haskell / pvp

Haskell Package Version Policy (PVP)
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FAQ should mention x-uncurated #29

Open massysett opened 4 years ago

massysett commented 4 years ago

According to http://hackage.haskell.org/upload

"Packages which are uncurated have no expectations on them regarding versioning policy."

Yet the PVP FAQ says

"Yes, packages uploaded to Hackage (which is a pre-requisite for being included in Stackage) are expected to honor the PVP."

Since only curated packages must honor the PVP, the PVP FAQ is inaccurate. I suggest editing the "My package is in Stackage" answer - perhaps something like "The PVP requires that you specify all version bounds. If you do not wish to adhere to this aspect of the PVP, your package is not PVP compliant and you must indicate this by setting the x-curation field in your .cabal file to uncurated."