskell-language-server)Ghcide setup tester in /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford. Report bugs at https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues Step 1/4: Finding files to test in /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford Found 11 files Step 2/4: Looking for hie.yaml files that control setup Found 1 cradle Step 3/4: Initializing the IDE Step 4/4: Type checking the files [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main] [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 10:17-10:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs Hidden: no Range: 9:17-9:39 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.SmallCheck.Series’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘smallcheck-1.1.5’. You can run ‘:set -package smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs Hidden: no Range: 10:17-10:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs Hidden: no Range: 5:17-5:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs Hidden: no Range: 6:17-6:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-smallcheck-0.8.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs Hidden: no Range: 7:17-7:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs Hidden: no Range: 12:17-12:39 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.SmallCheck.Series’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘smallcheck-1.1.5’. You can run ‘:set -package smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs Hidden: no Range: 13:17-13:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 8:17-8:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 9:17-9:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-smallcheck-0.8.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 10:17-10:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs Hidden: no Range: 14:17-14:39 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.SmallCheck.Series’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘smallcheck-1.1.5’. You can run ‘:set -package smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs Hidden: no Range: 15:17-15:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 17:17-17:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-smallcheck-0.5.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 18:17-18:40 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.Expectations’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-expectations-0.8.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-expectations’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 19:17-19:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 20:17-20:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-smallcheck-0.8.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs" Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs Hidden: no Range: 12:17-12:39 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.SmallCheck.Series’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘smallcheck-1.1.5’. You can run ‘:set -package smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs Hidden: no Range: 13:17-13:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty.QuickCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-quickcheck-0.10.1’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty-quickcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) [INFO] Consulting the cradle for "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs" File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 10:17-10:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-smallcheck-0.5.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 11:17-11:40 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.Expectations’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-expectations-0.8.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-expectations’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 12:17-12:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) Output from setting up the cradle Cradle {cradleRootDir = "/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford", cradleOptsProg = CradleAction: Stack} > bellman-ford> configure (lib) > Configuring bellman-ford- > bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib) > Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford > /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/7175c103e21bdd26523d044c0f4137d227d8547ed6a5f336ffe01229de1f3629/8.6.5/pkgdb:/Users/runesvendsen/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.6.5/lib/ghc-8.6.5/package.conf.d [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Using interface files cache dir: /Users/runesvendsen/.cache/ghcide/main-1c5db3cc3d88bcf615817969c2bca5874379a880 [INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main] File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 18:17-18:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.SmallCheck’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-smallcheck-0.5.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-smallcheck’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 19:17-19:40 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Hspec.Expectations’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘hspec-expectations-0.8.2’. You can run ‘:set -package hspec-expectations’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 23:17-23:27 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘Test.Tasty’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘tasty-1.2.3’. You can run ‘:set -package tasty’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) File: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs Hidden: no Range: 25:17-25:38 Source: not found Severity: DsError Message: Could not load module ‘System.Random.Shuffle’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘random-shuffle-0.0.4’. You can run ‘:set -package random-shuffle’ to expose it. (Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.) Files that failed: * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs [INFO] finish: User TypeCheck (took 0.29s) * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/BellmanFord/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs * /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/Spec.hs Completed (1 file worked, 10 files failed)
fendor commented 4 years ago

Without hie.yaml we see this:

[INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main]

which is definitely a bug and hints that each file is put into its own component. What happens on stack repl? And what happens when you do stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test?

I still don't see the debug message I am interested in...

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

stack repl loads the library without errors:

$ stack repl
bellman-ford> configure (lib)
Configuring bellman-ford-
bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib)
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford
GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /Users/runesvendsen/.ghci
[1 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.Edge  ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Edge.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.Prelude ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Prelude.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.IdxEdge ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/IdxEdge.hs, interpreted )

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/IdxEdge.hs:10:3: warning: [-Wduplicate-exports]
    ‘eMeta’ is exported by ‘eMeta’ and ‘IdxEdge(..)’
10 | , eMeta
   |   ^^^^^
[4 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.Digraph ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Digraph.hs, interpreted )
[5 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.Cycle ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Cycle.hs, interpreted )
[6 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.Util  ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Util.hs, interpreted )
[7 of 9] Compiling Data.Queue       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Queue.hs, interpreted )
[8 of 9] Compiling Data.Graph.BellmanFord ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs, interpreted )
[9 of 9] Compiling Data.Stack       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Stack.hs, interpreted )
Ok, 9 modules loaded.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /private/var/folders/dm/d2y4x8mx50n__pwvsmpj_j_r0000gn/T/haskell-stack-ghci/42160bb3/ghci-script

