haskell / mtl

The Monad Transformer Library
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Lots of breakage due to removed re-exports in v2.3-rc3 #101

Closed sjakobi closed 2 years ago

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

Here are some build errors that I've noticed:


src/Data/YAML/Loader.hs:60:30: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadFix’
    Perhaps you meant ‘MonadFail’ (imported from Util)
60 | decodeLoader :: forall n m . MonadFix m => Loader m n -> BS.L.ByteString -> m (Either (YE.Pos, String) [n])
   |                              ^^^^^^^^

src/Data/YAML/Loader.hs:159:29: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadFix’
    Perhaps you meant ‘MonadFail’ (imported from Util)
159 |                           , MonadFix
    |                             ^^^^^^^^

algebraic-graphs (note: bounds seem sufficient):

src/Algebra/Graph/NonEmpty.hs:690:93: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: (a1 -> b1 -> (a1, b1))
             -> NonEmpty (a, a) -> NonEmpty (b, b) -> NonEmpty ((a, a), (b, b))
    • Perhaps you meant ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.State)
690 |             appendNonEmpty (fmap (\((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) -> ((a1, b1), [(a1, b2), (a2, b1)])) $ liftM2 (,) ipxs' ipys') $
    |                                                                                             ^^^^^^

src/Algebra/Graph/NonEmpty.hs:713:7: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: (a0 -> b0 -> (a0, b0))
             -> NonEmpty (a, a) -> NonEmpty (b, b) -> NonEmpty ((a, a), (b, b))
    • Perhaps you meant ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.State)
713 |     $ liftM2 (,) (pairs1 xs) (pairs1 ys)
    |       ^^^^^^

happy (bounds are fixed, needs patch):

src/Grammar.lhs:470:27: error:
    Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> M () -> t
470 | >          checkArity x = when (x > arity) $ addErr (show x++" out of range")
    |                           ^^^^

lucid (bounds are fixed, needs patch):

src/Lucid/Base.hs:164:10: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadFix’
    Perhaps you meant ‘MonadFail’ (imported from Prelude)
164 | instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (HtmlT m) where
    |          ^^^^^^^^

src/Lucid/Base.hs:195:23: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’
    Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude)
195 | instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (HtmlT m) where
    |                       ^^^^^^^

regex-tdfa (bounds are sufficient, no compatible version yet):

lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/CorePattern.hs:207:34: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
        liftM2 :: (a1 -> a1 -> a1) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
    • Perhaps you meant ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.RWS)
207 | seqTake (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+x2,liftM2 (+) y1 y2)
    |                                  ^^^^^^

lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/CorePattern.hs:468:39: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: Int
             -> PM HandleTag
             -> RWST
                  (Maybe GroupIndex)
                  [Either Tag GroupInfo]
                  ([OP] -> [OP], Tag)
    • Perhaps you meant ‘replicate’ (imported from Prelude)
468 |            bs <- fmap (++[bAdvice]) $ replicateM (pred $ length branches) newUniq -- 2 <= length ps
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^

lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/CorePattern.hs:470:18: error:
    Variable not in scope:
        :: [(Pattern, HandleTag)]
           -> ((Pattern, HandleTag) -> PM Q)
           -> RWST
                (Maybe GroupIndex)
                [Either Tag GroupInfo]
                ([OP] -> [OP], Tag)
470 |            qs <- forM (zip branches bs) (\(branch,bTag) ->  (go branch aAdvice bTag))
    |                  ^^^^

tasty (patch):

Test/Tasty/Patterns/Eval.hs:122:29: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: (Value -> M Int)
             -> (Expr -> M Value) -> Expr -> ReaderT Path (Either String) Int
    • Perhaps you meant one of these:
        ‘=<<’ (imported from Prelude), ‘<=’ (imported from Prelude)
122 |       mb_n <- traverse (asN <=< eval) mb_e3
    |                             ^^^

