haskell / stylish-haskell

Haskell code prettifier
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Align of mutl_way_if incorrect #477

Open erikd opened 4 months ago

erikd commented 4 months ago

In my .stylish-haskell.yaml I have:

  # Never align the right hand side of some elements.
  - simple_align:
      cases: never
      top_level_patterns: never
      records: never
      multi_way_if: never
  - squash: {}

and after using stylish-haskell on one of my files, I get the following as part of the diff:

     st <- getFileStatus fp
       | isRegularFile st -> pure (fp : files, dirs)
-      | isDirectory st -> pure (files, fp : dirs)
-      | otherwise -> pure (files, dirs)
+      | isDirectory st   -> pure (files, fp : dirs)
+      | otherwise        -> pure (files, dirs)

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