haskell / random

Random number library
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How do I put this into my stack project? #129

Closed eboatwright closed 2 years ago

eboatwright commented 2 years ago

First, I tried adding it to the .cabal file. Whenever I ran stack run, it would remove it. So, then I tried adding it to stack.yaml. After some trying, and clearing cache, I got stack build working without an error. But, if I try to import it into my Main.hs file, with import System.Random It returns an error saying that it can't find that module

lehins commented 2 years ago

This question is unrelated to random. Moreover, github issue tracker is for reporting bugs and requesting features. I can recommend trying stackoverflow.com for this sort of questions

eboatwright commented 2 years ago

Well, I already checked all the stackoverflow "answers" and none of them worked

lehins commented 2 years ago

@eboatwright, have you tried "asking" a question on stackoverflow.com? That is what the whole platform was designed for: if the question you are looking an answer for have never been asked before you can submit your own question.

All I am saying is that Github is not a place to ask general questions on how a library is suppose to be used, especially since your question is completely unrelated to random library, your issue is with the way you are using your dev tools.

eboatwright commented 2 years ago
