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Expose more packages #11

Closed tomsmeding closed 1 year ago

tomsmeding commented 1 year ago

Currently we expose only the GHC boot libs, which excludes potentially useful stuff like random. There is a design question here: how much do we want to expose? All of hackage is nigh impossible, all of stackage is potentially possible but very resource-hungry and frankly overkill. Installing packages on-demand is a rathole I'd rather not get into, I think. What to do?

Kleidukos commented 1 year ago

I would suggest adding:

tomsmeding commented 1 year ago

at which point we could just as well expose a bunch more from their collective transitive dependency set:

aeson assoc async attoparsec attoparsec base16 base64 base-compat base-compat-batteries base-orphans bifunctors comonad contravariant data-array-byte data-fix distributive dlist effectful effectful-core generically hashable indexed-traversable indexed-traversable-instances integer-logarithms monad-control OneTuple primitive QuickCheck random safe-exceptions scientific semialign semigroupoids splitmix StateVar strict tagged text-short th-abstraction these time-compat transformers-base transformers-compat unliftio unliftio-core unordered-containers uuid-types vector vector-stream witherable

Kleidukos commented 1 year ago

It looks like a solid set of packages indeed!

Kleidukos commented 1 year ago

It would also be important to list in a "about" page/modal the list of these packages and their version as their appear in the freeze file

tomsmeding commented 1 year ago

https://play-haskell.tomsmeding.com/saved/4PHAIH1d bunch of packages available now, these to be precise

tomsmeding commented 1 year ago

Basic functionality has been implemented, remaining work is in #17