EDIT: More breakage

pattern-arrows (bounds are fixed):

src/Control/PatternArrows.hs:65:16: error:
    Variable not in scope:
      fix :: (Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a r) -> Pattern u a r
65 | chainl g f p = fix $ \c -> g >>> ((c <+> p) *** p) >>> A.arr (uncurry f)
   |                ^^^

src/Control/PatternArrows.hs:71:16: error:
    Variable not in scope:
      fix :: (Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a r) -> Pattern u a r
71 | chainr g f p = fix $ \c -> g >>> (p *** (c <+> p)) >>> A.arr (uncurry f)
   |                ^^^

src/Control/PatternArrows.hs:77:14: error:
    Variable not in scope:
      fix :: (Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a r) -> Pattern u a r
77 | wrap g f p = fix $ \c -> g >>> (C.id *** (c <+> p)) >>> A.arr (uncurry f)
   |              ^^^

aeson-better-errors (bounds are fixed, needs patch):

src/Data/Aeson/BetterErrors/Internal.hs:431:3: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: [(a0, A.Value)]
             -> ((Int, A.Value) -> ParseT err m a) -> ParseT err m [a]
    • Perhaps you meant one of these:
        ‘V.forM’ (imported from Data.Vector),
        ‘V.forM_’ (imported from Data.Vector),
        ‘V.iforM’ (imported from Data.Vector)
      Perhaps you want to add ‘forM’ to the import list in the import of
      ‘Data.Vector’ (src/Data/Aeson/BetterErrors/Internal.hs:32:1-25).
431 |   forM xs $ \(i, x) ->
    |   ^^^^

src/Data/Aeson/BetterErrors/Internal.hs:439:3: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: [(Text, A.Value)]
             -> ((Text, A.Value) -> ParseT err m a) -> ParseT err m [a]
    • Perhaps you meant one of these:
        ‘V.forM’ (imported from Data.Vector),
        ‘V.forM_’ (imported from Data.Vector),
        ‘V.iforM’ (imported from Data.Vector)
      Perhaps you want to add ‘forM’ to the import list in the import of
      ‘Data.Vector’ (src/Data/Aeson/BetterErrors/Internal.hs:32:1-25).
439 |   forM xs $ \(k, x) ->
    |   ^^^^

mfsolve (bounds are fixed, needs patch):

Math/MFSolve.hs:265:68: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’
    Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude)
265 |                             deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState (Dependencies v n),
    |                                                                    ^^^^^^^

bytes (bounds seem sufficient, has compatible release):

src/Data/Bytes/Get.hs:232:5: error:
    Variable not in scope: unless :: Bool -> m14 a42 -> B.Get a43
232 |     unless (Strict.length bs >= n) $ Fail.fail "ensure: Required more bytes"
    |     ^^^^^^

src/Data/Bytes/Get.hs:319:45: error:
    • Variable not in scope:
          :: (Either c16 c16 -> c16)
             -> m12 (Either a38 b37) -> m (Maybe a, s)
    • Perhaps you meant ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Writer.Strict)
319 |   lookAheadM (Lazy.StateT m) = Lazy.StateT (liftM factor . lookAheadE . liftM distribute . m)
    |                                             ^^^^^

logict (bounds seem sufficient, no compatible version yet):

Control/Monad/Logic/Class.hs:30:8: error:
    Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadPlus’
30 | class (MonadPlus m) => MonadLogic m where
   |        ^^^^^^^^^

