haskell / win32

Haskell support for the Win32 API
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Compilation failure on 7.6.3 #118

Closed adamgundry closed 6 years ago

adamgundry commented 6 years ago

With GHC 7.6.3, the latest version ( is selected by cabal's solver but fails to build with:

Building library for Win32-
    Unsupported extension: NegativeLiterals

If you don't want to support GHCs this old (fair enough!) would you remind revising the bound on base to reflect supported versions, so that cabal will select an older version as needed?

See https://ci.appveyor.com/project/adamgundry/acid-state/build/job/b79whx1g7h85sgop for a build log.

hvr commented 6 years ago

Alternatively, if the .cabal file had this declared via other-extensions: NegativeLiterals the solver would also have avoided it w/ GHC versions which don't provide that extensions

Mistuke commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report, I don't actually support 7.6, I only currently go only back to 7.8, however in this case the changes required to not use this extension are minimal so I will patch that up.

Mistuke commented 6 years ago

Alternatively, if the .cabal file had this declared via other-extensions: NegativeLiterals the solver would also have avoided it w/ GHC versions which don't provide that extensions

Ah thanks, that's useful to know.

Mistuke commented 6 years ago

119 Will fix this, will release tomorrow.

adamgundry commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick turnaround! I can confirm that builds with 7.6.3.

hvr commented 6 years ago

For the record, the affected releases were revised as well: