haskell / security-advisories

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Cabal package publishing process #177

Open MangoIV opened 3 months ago

MangoIV commented 3 months ago


it would be good to offer the tools provided in this repository as a package on hackage.

For cabal-audit, Jude Taylor is asking me to whom they should transfer the maintainer rights of cabal-audit for the PR that adds that tool.

Can any of the Haskell security working group please confirm whom to pass the maintainer rights to?

frasertweedale commented 3 months ago

Most definitely, we plan to do this soon. I hope to tackle it during the next week or so.

MangoIV commented 2 months ago

@frasertweedale I don't wanna be pushy, but Joel really hurried up in making sure they can hand over the namespace so it would be kinda rude to keep them waiting for a long time, can you perhaps name an account that they can hand over the namespace cabal-audit to, for the time being?

Thanks in advance!