monad-par (bounds are fixed, needs patch):

``` Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:210:3: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a1 | 210 | when dbg $ case mb of | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:220:3: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a3 | 220 | when dbg $ do sn <- makeStableName task | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:234:3: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO () | 234 | when (not (Prelude.null idles)) $ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:235:5: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t1 -> IO a2 | 235 | when dbg$ printf "Waking %d idle thread(s).\n" (length idles) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:272:24: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> Par () -> Par a23 | 272 | let userComp' = do when dbg$ io$ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:278:31: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a24 | 278 | io$ do when (dbglvl>=1) $ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:287:28: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO Bool -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO t12 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 287 | loop n = do flg <- liftIO$ readIORef newFlag | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:288:21: error: Variable not in scope: unless :: t12 -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO () -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO () | 288 | unless flg $ do | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:289:23: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t13 -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a22 | 289 | when dbg $ liftIO$ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:289:34: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO () -> t13 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 289 | when dbg $ liftIO$ do | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:301:5: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a25 | 301 | when (dbglvl>=1)$ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:350:8: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t14 -> IO a26 | 350 | when (dbglvl>=1)$ printf " [%d %s] runPar called from existing worker thread, new session (%d)....\n" (no sched) (show tid) (sid0 + 1) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:361:21: error: • Variable not in scope: forM :: [(a34, Sched)] -> ((Int, Sched) -> IO (Maybe (MVar Int))) -> IO [Maybe a32] • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘PC.fork’ (imported from Control.Monad.Par.Class), ‘fork’ (line 576) | 361 | doneFlags <- forM (zip [0..] allscheds) $ \(cpu,sched) -> do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:371:26: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t15 -> IO a27 | 371 | then do when dbg$ printf " [%d %s] Anonymous worker entering scheduling loop.\n" cpu (show tid2) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:373:26: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t16 -> IO a28 | 373 | when dbg$ printf " [%d] Anonymous worker exited scheduling loop. FINISHED.\n" cpu | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:379:26: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t17 -> IO a29 | 379 | when dbg$ do printf " *** Out of entire runContT user computation on main thread %s.\n" (show tid2) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:387:8: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> m3 b4 -> IO a30 | 387 | when _WAIT_FOR_WORKERS $ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:388:12: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t18 -> m3 a31 | 388 | when dbg$ printf " *** [%s] Originator thread: waiting for workers to complete." (show tidorig) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:389:12: error: Variable not in scope: forM_ :: [a32] -> (MVar a35 -> IO b5) -> m3 b4 | 389 | forM_ (catMaybes doneFlags) $ \ mv -> do | ^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:392:14: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t19 -> IO b5 | 392 | when dbg$ printf " * [%s] Worker %s completed\n" (show tidorig) (show n) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:394:8: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t20 -> IO a33 | 394 | when dbg$ do printf " *** [%s] Reading final MVar on originator thread.\n" (show tidorig) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:411:4: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a4 | 411 | when dbg$ do tid <- myThreadId | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:413:17: error: • Variable not in scope: replicateM :: Int -> IO (SimpleDeque elt0) -> IO [SimpleDeque (Par ())] • Perhaps you meant ‘replicate’ (imported from Prelude) | 413 | workpools <- replicateM numCapabilities $ R.newQ | ^^^^^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:414:17: error: • Variable not in scope: replicateM :: Int -> IO (HotVar (Random.Gen ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Prim.RealWorld)) -> IO [HotVar (Random.Gen ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Prim.RealWorld)] • Perhaps you meant ‘replicate’ (imported from Prelude) | 414 | rngs <- replicateM numCapabilities $ Random.create >>= newHotVar | ^^^^^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:592:7: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> Par () -> Par () | 592 | when dbg$ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:599:7: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> Par () -> Par a13 | 599 | when dbg$ io$ printf " [%d] forking task...