Loading only the test suite in the REPL emits the error cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford- that HLS outputs with hie.yaml file present:

$ stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test
Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs
bellman-ford> configure (lib)
Configuring bellman-ford-
bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib)
The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford
GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford-
    (use -v for more information)

And loading both the library and test suite outputs the error that I'm interested in (in the file test/Digraph/Spec.hs). This is the same error that GHC outputs when I run stack test in a terminal:

$ stack repl bellman-ford:lib bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test
Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs
bellman-ford> configure (lib)
Configuring bellman-ford-
bellman-ford> initial-build-steps (lib)
The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford
GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /Users/runesvendsen/.ghci
[ 1 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.Edge  ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Edge.hs, interpreted )
[ 2 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.Prelude ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Prelude.hs, interpreted )
[ 3 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.IdxEdge ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/IdxEdge.hs, interpreted )

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/IdxEdge.hs:10:3: warning: [-Wduplicate-exports]
    ‘eMeta’ is exported by ‘eMeta’ and ‘IdxEdge(..)’
10 | , eMeta
   |   ^^^^^
[ 4 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.Digraph ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Digraph.hs, interpreted )
[ 5 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.Cycle ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Cycle.hs, interpreted )
[ 6 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.Util  ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/Util.hs, interpreted )
[ 7 of 20] Compiling Data.Queue       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Queue.hs, interpreted )
[ 8 of 20] Compiling Data.Graph.BellmanFord ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Graph/BellmanFord.hs, interpreted )
[ 9 of 20] Compiling Data.Stack       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/src/Data/Stack.hs, interpreted )
[10 of 20] Compiling Types.Edge       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs, interpreted )

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs:13:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports]
    The import of ‘Data.Graph.Edge’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Graph.Edge’
    To import instances alone, use: import Data.Graph.Edge()
13 | import           Data.Graph.Edge                      as Lib
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Edge.hs:29:1: warning: [-Worphans]
    Orphan instance: instance HasWeight Double Double
    To avoid this
        move the instance declaration to the module of the class or of the type, or
        wrap the type with a newtype and declare the instance on the new type.
29 | instance Lib.HasWeight Double Double where
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
[11 of 20] Compiling Util             ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util.hs, interpreted )
[12 of 20] Compiling Util.GenData     ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/GenData.hs, interpreted )
[13 of 20] Compiling Types.ListWithItem ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/ListWithItem.hs, interpreted )
[14 of 20] Compiling Types.Cycle      ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Types/Cycle.hs, interpreted )
[15 of 20] Compiling Util.QuickSmall  ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Util/QuickSmall.hs, interpreted )
[16 of 20] Compiling Queue.Spec       ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Queue/Spec.hs, interpreted )
[17 of 20] Compiling Digraph.Spec     ( /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs, interpreted )

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:47:22: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘TestEdge’ with ‘Lib.IdxEdge String Double’
      Expected type: TestEdge -> IO ()
        Actual type: Lib.IdxEdge String Double -> IO ()
    • In the second argument of ‘forM_’, namely
        ‘(stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
      In the expression:
        do graph <- stToIO $ Lib.fromEdges edges
           forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
           vertices <- stToIO $ Lib.vertices graph
           return (graph, vertices)
47 |         forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:62:44: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘edge’ with ‘TestEdge’
      ‘edge’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          addEdgesCheckInOutgoing :: forall edge.
                                     (Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                                      -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge])
                                     -> [TestEdge] -> Expectation
        at /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:(51,1)-(54,18)
      Expected type: [edge]
        Actual type: [TestEdge]
    • In the second argument of ‘shouldBe’, namely
        ‘removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        sort (concat outgoingEdges)
          `shouldBe` removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges
      In the expression:
        do let sortedEdges = sort edges
           graph <- stToIO $ Lib.fromEdges (reverse sortedEdges)
           vertices <- stToIO $ Lib.vertices graph
           outgoingEdges <- foldM (collectInOutgoing graph) [] vertices
    • Relevant bindings include
        outgoingEdges :: [[edge]]
          (bound at /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:61:5)
        collectInOutgoing :: Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                             -> [[edge]] -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [[edge]]
          (bound at /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:64:5)
        inOutEdges :: Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                      -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge]
          (bound at /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:55:25)
        addEdgesCheckInOutgoing :: (Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                                    -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge])
                                   -> [TestEdge] -> Expectation
          (bound at /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:55:1)
62 |     sort (concat outgoingEdges) `shouldBe` removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, 16 modules loaded.

