haskell / haskell-wiki-configuration

Issue tracking for Haskell Wiki
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Request: Make `wiki-monkey` scripts trusted #24

Open Anton-Latukha opened 5 years ago

Anton-Latukha commented 5 years ago

After that, the work of https://github.com/kynikos/wiki-monkey can be tested and made working.

  1. The least possible effect - it would greatly ease maintenance of pages for maintainers themselves.

  2. The lazy & medium effect - we can ask users in the guidelines to install and use the bot. Or even lazier - install it to all users, since

    • it is well-tested code;
    • it is GPLv3.0 licensed code;
    • it is a code from the proven and trusted person knowlageable in the IT spheres and in depth with MediaWiki;
    • script does changes only if user himself wants it, because script works only when the user decides to run it, otherwise you provided users another bunch of good program functionality as a free software, in a code you ship them;
    • since operating script is easy - pressing * button is enough of skills needed;
    • contributors would currate bot-made changes themselves, because they would review own changes;
    • seems even Stallman would be proud to have this script make his functionality of the Wiki editing UI richer, code cleaner and work easier. And users would do semi-automatic, and curated by users themselves, massive scale clean-up of pages all over the HaskellWiki.
  3. The maximum effect - effects of 1&2 + collaborative contributing to wiki-monkey.

hgolden commented 3 years ago

I'm not familiar with wiki-monkey, but I'll look at it after the update to MediaWiki-1.35.2 is stable.

Anton-Latukha commented 3 years ago

Happy to see that HaskellWiki can move/moves to new LTS release. Visual editor is awesome & would help all wikis.

I would reiterate what wiki-monkey is in other words. It is a rich user-side script. Script that users can add to their profile, so viewing & editing of the wiki extends with new feature buttons, editing would have burger menu button with many features, and there is console of the bot.

Again, it is user-side javascript. It also has extended mode with when user installs local backend server to own mashine, script then interracts with local backend & to have more performance & some additional features.

I generally use it to lint the wiki pages & markup during editing.

Anton-Latukha commented 3 years ago

Console & actions: Screenshot-2021-05-07-11:16:08