\n" (no sch) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:612:3: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t6 -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a14 | 612 | when dbg$ liftIO$ do tid <- myThreadId | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:612:13: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO () -> t6 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 612 | when dbg$ liftIO$ do tid <- myThreadId | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:617:13: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO (Maybe (Par ())) -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO (Maybe (Par a19)) • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 617 | mtask <- liftIO$ popWork mysched | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:620:43: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO [Session] -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO [Session] • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 620 | (Session _ finRef):_ <- liftIO$ readIORef $ sessions mysched | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:621:26: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO Bool -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO Bool • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 621 | fin <- liftIO$ readIORef finRef | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:623:28: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t7 -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a15 | 623 | then do when (dbglvl >= 1) $ liftIO $ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:623:49: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO b2 -> t7 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 623 | then do when (dbglvl >= 1) $ liftIO $ do | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:629:30: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t9 -> IO b2 | 629 | when (not empt) $ do | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:640:22: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO () -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a16 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 640 | liftIO$ steal mysched | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:644:22: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO () -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a17 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 644 | liftIO yield | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:648:8: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> m2 b3 -> RD.ReaderT Sched IO a18 | 648 | when dbg $ do sn <- liftIO$ makeStableName task | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:648:28: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO (GHC.StableName.StableName (Par a19)) -> m2 (GHC.StableName.StableName a20) • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 648 | when dbg $ do sn <- liftIO$ makeStableName task | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:649:22: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: t10 -> m2 b3 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 649 | liftIO$ printf " [%d] popped work %d from own queue\n" (no mysched) (hashStableName sn) | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:654:12: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t8 -> Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.DirectInternal.ROnly a21 | 654 | when dbg$ liftIO$ printf " + task finished successfully on cpu %d, calling reschedule continuation..\n" (no sch) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:654:22: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: t11 -> t8 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 654 | when dbg$ liftIO$ printf " + task finished successfully on cpu %d, calling reschedule continuation..\n" (no sch) | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:664:3: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a12 | 664 | when (dbglvl>=2)$ do tid <- myThreadId | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:681:22: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t2 -> IO a5 | 681 | when dbg$ printf " [%d] | waking up all threads\n" my_no | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:690:26: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t3 -> IO a6 | 690 | when dbg$ printf " [%d] | shutting down\n" my_no | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:693:26: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t4 -> IO a7 | 693 | when dbg$ printf " [%d] | woken up\n" my_no | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:708:10: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> t5 -> IO a8 | 708 | when (dbglvl>=2)$ printf " [%d] | trying steal from %d\n" my_no (no schd) | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:716:15: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO a9 | 716 | when dbg$ do sn <- makeStableName task | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:721:20: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> m0 b1 -> Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.DirectInternal.ROnly a10 | 721 | when dbg$ do sn <- liftIO$ makeStableName task | ^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:721:39: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO (GHC.StableName.StableName (Par ())) -> m0 (GHC.StableName.StableName a11) • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 721 | when dbg$ do sn <- liftIO$ makeStableName task | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:722:33: error: • Variable not in scope: liftIO :: t0 -> m0 b1 • Perhaps you meant one of these: ‘lift’ (imported from Control.Monad.Cont), ‘liftA’ (imported from Control.Applicative), ‘liftA2’ (imported from Control.Applicative) | 722 | liftIO$ printf " [%d] | DONE running stolen work (unit %d) from %d\n" my_no (hashStableName sn) (no schd) | ^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:863:3: error: Variable not in scope: forM_ :: [Sched] -> (Sched -> IO b0) -> IO a0 | 863 | forM_ allscheds $ \ Sched{no, workpool} -> do | ^^^^^ Control/Monad/Par/Scheds/Direct.hs:865:6: error: Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> m1 () -> IO b0 | 865 | when (not b) $ do | ^^^^ ```

EDIT 2: Even more breakage

repline (bounds are sufficient, PR):