<no location info>: error:
    Could not find module ‘BellmanFord.Spec’
    It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /private/var/folders/dm/d2y4x8mx50n__pwvsmpj_j_r0000gn/T/haskell-stack-ghci/2628cb91/ghci-script
fendor commented 4 years ago

That this command: $ stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test does not work is a stack bug in my opinion. It should work, and it is the reason the explicit hie.yaml fails.

What is your stack version? We should probably report this issue/regression to upstream.

Ailrun commented 4 years ago

After removing all errors and successfully building the test once, it looks like it works fine...

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

All the above was run using stack 2.3.1 (Git revision de2a7b694f07de7e6cf17f8c92338c16286b2878).

Upgrading to 2.3.3 the output of stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test improves, in that it prints the error I'm looking for. However it still ends up failing with cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford-

$ stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test
Using main module: 1. Package `bellman-ford' component bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test with main-is file: /Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Spec.hs
bellman-ford> configure (lib + test)
Configuring bellman-ford-
bellman-ford> build (lib + test)
Preprocessing library for bellman-ford-
Building library for bellman-ford-
Preprocessing test suite 'bellman-ford-test' for bellman-ford-
Building test suite 'bellman-ford-test' for bellman-ford-
[ 9 of 12] Compiling Digraph.Spec

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:47:22: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘TestEdge’ with ‘Lib.IdxEdge String Double’
      Expected type: TestEdge -> IO ()
        Actual type: Lib.IdxEdge String Double -> IO ()
    • In the second argument of ‘forM_’, namely
        ‘(stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
      In the expression:
        do graph <- stToIO $ Lib.fromEdges edges
           forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
           vertices <- stToIO $ Lib.vertices graph
           return (graph, vertices)
47 |         forM_ edges (stToIO . Lib.removeEdge graph)
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

/Users/runesvendsen/tmp/bellman-ford/test/Digraph/Spec.hs:62:44: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘edge’ with ‘TestEdge’
      ‘edge’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          addEdgesCheckInOutgoing :: forall edge.
                                     (Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                                      -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge])
                                     -> [TestEdge] -> Expectation
        at test/Digraph/Spec.hs:(51,1)-(54,18)
      Expected type: [edge]
        Actual type: [TestEdge]
    • In the second argument of ‘shouldBe’, namely
        ‘removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        sort (concat outgoingEdges)
          `shouldBe` removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges
      In the expression:
        do let sortedEdges = sort edges
           graph <- stToIO $ Lib.fromEdges (reverse sortedEdges)
           vertices <- stToIO $ Lib.vertices graph
           outgoingEdges <- foldM (collectInOutgoing graph) [] vertices
    • Relevant bindings include
        outgoingEdges :: [[edge]] (bound at test/Digraph/Spec.hs:61:5)
        collectInOutgoing :: Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                             -> [[edge]] -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [[edge]]
          (bound at test/Digraph/Spec.hs:64:5)
        inOutEdges :: Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                      -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge]
          (bound at test/Digraph/Spec.hs:55:25)
        addEdgesCheckInOutgoing :: (Lib.Digraph RealWorld String Double
                                    -> Lib.VertexId -> IO [edge])
                                   -> [TestEdge] -> Expectation
          (bound at test/Digraph/Spec.hs:55:1)
62 |     sort (concat outgoingEdges) `shouldBe` removeDuplicateSrcDst sortedEdges
   |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

--  While building package bellman-ford- using:
      /Users/runesvendsen/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-osx/Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_2.4.0.1_ghc-8.6.5 --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- build lib:bellman-ford test:bellman-ford-test --ghc-options " -fdiagnostics-color=always"
    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1

Warning: Build failed, but trying to launch GHCi anyway
The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: bellman-ford
Progress 1/2GHCi, version 8.6.5: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford-
    (use -v for more information)

VSCode behaves the same as with stack 2.3.1, ie. fails with the following error:

ghcide compiled by GHC 8.6 failed to load packages: <command line>: cannot satisfy -package bellman-ford-
    (use -v for more information). 
Please ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project.cradle

After removing all errors and successfully building the test once, it looks like it works fine...

Yes. In my experience the error appears when I change something in the library, and then open a source file from the test suite (which now fails to build). Then HLS fails with this error (missing either all test dependencies or the library dependency). However, fixing all errors in the test source files, and introducing a new error in one of the tests HLS works fine. I haven't figured out the exact conditions that cause this error, but I know it happens after refactoring the library and then navigating to a file in the test suite (which now fails to build).

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

I have reported the failure of the stack repl command for the test suite as https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5380

runeksvendsen commented 4 years ago

Without hie.yaml we see this:

[INFO] Making new HscEnv[main,main,main,main,main,main,main,main]

which is definitely a bug and hints that each file is put into its own component.

