haskell / haskell-wiki-configuration

Issue tracking for Haskell Wiki
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IPv6 support #16

Closed tambry closed 6 years ago

tambry commented 6 years ago

The HaskellWiki is inaccessible over IPv6.

It seems like it should be a fairly easy fix, as Fastly supports IPv6.

mignon-p commented 6 years ago

@hgolden @gbaz This is another thing to consider. I agree it would be good to support IPv6.

tambry commented 6 years ago

I dug a bit further and as far as I can tell, it should be as simple as changing the CNAME record on wiki.haskell.org from j.global-ssl.fastly.net to dualstack.j.shared.global.fastly.net. Doing the switch would also enable HTTP/2.

The following works even now over IPv6 using HTTP/2:
curl "https://dualstack.j.shared.global.fastly.net/Haskell" -H "Host:wiki.haskell.org" -k -http2

hgolden commented 6 years ago

@gbaz, @ppelleti: Do you agree with @tambry's proposed change to the wiki.haskell.org CNAME record? (I am unfamiliar with this technology, though I can research it.) If so, who can make the change to the CNAME record. This is really separate from the MediaWiki upgrade AFAICT.

mignon-p commented 6 years ago

Yes, I agree that it is a separate thing. I was never involved in the CDN or the DNS, and do not have access to those. So @gbaz would need to do it, or give you the ability to do it, or pass it along to someone else who can do it. (I don't know how many others are involved in haskell.org infrastructure and what their specialties are.)

gbaz commented 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into this @tambry! I just made the switch and it appears to work...

mignon-p commented 6 years ago

Yes, thanks @tambry! Let me know if it works for you, and if so, I'll close the bug.

tambry commented 6 years ago

I can confirm it works now. Thanks for fixing this!