``` src/System/Console/Repline.hs:185:7: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 185 | MonadIO, | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:186:7: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadFix’ Perhaps you meant ‘MonadFail’ (imported from Control.Monad.Fail) | 186 | MonadFix, | ^^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:195:32: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 195 | runHaskelineT :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => H.Settings m -> HaskelineT m a -> m a | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:204:24: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 204 | instance (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => MonadHaskeline (H.InputT m) where | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:258:28: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 258 | tryAction :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => HaskelineT m a -> HaskelineT m a | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:264:15: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 264 | dontCrash :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => m () -> m () | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:273:28: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 273 | (Functor m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:371:31: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 371 | evalReplOpts :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ReplOpts m -> m () | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:385:17: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 385 | (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:437:16: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 437 | mkCompleter :: MonadIO m => CompleterStyle m -> CompletionFunc m | ^^^^^^^ src/System/Console/Repline.hs:476:18: error: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘MonadIO’ Perhaps you meant ‘Monad’ (imported from Prelude) | 476 | fileCompleter :: MonadIO m => CompletionFunc m | ^^^^^^^ ```

I wonder whether it might be better to continue to re-export a selected (stable) set of combinators and possibly also classes like MonadIO and MonadFix.

For combinators like liftM2, when or (<=<), I don't see how this could do any harm by causing compatibility issues down the road.

In the case of classes like MonadIO and MonadFix I'm less sure, but even for these it might be no worse to cause the breakage once it's warranted by upstream changes on these classes themselves.

What do you think?

phadej commented 2 years ago

One common thing about (at least 6 first packages) is that they are importing mtl modules unqualified:

https://github.com/haskell-hvr/HsYAML/blob/c9cd9898f839c1f2108148649e8a127c23ba3f0f/src/Data/YAML/Loader.hs#L19 https://github.com/snowleopard/alga/blob/1623fae605503595ee331929157c61b5e5e0c1c7/src/Algebra/Graph/NonEmpty.hs#L57 https://github.com/chrisdone/lucid/blob/998ddcfa350134bcb92398bb8ccadfb32b6fc873/lucid1/src/Lucid/Base.hs#L49 https://github.com/haskell-hvr/regex-tdfa/blob/5919e9c1e23486b5a48f29989ec8898fbf74c643/lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/CorePattern.hs#L37 https://github.com/UnkindPartition/tasty/blob/master/core/Test/Tasty/Patterns/Eval.hs#L5

released happy:

> import Control.Monad.Writer

logict is fixed in https://github.com/Bodigrim/logict/commit/7c217cdecdb84dcfc39b43171bb8f6d7827663d1#diff-e9956f814b9685cfcc940660acc036a864f1f52389476632361b19e25fab69d2

andreasabel commented 2 years ago

One common thing about (at least 6 first packages) is that they are importing mtl modules unqualified:

Yes, of course, this is established practice.

phadej commented 2 years ago

established bad practice.

Emphasis mine. But as I said in the PR #99, it's probably better to revert that and forget about the cleanup of #68.

andreasabel commented 2 years ago

Mmh, if migration is as simple as adding extra imports, like

import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid (...)

I personally would not mind adding these. But it would feel unnatural to discontinue unqualified import of monad transformers, like

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer

because the names brought into scope are distinct enough (ReaderT, runReaderT, MonadReader, evalState, etc.).

phadej commented 2 years ago

@andreasabel Yes, you could continue to to use unqualified imports, and the #99 change makes that less dangerous, by making these modules export less (e.g. all of Data.Monoid).

I'd still advise against. E.g. HLS makes it quite easy to add explicit import lists after initial development is done. (Or you may use internal prelude and import these modules once and re-export for your package, then you get both: the control of what is in scope and convenience).

IMO unqualified imports are a wart of Haskell. Nice for one-off little scripts, not good for "made to last" software. Unqualified imports make adding new names potentially breaking change. And PVP explicitly mentions and advices against: See Backwards compatible client specification. in https://pvp.haskell.org/. So if you do

import Control.Monad.Except

you should have

build-depends: mtl <2.2.3

but no one does that unfortunately. (e.g. lucid and tasty don't have upper bounds at all)

And I admit the defeat. Trying to make people follow PVP practices is just not gonna happen.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

For reference, @phadej and I have discussed this issue a bit further in #99.

I've realized that I don't particularly care about this issue, because I don't need the new features in transformers-0.6.

