hasmithagunda123 / ALL_INDIA_HACKATHON

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Defining and detecting harassment through cameras is technical challenge #18

Open viththagi opened 1 month ago

viththagi commented 1 month ago

Defining harassment through objective criteria for video analytics is complex. Subtle cues or non-physical harassment might be difficult to detect using cameras alone. Non-verbal Cues: Often, harassment is communicated through non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice. These subtleties are very challenging for video analytics software to interpret reliably.

so for activity recognition:Develop algorithms that go beyond simple object detection to recognize specific actions and interactions that might indicate harassment. This includes analyzing posture, gestures, and relative positioning of people.

Sensor Fusion: Combining data from cameras with other sensors like microphones (with privacy safeguards) or wearables (with user consent) can provide a more comprehensive picture of the situation.

Advancements in AI, particularly in areas like natural language processing and sentiment analysis, can help interpret non-verbal cues and the emotional context of interactions.

so i would like to work on these sensor fusion and sentiment analysis so assign me this issue

Neh2005 commented 1 month ago

I would also like to work on this issue. Please assign this to me under Gssoc'24.

shashbh18 commented 1 week ago

I would love to work on it.Please assign this issue to me.