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Mailarchive needs to handle RFC 2047 escaping in header fields #2554

Closed hassanakbar4 closed 3 years ago

hassanakbar4 commented 6 years ago

component_MailArchive: User Interface resolution_fixed type_defect | by adam@nostrum.com

Currently, the mailarchive interface will display the literal value of header fields for, e.g., subject lines and sender names. When values are encoded with RFC 2047-style encoding, the result of doing so is unreadable; e.g. the system displays "Patrik =?utf-8?b?RsOkbHRzdHLDtm0=?=" rather than "Patrik Faltström".

See https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/driu/uEzlHp8NQP4Tuix-OSL0Zcii5zc for an example.

Issue migrated from trac:2554 at 2021-09-23 15:38:54 +0500

hassanakbar4 commented 6 years ago

@hassanakbar4 commented

In general the archive does handle RFC 2047 encoding properly. See example here: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/sipcore/zVxTQ2gGlY6aVg_4_GiKDwxXvHY=

In this case it appears to be invalid encoding since the encoded word is not followed by whitespace. See RFC2047 Section 5. That said, email.header.decode_header seems to work for this header in Python 3.4, just not in Python 2.7, which we are currently running.

hassanakbar4 commented 6 years ago

@hassanakbar4 changed status from new to closed

hassanakbar4 commented 6 years ago

@hassanakbar4 changed resolution from ` tofixed`

hassanakbar4 commented 6 years ago

@hassanakbar4 commented

Fixed in [801/mailarch]:

Fix MIME encoded-word (RFC2047) issues. Fixes #1965. Fixes #2554.