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Use -fno-show-error-context from GHC 9.8 #4295

Open dsaenztagarro opened 2 weeks ago

dsaenztagarro commented 2 weeks ago

Resolves #4281

Before the change, with GHC 9.8.1, this is how error messages look in Visual Studio Code:

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 20 47 34

After the change, this is how it looks now:

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 20 50 33


michaelpj commented 2 weeks ago

Looks great!

michaelpj commented 2 weeks ago

So it did work without changing the diagnostic printing options?

michaelpj commented 2 weeks ago

The failures look weird, I've restarted them just to see.

dsaenztagarro commented 2 weeks ago

So it did work without changing the diagnostic printing options?

@michaelpj exactly!, no need for changing diagnostic printing options.

It was completely my fault because I was using #if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,8,0) instead of #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,8,0), and so the changes were not applying, and the HLS code was not really recompiled.

michaelpj commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, so we have several problems.

Some of the tests are failing and they actually rely on matching against the error context! Argh! See https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/blob/master/plugins/hls-refactor-plugin/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs#L810

I think that actually doesn't need to match on the error context and can be rewritten to just ignore the extra bits.

I'm not sure what's going on with the hole message, we should investigate what if anything is different about the message that GHC gives us and see if we can adapt the regexes to avoid the problem: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/blob/master/plugins/hls-refactor-plugin/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/Plugins/FillHole.hs#L14

dsaenztagarro commented 2 weeks ago

@michaelpj I debugged specifically the following failing spec regarding filling infix type hole:

cabal test hls-refactor-plugin-tests --test-option="-p /filling infix type hole uses prefix notation/"

And when looking to the relevant lines you suggested:


I have found, while debugging, that comparing _message GHC payload before/after the changes, after the changes, the following part, that is used specifically in the regex comparison, it is lost:

8226 In the expression: a1 `_` a2
  In an equation for 8216test8217: test a1 a2 = a1 `_` a2

Looking at the rest of the payload, I can't see how we can still evaluate whether it is an infix hole. See below the full _message payload before/after the changes.

Before the change ``` 8226 Found hole: _ :: A -> A -> A 8226 In the expression: a1 `_` a2 In an equation for 8216test8217: test a1 a2 = a1 `_` a2 8226 Relevant bindings include a2 :: A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-28739387754/Test.hs:6:9) a1 :: A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-28739387754/Test.hs:6:6) test :: A -> A -> A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-28739387754/Test.hs:6:1) Valid hole fits include test foo asTypeOf const pure return seq Valid refinement hole fits include curry _ ($) _ ($!) _ const _ flip _ pure _ return _ id _ head _ last _ (Some refinement holefits suppressed; use -fmax-refinement-hole-fits=N or -fno-max-refinement-hole-fits) ```
After the change ``` 8226 Found hole: _ :: A -> A -> A 8226 Relevant bindings include a2 :: A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-17030982144/Test.hs:6:9) a1 :: A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-17030982144/Test.hs:6:6) test :: A -> A -> A (bound at /private/var/folders/ln/tvkm8dnn5pd8gz7hcpv9y_7m0000gn/T/extra-dir-17030982144/Test.hs:6:1) Valid hole fits include test foo asTypeOf const pure return seq Valid refinement hole fits include curry _ ($) _ ($!) _ const _ flip _ pure _ return _ id _ head _ last _ (Some refinement hole fits suppressed; use -fmax-refinement-hole-fits=N or -fno-max-refinement-hole-fits) ```
dsaenztagarro commented 1 week ago

Quick-updatetm: first of all thank you very much for all the support during the ZuriHac 2024,.. It would have been much harder to start being involved in the project without that initial push. Now, just some picks regarding the current state and my plans for the following weeks:

michaelpj commented 1 week ago

Don't worry about pushing more, that's not a problem. And if you can point out where you're still getting stuck then maybe we can help!