I do expect though, that if transformers-0.6 is used in GHC 9.4, the breaking changes in mtl will probably inhibit adoption of GHC 9.4. I think the mtl maintainers should take this into account.

chessai commented 2 years ago

cc @emilypi let's schedule a meeting to discuss this

On Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 09:39 Simon Jakobi @.***> wrote:

For reference, @phadej https://github.com/phadej and I have discussed this issue a bit further in #99 https://github.com/haskell/mtl/pull/99.

I've realized that I don't particularly care about this issue, because I don't need the new features in transformers-0.6.

I do expect though, that if transformers-0.6 is used in GHC 9.4, the breaking changes in mtl will probably inhibit adoption of GHC 9.4. I think the mtl maintainers should take this into account.

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chessai commented 2 years ago

So, I suppose everyone is in favour of reverting the no re-export change and then just cutting a release? cc @emilypi

phadej commented 2 years ago

I'd note that until that reverting (i.e. un-fixing #68) probably means that Control.Monad, Data.Monoid, Control.Monad.Fix in base should be treated akin to Prelude (i.e. changes in these are very controvercial). cc @Bodigrim

The explicit re-export lists as @sjakobi suggested is middle-ground. Less bad than open re-export.

Bodigrim commented 2 years ago

It would help to have a clear strategy statement from maintainers. Do mtl maintainers want this change to happen (now or in future) despite its impact? #74 suggests that the answer is yes, but that discussion might be outdated.

Bodigrim commented 2 years ago

Here are my thoughts in a personal capacity, feel free to ignore.

I'd release mtl-2.3 without #99 and (if there is a consensus that it is a desired change to happen) immediately follow up with mtl-2.4 with #99. Update GHC submodule to mtl-2.3, but not to mtl-2.4 yet.

The rationale is that it mtl-2.3 is an important release to catch up with transformers, which is long overdue. It is already breaking enough, and people are unable to test it at the moment, because #99 breaks almost every consumer in a long chain of dependencies. Reverting #99 would give users a decent way to test and migrate over ListT / ErrorT changes, so that mtl is not a stumbling block by the time GHC 9.4 is released.

Having mtl-2.4 released, but not forced onto users (by bumping GHC submodule) would provide a gentle push and opportunity for maintainers to upgrade in a due course. For example, they'll be able to setup Haskell-CI workflow with mtl pinned to 2.4, overrriding an installed boot package. Required changes are backward-compatible and does not need CPP, which is awesome, but it's worth to give time to the ecosystem to accomodate them. Once key packages are compatible, one can push mtl-2.4 as a submodule for GHC 9.6.

phadej commented 2 years ago

That feels like kicking everything twice, especially if a package needs changes due both, removed ErrorT and removed re-exports.

If GHC-9.4 is to be released in 5 months at earliest (?), why wait with re-export removal breakage.

Bodigrim commented 2 years ago

That feels like kicking everything twice, especially if a package needs changes due both

If both mtl-2.3 and mtl-2.4 are released at the same time, a motivated maintainer can do both changes at once. I am personally not a fan of cliff edges when you must upgrade half of the world just to accomodate transformers-0.6. Five months are not that much, especially given that I do not see any migration guide or a loud announcement of this change except a tiny changelog line.

Essentially it's a judgement call, how much breakage in which period of time maintainers are comfortable with. I do not really want to interfere with their decision uninvited, but on the other hand I'd love to hear it rather sooner than later; delaying a release indefinitely does not make anything better at all.

chessai commented 2 years ago

I think I am leaning toward reverting and just being in violation of PVP for now. I never imagined so much of the ecosystem would use MTL imports in this way, which I consider poor form, but others don't seem to mind that much.

What do others think? @sjakobi @phadej @Bodigrim @emilypi

On Sun, Jan 9, 2022, 06:46 Bodigrim @.***> wrote:

That feels like kicking everything twice, especially if a package needs changes due both

If both mtl-2.3 and mtl-2.4 are released at the same time, a motivated maintainer can do both changes at once. I am personally not a fan of cliff edges when you must upgrade half of the world just to accomodate transformers-0.6. Five months are not that much, especially given that I do not see any migration guide or a loud announcement of this change except a tiny changelog line.