Where should I report this bug? Is it a bug in hie-bios, or is hie-bios just fed an incorrect cradle that has been generated elsewhere?

runeksvendsen commented 3 years ago

That this command: $ stack repl bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test does not work is a stack bug in my opinion. It should work, and it is the reason the explicit hie.yaml fails.

@fendor could we add a workaround to hie-bios so that the library component is always added when using Stack? It would be nice to be able to avoid this issue until it's fixed upstream.

fendor commented 3 years ago

What is the work-around you propose? stack repl lib bellman-ford:test:bellman-ford-test or something like that?

runeksvendsen commented 3 years ago

@fendor Yes, exactly. In other words, always add the library component as a target to stack repl.

So, for all targets output by stack ide targets that are not the library component: when specifying these as targets to stack repl always add the library component as well.

jneira commented 3 years ago

What if there are several libs, other components could depend on one and/or the other, do we should load all of them?

runeksvendsen commented 3 years ago

@jneira I assume you're referring to this cabal feature. Is this correct? The simplest option would be to simply not support this for now.

Also, does stack support multiple libraries per package? Searching for it I can't find any documentation on stack supporting this.

jneira commented 3 years ago

Also, does stack support multiple libraries per package? Searching for it I can't find any documentation on stack supporting this.

Afaik It does for private libs, although through a workaround, creating fake packages for private libs. In fact we dont support them, although stack can build those packages with multiple (private) libs, due a that incomplete support: #114

What i wanted to mean is you can have multiple libraries, executables and test suites (definitely supported by stack) and they dont have to depend on the main lib: you can have executables not depending on it and test suites against those executables. Is not a common project layout but they exist in the wild. Or you can have a functional test suite that depends on the executable at runtime but not on compile time (neither the main lib of course)

So if we load always the main lib and it has errors, that not may affect those executables/test suites, maybe that workaround could open new issues. Not sure, only wanted to note we will have to test those scenarios specifically and maybe complete that workaround to take them in account.

fendor commented 3 years ago

I agree with with @jneira, there is no simple work-around. Introducing a work-around that breaks other projects seems like a rather bad solution, imo. The simplest (and best) fix is: stack bugs need to be fixed.

Another user workaround could be, to use cabal for hls, not sure how viable that is in practice.

runeksvendsen commented 3 years ago

I see. Sounds like it ends up being a matter of determining dependencies, which isn’t a job for hie-bios. A potential workaround would make more sense to include in stack.

jneira commented 2 years ago

Lot, lot of stack users are reporting this :worried:

jneira commented 2 years ago

A way to alliviate the need to restart hls every time is:

You don't need to restart VSCode, just need to restart the LSP after run stack clean && stack build. Still very annoying.

The best thing I can do at the moment is combining all those steps to tasks.json like this:

    "group": "build",
    "type": "shell",
    "label": "haskell clean & build",
    "command": "stack clean && stack build"
    "label": "rebuild and reload LSP",
    "command": "${command:haskell.commands.restartServer}",
    "dependsOn": [
        "haskell clean & build"

from https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/735#issuecomment-876652024

jneira commented 2 years ago

@fendor for completeness and confirm it: the inclusion of the new show-build-info in stack would help to resolve this?

fendor commented 2 years ago

@jneira Assuming that stack can execute show-build-info successfully in that case, yes, should fix it, as we no longer need stack repl.

jneira commented 2 years ago

another related stack issue: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4616 (from #318)

Martinsos commented 2 years ago

Would be great to have this fixed -> right now it makes hls unusable when writing tests! Not only does it make the whole process much slower (since I have to run stack build and restart lsp every time I change something in src/), but I would also expect a lot of people will not figure out that they need to run stack build and then restart the lsp server, but will instead just give up.

Is there anything I can do to help in getting this fixed? I never contributed to hls or stack yet, but with some guidance I am happy to potentially give it a try. Or would it help to write more about this on the corresponding stack issue (https://github.com/haskell/hie-bios/issues/269)?

jneira commented 2 years ago

@Martinsos agree in to have to restart continuously is very disturbing for a smooth experience thanks for willing to contribute to fix it, I think the way opened in hie-bios is the right one. It needs some stack changes which afaik had been started by @chrisdone. Not sure if we could help them in any way to make it land sooner.

runeksvendsen commented 2 years ago

I agree with you.

Because of this bug I’ve had to switch from Stack to Cabal. It’s the only workaround I know of. I recommend stack2cabal and ghcup, which should offer a relatively smooth transition (an exception is having to manually install the right GHC version).

