haskell / pvp

Haskell Package Version Policy (PVP)
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Instructions how to build unclear #17

Closed wereHamster closed 7 years ago

wereHamster commented 7 years ago

Tried the standard cabal configure/install (using ghc 8.0.1 / cabal but got stuck:

$ cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
Notice: installing into a sandbox located at
Configuring pandoc-1.17.2...
Failed to install pandoc-1.17.2
Build log ( /Users/tomc/dev/pvp/.cabal-sandbox/logs/ghc-8.0.2/pandoc-1.17.2-5JRTd4aGtiYLtWZCoRZa7k.log ):
cabal: Entering directory '/var/folders/db/xq84lg117mj6rvv3gbj9xfkc0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-77851/pandoc-1.17.2'
cabal: Leaving directory '/var/folders/db/xq84lg117mj6rvv3gbj9xfkc0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-77851/pandoc-1.17.2'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
hakyll- depends on hakyll- which failed to
pandoc-1.17.2-5JRTd4aGtiYLtWZCoRZa7k failed during the configure step. The
exception was:
dieVerbatim: user error (cabal:
'/Users/tomc/.stack/programs/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.0.2/bin/ghc' exited with
an error:

• Couldn't match expected type ‘ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> PreProcessor’
with actual type ‘PreProcessor’
• In the expression:
{platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
$ \ infile outfile verbosity
-> do { let ...;
.... }}
In the expression:
\ _ lbi
-> PreProcessor
{platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
$ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...}
In the expression:
\ _ lbi
-> PreProcessor
{platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor
$ \ infile outfile verbosity -> ...})

Data constructor not in scope: FlagName :: [Char] -> FlagName
pandoc-citeproc- depends on
pandoc-citeproc- which failed to install.
pvp-site-1.0-KwEwlEDTbLx358NLFFOHpp depends on pvp-site-1.0 which failed to
hvr commented 7 years ago

@wereHamster I've updated the README to include some instructions. Can you try following those and see if it works then?

wereHamster commented 7 years ago

Can confirm that it works with GHC 8.2.1 and cabal

I'm puzzled though why such a simple website requires the latest and greatest versions of everything. There doesn't seem to be anything that would inherently require ghc 8 or cabal 2.

hvr commented 7 years ago

@wereHamster It would be easy to extend support to older GHCs if that's desired, but as far as cabal is concerned, I'm dogfooding wherever I can, and given the plan to phase out the pre-new-build cabals as soon as possible, I have little incentive to spend the little time I have to support, test and improve tooling other than cabal new-build.