Essentially it's a judgement call, how much breakage in which period of time maintainers are comfortable with. I do not really want to interfere with their decision uninvited, but on the other hand I'd love to hear it rather sooner than later; delaying a release indefinitely does not make anything better at all.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/haskell/mtl/issues/101#issuecomment-1008291143, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AEOIX2Z3746H7EAHIZ44QLTUVF7SNANCNFSM5ILAYSLQ . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I do like @Bodigrim's suggestion from https://github.com/haskell/mtl/issues/101#issuecomment-1005139255. Making a first release with #99 reverted would be a good first step in any case. :+1:

Bodigrim commented 2 years ago

I understand technical merits of #99, and indeed things like replicate being imported by Control.Monad.Reader are fishy, but it is also a huge-huge breaking change (in the name of potentially less breaking changes in future). It's not my burden to facilitate migration and respond to user's feedback, so it would be wrong for me to advice on strategy. Otherwise my take is in https://github.com/haskell/mtl/issues/101#issuecomment-1005139255.

phadej commented 2 years ago

I want to remind about the middle-ground: At least make the re-exports explicit, and fixed.

It's not that easy to do as just reverting: someone have to write code "new" code, but it's not much work either: e.g. make a other-modules named MonadReexports with an explicit re-export list, and re-export that one instead of Control.Monad, Data.Monoid etc.

(If you ask me to do it, I'll ask to be become mtl maintainer...)

Bodigrim commented 2 years ago

@chessai @emilypi GHC 9.4 feature freeze is upcoming in February. It would be nice to release mtl-2.3 with transformers-0.6 support, so that both can be updated in GHC source tree.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I'm happy to report that all of the packages I mentioned in the issue description build without errors with mtl-2.3-rc4. Some may already have been patched, but the majority seem to have been fixed via #103.

andreasabel commented 2 years ago

Need this issue be reopened, because of https://github.com/haskell/mtl/pull/103#issuecomment-1024522023 ?

Tracking breakage and fixes:

andreasabel commented 2 years ago

@Bodigrim's take (https://github.com/haskell/mtl/issues/101#issuecomment-1005139255) seems best: Decouple transformers-0.6 adoption (uncontroversial) from the big breakage (controversial). Yes, there is some breakage also due to the removal of ErrorT and ListT, but there have been deprecation warnings for years, so this should come to no-ones surprise.

andreasabel commented 2 years ago

@sjakobi : Will you reopen this one or shall I create a new issue to track breakage and fixes with RC3?

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

Yeah, feel free to use this issue for tracking breakage and fixes.

kozross commented 2 years ago

@emilypi @chessai Given the merging of #108, is this issue stale?

emilypi commented 2 years ago

Yes, thanks @kozross

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

@kozross, @emilypi What do you mean with "stale"? Did you find a way to reduce the breakage reported in this issue?

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I can actually reproduce many of the compilation errors I reported with the mtl-2.3 release.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

I've used my Hackage trustee powers to add mtl < 2.3 bounds to all the packages listed above that needed them.

Many don't have patches to add support for mtl-2.3 yet though:

EDIT: More packages that need patches:

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

Another broken package that is blocking many other packages is x509: https://github.com/haskell-tls/hs-certificate/issues/129

emilypi commented 2 years ago

To put it bluntly, bounds problems on other packages aren't my problem. they should use upper bounds. I'm not going to stop you from doing work you feel you need to do, but maintainers should take responsibility for their packages and do the patch work themselves. I don't want you to burn out because they don't want to add an upper bound or maintain their packages.

sjakobi commented 2 years ago

No worries, @emilypi! :) I know I don't have to fix bounds on other people's packages.