On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 12.23, Martin Šošić @.***> wrote:

Would be great to have this fixed -> right now it makes hls unusable when writing tests! Not only does it make the whole process much slower, but I would also expect a lot of people will not figure out that they need to run stack build and then restart the lsp server, but will instead just give up.

Is there anything I can do to help in getting this fixed? I never contributed to hls or stack yet, but with some guidance I am happy to potentially give it a try. Or would it help to write more about this on the corresponding stack issue (haskell/hie-bios#269 https://github.com/haskell/hie-bios/issues/269)?

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/366#issuecomment-939451310, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAIFBPYJ6CNJQC75W3SAYCLUGFSRRANCNFSM4QRMBN4Q . Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub.

Martinsos commented 2 years ago

I agree with you. Because of this bug I’ve had to switch from Stack to Cabal. It’s the only workaround I know of. I recommend stack2cabal and ghcup, which should offer a relatively smooth transition (an exception is having to manually install the right GHC version). On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 12.23, Martin Šošić @.***> wrote: Would be great to have this fixed -> right now it makes hls unusable when writing tests! Not only does it make the whole process much slower, but I would also expect a lot of people will not figure out that they need to run stack build and then restart the lsp server, but will instead just give up. Is there anything I can do to help in getting this fixed? I never contributed to hls or stack yet, but with some guidance I am happy to potentially give it a try. Or would it help to write more about this on the corresponding stack issue (haskell/hie-bios#269 <haskell/hie-bios#269>)? — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#366 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAIFBPYJ6CNJQC75W3SAYCLUGFSRRANCNFSM4QRMBN4Q . Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub.

Thanks, for some reason I haven't thought of cabal being a solution! I will look into this, sounds like probably the best solution, especially with being announced that stack will not be adding new features. (EDIT: this statement is not really correct, check https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/366#issuecomment-939980904 below).

googleson78 commented 2 years ago

especially with being announced that stack will not be adding new features

This is extremely off-topic, but I can't help but ask - where was this announcement made?

Martinsos commented 2 years ago

especially with being announced that stack will not be adding new features

This is extremely off-topic, but I can't help but ask - where was this announcement made?

I read about that here: https://www.snoyman.com/blog/babies-oss-maintenance/ . Although I see now that I somewhat misinterpreted it -> it is Snoyberg that said he personally won't be able to invest any more time into adding new features to Stack, but if there are willing volunteers to take it on and do so then ok.

jneira commented 2 years ago

Thanks, for some reason I haven't thought of cabal being a solution! I will look into this, sounds like probably the best solution, especially with being announced that stack will not be adding new features.

Well in this case there would be two way to fix this downstream: fix https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5380 or add support for show-build-info (tracked somewhat in https://github.com/haskell/hie-bios/issues/269). I think stack maintainers wants to improve support for hls (see #2151 f.e.). We also want to support stack in hls so i hope there will be a solution with the help of everybody.

jneira commented 2 years ago

In a similar issue @fendor found another stack bug:

stack does not pass --this-unit-id when doing a stack repl (or never?) and hls cant use it to identify the library component (theoretically there could be several ibs in a package). Not sure if that is observable in a direct use of stack.

it has not known upstream stack issue

andys8 commented 2 years ago

I frequently run into this issue: Working on tests, changing the codebase, encountering an error, and Haskell language server just won't work and help anymore.

Are there new known workarounds? Is migrating to cabal a/the solution?

runeksvendsen commented 2 years ago

Is migrating to cabal a/the solution?

Yes. I’ve switched to Cabal as a workaround and it solves the issue.

domenkozar commented 1 year ago

Oh boy, is there any progress on this? It really disincentivizes writing tests, so I'd like to fix it to have type errors in my editor.

mixphix commented 1 year ago

I'm running into this issue using Cabal with GHC 9.2.7:

git clone https://github.com/mixphix/smtp-hs
haskell-language-server-9.2.7 ./smtp-hs/tests/email-tests.hs

Here the language server complains that shakespeare is a hidden package, though it is listed in the build-depends: field of test-suite email-tests.

fendor commented 1 year ago

@mixphix Hi!

Your issue is related to implicit-hie and not with the issue described above. Your hie.yaml is wrong, it maps the same directory to different cabal components. In this case, even when you open email-tests.hs, it tries to load the cabal component test:codec-tests. What you want is to map the test-executable filepaths to the respective cabal components. Have a look at https://github.com/haskell/hie-bios#cabal for some details.

Any way, what you usually want is a trivial cabal cradle, like this:


which is the equivalent of running cabal repl tests/email-tests.hs. This works when your cabal version is >= 3.4. This will do the right thing and your project will load successfully.

mixphix commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @fendor! I can confirm this fix worked.